Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1180: 1162 transfer people

Chapter 1180 1162. Transferring people

Nennik has been in charge of this prestigious Temple of Melitelli for a long time. As for whether it was more than a hundred years or hundreds of years, no one can say accurately.

She had seen so many things in this temple.

Just like she claimed.

So she handles these things with ease.

A few words suppressed the restless men and women.

Although the two parties still glance at each other secretly from time to time while drinking soup, their eyes are not as explicit as they were at the beginning.

But what attracted the most attention in the entire cafeteria was not the strong but rude mercenaries, or the weak people who came to the Meritelli Temple for help.

Ten Ember Knights, who had taken off their armor and were only wearing simple clothes, were sitting quietly at the table.

Their uniforms were uniform, and their elf-style swords were hung neatly on their waists.

Except for the different appearance and body shape of each person, the movements are almost carved from the same mold.

It seems that because of the rampant Scoia'tael, people often show disgust when they see these elf-style knives.

Even the expressions on the Ember Knights were not friendly.

However, few people still dare to act recklessly in Meritelli's temple.

At the door of the noisy cafeteria, a figure wearing a hood and cloak strode in.

At first no one cared about this figure, even though he was unusually tall.

But now many people have seen this newly famous magic cloak outside.

Many people still like and need the magic of concealing their figure.

People here just thought that this was just another person who bought a magic cloak, and there was nothing worth paying attention to.

Until this figure kept walking, he walked among the already eye-catching Ember Knights, and sat down on the empty seat that had been reserved long ago.

"You can just eat it. I've never seen you understand the rules so well before."

Lan En laughed and cursed.

It wasn't until he took his seat that Lincoln and the other Ember Knights finally began to move.

"It was before." The young secretary explained as he picked up the spoon. "Of course the battlefield and the journey are not so particular. The most important thing is to do things when you are full, but the canteen is open here anyway."

Lan En smiled and said nothing. He just took off the leather gloves with steel armor on his hands and stuffed them between the straps of the armor for temporary placement.

Then he picked up the hard-skinned bread on the table, tore it open, and put it in a wooden bowl into the thick soup that turned purple because of the addition of beetroot.

While pressing down the floating pieces of bread with a spoon, Lan quickly glanced at the people here because of his arrival.

"There are a total of thirteen people dressed as mercenaries or warriors in the temple. I counted them before."

Lincoln also stirred the beetroot soup with a spoon, and the pure white sour cream on top gradually mixed with the purple-red soup. He spoke softly without raising his head, looking extremely reliable.

"Among them, the female warrior is the most popular and seems to be the most powerful."

Lan En tilted his head and looked to the side. Sure enough, Sakia was fiddling with the spoon on the dining table.

She was also looking here, but after Lan En turned around, she immediately lowered her head as if to avoid him.

There were many men sitting around her.

"She has a lot of ideas and a little secret, but it shouldn't be important in this incident." Lan En also whispered calmly, "I have talked to her before, her name is Sakia."

The Ember Knights present listened to the message while eating quietly and neatly, acting as if they didn't hear anything.

Lincoln nodded. Since Lan En said it wasn't important, he didn't think it was important.

"But there are still too many people here." Lincoln took a spoonful of red cabbage soup and put it into his mouth, saying slightly vaguely, "I thought this kind of thing should be kept secret. Otherwise it will cause a big fuss. area of ​​panic.”

"After all, it's about the Pontal Valley."

Lan En shook his head slightly.

"Foltest and Demavi must have wanted to hide it, at least for a while. It's a pity."

"It's a pity that they can't hide it. Don't think that everyone has the same qualities as the Ember Knight, Lincoln."

Then, Lan En also told the Ember Knights the news he got from Sister Nannick.

Lincoln and the other Ember Knights suddenly realized.

The vassals I vassal are not my vassals.

This is the foundation and essence of the Western feudal system.

Foltest and Demavi are indeed kings in their own country, but even if they are kings, how much control can they have over the lower-level executors?

Seeward wanted to use cheap mercenaries as cannon fodder, so he spread the word to recruit people on a small scale.

Even if Foltest knew about this, what could he say? Is it possible that Heward still needs to be punished?

Then not to mention the Pontal Valley, even the Principality of Airland will be in trouble.

Originally, with Lincoln's background, they should have a clear understanding of the lack of control.

But he had been tempered and influenced too deeply by the Ember Knights. After staying in such an efficient and resolute system for so long, Lincoln actually forgot about it. Outside of the Ember Knights, what is the level of control and organization of other countries?

