Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1166: 1148Preparation

Chapter 1166 1148. Preparation

After saying that, Berengar clapped his hands and left. He had to quickly repair the armor that was broken by Smaug.

Lan En, on the other hand, was still looking at the letter Foltest sent asking for help, frowning.

"Such a big thing suddenly happened without any warning."

Tisaya didn't seem to have any fluctuations. She still sat in her seat proudly and dignifiedly, and asked softly without turning her head.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

"If Foltest had any other way, he wouldn't have come to me. This is a sensitive move."

Lan En didn't even raise his head, he flipped through the pieces of letter paper repeatedly, and occasionally took a sip of juice from the cup.

"And if the scope of this mutation is really expanded to the Pontal River Valley...what the hell! I just bought shares of a cargo shipping company on the Pontal River!"

The witcher complained, flicking the fine letter paper with his fingers.

And if something does happen in the Pontal Valley, it won't just be the fault of the river shipping companies.

The Pontar River crosses the four northern countries, and all the water transportation arteries of the four countries are on this river.

Once something happens in the Pontar Valley, the Valyrian Steel business will no longer be possible.

Without water transportation and relying solely on land transportation, transportation efficiency will be cut by 80%, and any profitable business will be ruined.

The impact of this incident was too great both in public and private matters, and Lan En was ready to accept Foltest's invitation to see what was going on.

“And to be honest, the things I really want to do right now don’t have the resources or the time.”

Lan En's eyes did not move away from the letter, but the focus of his eyes was no longer on the letter.

"It would be nice to do something else."

Looking at Lan En's side face, Margarita swallowed back what she originally wanted to say.

After a period of time, Lan En did not leave immediately.

The mutation near Elland has been going on for more than a month, and it doesn't make much difference whether it's a few days earlier or a few days later. And he still has to do some preparation work.

First of all, the repair of the Grandmaster-level Bear School armor is not that fast. The leather and tethers that were roasted by Smaug's dragon fire are of the highest quality to match this Grandmaster-level armor.

All the merchants in Gos Velen's entire city couldn't get the goods in stock.

These top-quality leathers not only require good base materials, but also require magic and alchemical processing. The cost is very high and the demand is very small. Therefore, few merchants stock large quantities of goods.

Berengar had to contact the blacksmith in Sir Wesselad's Crow's Nest, and the two of them found half a merchant in Waylon to get it together.

But this is much faster than asking Berengar to start processing leather on the spot.

It took two days to repair this set of master-level armor. On the day it was put on Lan En again, the blood in Lan En's body also completed the transformation.

Under the action of the [blood reconstruction organ], the blood flow throughout his body became a high-energy state that could carry more oxygen and nutrients.

Through breathing methods and food intake, he simultaneously filled the blood with nutrients when the blood transformation was completed.

In his body, the enhanced organs began to operate in a more efficient state and perform physiological activities.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of Lan En’s subconscious resistance, or whether [Spiritual Vision] or some other force has an inhibitory effect on the growth hormone secreted by [Song Gland].

Anyway, in his memory, the Primaris Space Marines' height suddenly increased to more than three meters, which did not happen.

On the contrary, his height has remained at 2.5 meters during this period, and even if other enhanced organs were subsequently implanted, his body shape has not changed.

The strength has not dropped at all.

On the other hand, the space expansion pack produced by Aretusa has also been equipped for Velvet Ball.

The order for the space expansion pack in the academy has been waiting for a long time, but considering that the problem Lan En is going to go out to solve this time sounds really weird and dangerous.

So Tissaya and Margarita simply gave him the space expansion packages that had not yet been delivered after they were completed.

Not only was the flannel ball now carrying a small bundle made of devil skin on its back.

Qilin's luxurious and beautiful magic harness was also coupled with a common horseback trousers.

A package made of petrified cockatrice skin and a package made of gliding lizard skin were connected together and placed on Qilin's butt.

This really greatly improved Lan En's carrying capacity.

"It is a matter of great importance regarding the smooth flow of the Pontal Valley."

Finally, Margarita whispered to Lan En as he was being sent out of the city.

"Foltest will definitely make great efforts to solve this matter. Spell support is indispensable. Who has this honor, my dear?"

The sorceress with dazzling eyebrows looked at the witcher with an unspoken and ambiguous smile.

"Triss." Following Margarita's prompt, Lan said the name.

Although Temeria has many experienced royal advisors, only Triss will be sent there.

Because Lan En will go too.

