Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1206: 1188 Curse of muscle swelling

Chapter 1206 1188. Curse of muscle swelling

 Amidst the strong wind, Lincoln, who confirmed that he had clearly heard and memorized the information, immediately galloped towards the distant hill where the sorceress was.

In this world, there are very few technologies capable of real-time communication.

What can be used by ordinary people is to cut off most of it on this basis.

During the original Battle of Sodden Mountain, the prototype of the military communication system built by the Nilfgaardians under the inspiration of Menno Kuhorne also relied on distributing a large number of warlocks around commanders at all levels.

It relies on the telepathy ability between warlocks to finally take effect.

The cone-shaped crystal in Lan En's hand was already a valuable high-end magic tool in Aretuosa.

But at the beginning, he could only passively receive the information sent to him by the warlock, and the range was very limited.

For example, after he arrived in Vizima's realm, Triss used this cone-shaped crystal to contact him.

This also made Margarita always feel slightly uncomfortable when she saw this thing later, but she had to take it seriously.

But as he began to shuttle between the intersections of the celestial spheres, this cone-shaped crystal passed through the hands of the lady in the lake.

The last time, during the crusade against the ancient deer-headed spirits in the New World, the ecological power gathered by the ancient deer-headed spirits was sent across the world to the hands of the Queen of the Tree Spirits, Eisna, in the Broklon Forest.

This cone-shaped crystal used for communication and connection has produced significant positive changes.

If Margarita is allowed to continue her research based on the current situation and absorb the knowledge of elf beacons.

Perhaps cross-world communication will really be possible in the future. Even as coordinates for cross-world teleportation.

Of course, with Lan En's magic power reserves, he probably wouldn't be able to send a message, so he could only wait for a letter from the other party.

But even so, this cone-shaped crystal is a rare and powerful magic item nowadays.

Normally, the contact between ordinary people and the contact between ordinary people and warlocks still depends on messengers.

Even if warlocks communicate with each other over long distances, a word or half a sentence may be missing in the communication due to unstable fluctuations in magic power and flaws in the telescope.

Therefore, when transmitting key information over long distances, even warlocks would solemnly write letters and find trustworthy messengers to run errands.

The hill where the sorceresses were located was about one kilometer away from the main battlefield, but Lincoln had to cross this kilometer of mountainous terrain to send the news to the ears of the sorceresses who were maintaining their spells.

"You mean a curse? The curse changed the monster's life form?"

Margarita asked loudly to Lincoln who ran halfway up the hill and was picked up by her using the levitation technique.

"It's not just that monster! There's also the fog demon!" Lincoln took off his helmet and shouted loudly against the wind, trying to be precise and clear in his words. "The mist demon has also turned into a cursed creature!"

"Those mist demons cannot be killed! Even using [Curse Oil] can only delay their reappearance time!"

"My lord said that both of them were mixed together by the curse! There should be a deeper connection, but he hasn't observed it yet."

"Ladies, if you have a way to deal with the curse, think of it as soon as possible!"

After loudly communicating the information Lan En told him to pass on, Lincoln put his helmet back on.

And insisted that the sorceresses put him back halfway up the mountain, mount his horse and return to the battlefield.

"There are only ten of us, but these ten of us will never let those mist monsters have any chance to interfere with your master's battle!"

Lincoln said this, so Margarita could only nod heavily and put him down again using the levitation technique.

Watching the young knight go away, the sorceresses frowned together.

In the distance, on the mountains with endless winds, roaring monsters and silver-haired demon hunters were fighting each other.

"Curse." Tissaya, who had always been calm and self-respecting, couldn't help but raise her voice even under the strong wind. "This is the most troublesome situation."

"It's both troublesome and dangerous." Margarita added with a sullen face, "Who knows what kind of power the curse on this creature can twist into it? Is it just a 'half-spirit'?"

The current dean of Arethusa shook his head silently, obviously not thinking so.

"Then we are going to where it first appeared?" Triss said to the side while surging her magic power.

Her red hair was almost blown away in the strong wind.

"While we were here, I heard him talk about how witchers deal with curses."

Although the situation was urgent now, Margarita couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Tris after hearing this.

"Can't you just openly say that you are 'making love'? It's like it's shameful."


Tisaya said without looking back, using her absolute authority to suppress the subtle smell of gunpowder between the two sorceresses.


Now they had no time for the usual bickering and mutual antics. Under the huge moon wheel, the huge monster was violently crushing everything around it.

Its roar can cause landslides, and its body can crush rocks!

This place was originally a rugged and not spacious steep mountain slope. But when the Terror Tyrannosaurus started fighting with Lan En here.