"I have no problem." Lincoln said simply, "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow, you will check the equipment again tonight and replenish supplies. After walking out from the edge of Airland City, there is basically wilderness along the way."

Lan En put the soup-soaked bread into his mouth along with the vegetables in the soup, chewing it leisurely.

The special flavor of beetroot, as well as the sweet and sour seasoning are mixed together, and the texture of the meat and vegetables is cooked.

Sure enough, the plants grown in Meriteli Temple seemed to be in good condition.

This is definitely not something that can be explained by ‘careful care and suitable soil’.

The demon hunter looked up at Nannick, who was sitting among many priests and priest apprentices, eating his dinner leisurely.

The kind, fat old lady didn't seem to notice anything, and even reached out to add another spoonful of sour cream to her soup.

"These mercenaries in the temple now should be the last batch. I heard when I passed by before that the message they received was to rush there tomorrow."

Lan En said the last thing.

"As soon as they arrive, Siward, who thinks he has gathered enough manpower, should go directly to the depths of the Pontal Valley."

Lincoln nodded, but consciously or unconsciously sighed in a low voice.

"Hey, a demon hunter's senses are really powerful. Private conversations that others think there is no one around can't be hidden under this kind of hearing."

Lan En had a clear idea of ​​the talented people under his command, so he glanced sideways at Lincoln beside him.

"We have already agreed on improving the mutation process. Don't give me eye drops now!"

Lincoln's expression remained unchanged, except that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he shrugged. The Ember Knights still ate their meals in a disciplined manner.

"That's what you said, my lord."

In the Melitelli Temple, the rooms provided for outside visitors are not luxurious, and even Nannick's room is not luxurious.

It seems that the main reason is to help more people.

Most of the rooms here are crowded.

Fortunately, although the Ember Knights all respected Lan En, they did not have the strict relationship between feudal knights and lords.

They had been eating and living together for a long time since the last battlefield, so they were very adaptable to each other.

Just to avoid causing more surprises, Lan En let Qilin out and let him play in the area around the temple for one night.

Flannel Ball, on the other hand, did not go out. He was sorting out his space expansion pack in the room arranged by the temple.

Early the next morning, when it was still dark, Lan En heard a series of horse hooves tapping the ground outside the tree-lined path and outside the main entrance of the Meritelli Temple.

That was the team sent by Seeward to pick them up.

In the early morning, the originally quiet temple began to become noisy.

Those who call people, move things, and allocate horses

There were arguments about everything, and then they argued, reconciled, and got on with their work.

The loudest among them, and obviously the one with the highest status, was a knight sitting on a horse.

He seemed to be the main executor responsible for taking away the mercenaries and soldiers this time.

"You still have ten minutes!"

His armor is bright and gorgeous, and there is a bright peacock tail feather on his helmet. He holds a riding crop and commands around.

"We'll leave immediately in ten minutes! If you haven't mounted your horse yet, get out! Prince Siward wants warriors who can respond in time, not a bunch of **** who have trouble getting ready and mounting their horses!"

"Prince Siward's team is waiting in the northeast of Elland. It's impatient now. If you continue to delay, you won't even be able to keep up with the heat! Don't even think about the commission, and don't think about the reputation of Glory! "

There were domesticated dogs outside the temple, barking loudly at the loud shouts of the knight and the noisy presence of personnel early in the morning.

The soldier leading a group of horses behind him shook his fist and scared it into silence.

Generally speaking, it is most economical to transport people by horse-drawn carriage, but it was obvious that Siward was in a hurry and wanted these people to catch up with the large army quickly.

That's why so many horses were brought here.

Although it is not a war horse, it is still a considerable expenditure.

"Okay, stay away from my dog. He is much more religious than you are to Meritelli."

The commotion at the gate of the temple finally woke up Sister Nannike.

As soon as she came over and made a sound, the soldier who had scared the guard dog immediately stood at attention. The guard dog growled at him without even turning his eyes.

The knight who was so arrogant just now quickly dismounted with his helmet in hand, trotted towards Nannick, and saluted respectfully.

"Knight Samaresh." After he finished his salute, Nannik asked, shaking his head. "How old are you? Are you still so anxious in the temple? When your mother gave birth to you here, she wasn't as excited as you are now."

The knight smiled awkwardly, but the fat woman with her hand tied in a scarf kept talking.

"Also, don't imitate those Knights of the White Rose and flatter Siward by calling him Prince. You are a local knight, not one of their losers. What will people say when this is heard in Vizima?"

(End of chapter)

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