"So enjoy it, my dear." Margarita encouraged, adjusting the bearskin collar on the witcher's repaired armor. "Don't hesitate when you need magic support. Although Triss is young and her magic power is so-so, she has good talent and is quite remarkable."

Mages who can compete to be appointed as royal advisors to Temeria, one of the four northern kingdoms, are evaluated as having only so-so magic power.

Anyone would think that some drunkard was talking nonsense.

But if the person who said this was Margarita Laux Andrea, it would be normal to express Triss's level on her own level.

Philippa Eilhardt was the most powerful of the many mages serving the four northern countries, but this woman always spoke cautiously when talking about magic-related topics in front of Margarita, for fear of making a fool of herself.

Since they began to study the elf beacon brought back by Lan En, in just a few months, Margarita and Tissaya had the ability to sense the intersection of the celestial sphere and estimate the opening time.

Their talents and spell abilities are undoubtedly top-notch.

"I hope you and Tissaya can also study in the academy what happened in that place to cause such a large area to be devoid of living creatures."

Lan En scratched his cheek and said.

"If a certain warlock's large-scale magic is out of control, or it's a curse, I might not be able to do anything."

"Don't worry, of course we will help you." Margarita held each other's hands under her chest to support the weight of her chest.

"But we have to have news and samples from that land. From what the messenger said, no one who goes in can come out."

"So if that's the case, I would just focus on land samples and information as my first target."

Lan En said, and at the same time he turned over and rode on Qilin's back. The flannel ball that was catching grasshoppers on the ground quickly came to his senses and jumped up with a 'meow' sound.

"We're off, meow!"

The flannel ball carrying the new package waved cheerfully towards Margarita, and the sorceress smiled and raised her hand in response to the kitten.

The weather is good today, there is still quite a bit of wind in Willen, but the clouds are not overcast and it doesn't look like it will rain.

The salty sea breeze blowing from the sea made Lan En's cloak rustle.

The plants in Willen have long been adapted to the sea breeze. On both sides of the rural dirt road, the slender grass stalks and fine yellow-white wildflowers were blown here and there, but they all grew steadily.

The salty sea breeze at least dispersed the lingering swamp stench on the land of Willen.

Qilin followed Lan En's command and walked leisurely on the dirt road in the countryside, the horse's hooves making a muffled sound of 'bang bang'.


But the velvet ball, which became active because it was about to take another adventure, sat on Qilin's head, holding its half-grown broken horn and looking around, flicking its tail with three colors.

"Boss, shouldn't we go to the northeast, Meow?"

The kitten scratched the triangular ears on his head, turned around and asked.

Elland is a principality city located in the northeastern corner of Temeria. It is distributed in a similar field pattern to the four northern kingdoms. It is also a city close to the Pontar Valley.

At first, Rongbuqiu thought it was because Lan En was not in a hurry, so he let Qilin walk on the winding country road in Wellen.

This kind of path is made by people walking spontaneously, and it will naturally avoid swamps, depressions and hills that are difficult to walk on.

So it’s understandable that a road that was originally going to the northeast would go south first.

But after walking for so long and still heading toward the southeast, something wasn't right.

"Before going to Elland, I plan to replenish the funds embezzled from the Knights."

Lan En patted the gauze hanging behind Qilin's butt, causing Gu Long to clap his hooves unaccustomedly.

There was also a sound of snorting and snorting.

All the way towards the southeastern hinterland of Willen, the population density is getting smaller and smaller, and the various sounds in the surrounding mountains and dense forests are increasing.

Not far away on Balder Mountain, the ancient and huge oak tree still has lush branches and leaves.

The road leading to the High Hill Castle where the Ember Knights are stationed is very remote, but the Knights have made it better and better.

Qilin's hooves stepped on the wooden bridge across the creek. The heavy ancient dragon and the demon hunter could not make the wooden bridge unbearable.

"Tsk" Lan En tilted his head and looked down, raising his eyebrows, "You guys are not building military-grade roads, are you?"

But considering the atmosphere he usually brings to the knights under his command, it doesn't seem impossible.

"Indeed, my lord."

As Lan En complained, on the road in front of him, a small group of cavalry with bright and rigorous armor trotted over from the corner.

The leading knight among the five or six people lifted up his visor, took the lead to stop in front of Lan En, got off his horse, and then approached Qilin.

He bowed to the demon hunter sitting on the ancient dragon and saluted smoothly and standardly.

"It is a pleasure to welcome you back in person, my lord."

(End of chapter)

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