Its more than 40-meter-long body was like an unstoppable steamroller, completely destroying the surrounding terrain.

That violent and crazy power made even the mountains of the Mahakam Mountains appear fragile in front of it.

Warlocks have studied curses, especially the most experienced warlocks like Tisaya.

But the research direction of warlocks is different from that of witchers.

Witchers are expert problem solvers who figure out how to lift curses. But warlocks are scholars, and they are more likely to study the underlying logic and source of power of curses.

After coming into contact with Lan En, Tissaya also learned about the working method of the demon hunter.

Go to the scene where the curse occurred to discover traces, restore the process, and finally piece together the key elements of the curse based on occult theories and try to lift it.

This is generally true.

But they

"We don't have time to run to the middle of the Mahakam Mountains now, and we don't know exactly where it was brought here by the celestial sphere."

Tissaya made a decisive conclusion, showing the decisiveness and judgment of a figure who has been the face of the sorceress group for hundreds of years.

"Remember, Rita, Triss. We are warlocks, we don't know the ways of the witchers, but we have our own style."

The red-haired sorceress was still a little confused, but the blond-haired sorceress was already a little enlightened and even a little excited.

"Tissaya! You mean"

Under today's circumstances, the current dean still looks like a student in front of the former dean.

"Does the curse have to be 'unsolved'?" Tissaya said calmly and dangerously, "We don't have the observation skills and work experience of the demon hunters, but we do have magic and magic power."

"You can smash it open even if you hit it hard!"

"I'm going back to Aretuosa to get something."

Tisaya raised one of her hands that was stacked in front of her lower abdomen and waved it gently.

Suddenly a portal opened behind her.

And when the opponent raised his hand, there was the movement of a long-distance portal. In the eyes of Triss and Margarita at this time, it can be said that they were completely adapted to it.

At the same time, when Tissaya got the key information and set out to get something from Arethusa, the center battlefield in the distance

What Lan En felt was that the approaching limit of the Tyrannosaurus Rex had been broken through!


Just for a moment, the Dino Tyrannosaurus, which was chasing and fighting fiercely and seemed to never stop attacking until it got something in its mouth, suddenly stopped in its huge body.

One second he was a wild and violent predator, and the next second he suddenly turned into a sculpture.

Lan En, who had been staring at the situation of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, his pupils suddenly shrank at this moment! The sense of crisis in my mind almost turned into an alarm!

Not only the Dread Tyrannosaurus froze for a moment, but also the mist monsters scattered around, being strangled one after another by the Ember Knights, also froze for a moment.

And a moment later

As if to stretch all the muscles in its body, the two feet of the Tyrannosaurus on the ground worked hard to lift its long and swollen body. The thick neck carried the heavy head, and it roared with an unprecedented explosive sound!


Its roar was so loud that it almost briefly shook away the unrelenting fishy salty sea breeze!

The mist monsters also raised their heads and hissed loudly as if they were in line. Even the Ember Knight beside him took advantage of this moment to kill a dozen of them and remained unmoved.

Immediately afterwards, the Dino Tyrannosaurus, which was originally a muscle stick, was originally the strongest and largest muscle group, but now it was abnormally congested and swollen as if it had just warmed up!

The entire back shoulder muscle group, the thick back neck muscle group, and the chest muscle group.

The three large muscle groups almost made a 'crunch' sound as they expanded, trying to break through the dark green thick skin of the Dread Tyrannosaurus!

Even the relatively small back neck muscles are now thicker than the head of a Dino Rex!

Viewed from the front, it looks like there are two huge muscle mountains suddenly added to its back!

The enlargement of muscles releases heat.

This heat makes the skin where the three muscle groups of the Dino Tyrannosaurus are located is like red-hot charcoal fire. The hot light that is so hot that it turns red and even shines shines from deep in the skin!

The heat turned into thick white smoke in the salty sea breeze. Because the muscles on the Tyrannosaurus' back expanded and heated up, a steady stream of white smoke came out of its body and was rolled up by the wind.

From a distance, it looks like it has two mountains of burning charcoal on its back!

Tyrannosaurus Rex—[Muscle expansion state]!

There is nothing surprising about this state. Once a creature like the Tyrannosaurus gets into an emotional and hard fight, its already terrifying metabolic rate will skyrocket uncontrollably again.

And then it became what it is today.

But what worried Lan En was that the Tyrannosaurus Rex's eyes, which had been able to look fiercely at him during the battle, were now completely crazy and absent-minded.

And all the mist demons who screamed in agreement suddenly disappeared.

(End of chapter)

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