Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1209: 1191The green dragon with a sense of familiarity

Chapter 1209 1191. The green dragon with a sense of familiarity


The true dragon's flames fell from the sky and spread on the ground, forming a long burning road.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was right in the middle of the road, and Lan En was 'luckily' just out of range.

But to be on the safe side, the demon hunter decided to use up his still strong physical strength and energy, and used [Spell Fire] to slap [Severe Sweating] on his chest.

The spelled fire that has been programmed into the spell structure is reintroduced into the body, and part of the body fluid is transformed into a form with excellent fire resistance, and then evaporates outside the body to form a mist-like protective layer.

True dragons are native creatures of the magical Middle Ages. They sometimes even hunt targeted monsters that come from the intersection of the celestial spheres.

But at the same time, they are not shy about taking away the cattle and sheep of human herdsmen, or simply eating the herdsmen.

For this world, true dragons may be beneficial creatures. But for creatures living in the food chain, there is no difference between being killed by a real dragon and being killed by a monster that comes from the intersection of the celestial sphere.

So it's not surprising that a group like the Crimfield Raiders, who are famous for hunting dragons, can make a living from this.

The dragon flames of real dragons in this world don't seem to have any very conspicuous features.

In terms of popularity alone, it can be considered excellent.

The Terror Tyrannosaurus, which had been knocked backwards by the huge impact of Lan En's [Smaug Dragon Flame], had just regained its balance, ignored the pain and disadvantages like a mad dog, and continued to attack.

But the real dragon's flames sprinkled all the way down from the distant horizon covered its back.

Its body was too long, and its posture of lowering its body in preparation for attack was too straight, so that the real dragon's breath almost burned its back completely.


The pain of burning flesh and blood suddenly hit a large area, and even the nerves of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which had been tortured since birth, couldn't help but react and let out their emotions by roaring.

Its various skin scars, which were originally broken open by its own muscles due to the "muscle expansion state", are now even more burned and hardened by the smell of roasted proteins.

Then because of the pain, its metabolic rate increased further, its muscles swelled even more, and its newly baked skin was broken from the inside!

This crazy and violent body and roar made even the real dragon that breathed out flames himself startle in the sky unconsciously.

The frequency of the wings flapping has become quite chaotic.

The real dragon's eyes looked down in horror.

The frantic beast, which was far bigger than her, was twitching ferociously at the corners of its mouth, and its vicious and irrational little yellow eyes were staring at it closely.

He didn't have the slightest fear because of the flames that had just hit him, and he didn't show any signs of retreating from the pain just now. He just didn't look like a normal creature!

Is the bloodline of this creature really normal? !

Although this real dragon is well-informed, she has never seen a creature like the Terror Tyrannosaurus that is already crazy in nature.

However, while unconsciously feeling frightened in his heart, the real dragon spontaneously developed a sense of mission and a sense of fearlessness in facing disasters.


She hovered in mid-air and let out a menacing roar at the terrifying monster underground.

The roar of a real dragon is majestic. Generally speaking, when dragon-like creatures hear her voice, their legs will soften before they even start to fight.

But the Dino Tyrannosaurus didn't even give him any face.

After the real dragon's condescending roar, it almost stood head-to-head. Before the echo fell, it opened its ferocious mouth and roared back toward the sky!


The ferocious roar was driven by the terrifying lung capacity, leaving a diffuse white circle in the air that was visible to the naked eye!

It's not over yet.

After the Tyrannosaurus rex finished its demonstrative roar, the black mist with scarlet lightning at the corners of its mouth became thicker in an instant.

Finally, with a crisp 'crackling' sound like thin ice breaking, a large amount of dragon-attributed energy was restrained by its mouth and respiratory tract into a column of smoke, and sprayed towards the sky!

Due to the smoke column formed by the dragon attribute energy, the diffusion speed is not particularly fast.

The real dragon in the sky moved in three dimensions again. After flapping her wings a little harder, she jumped up in a higher direction, and the smoke column passed by the tip of her tail.

At any rate, it was a miss.

But even so, Lan En saw below that the attack and ferocity of the Tyrannosaurus Rex seemed to frighten the real dragon.

This real dragon, which had just entered the battlefield less than three minutes ago, had already experienced two unstable beats of its wings during the two encounters with the Tyrannosaurus.

As for the series of performances of the Terror Tyrannosaurus, in the fight with Lan En just now, the intensity was only within the scope of "using ordinary moves".

For those who have never really faced this monster directly, it is difficult to truly judge how much pressure they have to endure in front of it.

Those mountain people who were frightened by the passing of the Terror Tyrannosaurus and the predatory traces were not cowards. They had really reached the limit of their psychological endurance.

"I reluctantly treat you as a helper."

Although he felt inexplicably familiar with this real dragon, Lan En still said hello out of caution.

"You deal with its head, and I'll try to see if I can **** its legs!"

A true dragon, as long as he doesn't come from a remote area, should be able to understand human speech no matter what.

After all, this is a world dominated by humans. Sure enough, the true dragon in the sky - according to Lan En's knowledge, this grayish scale color should belong to the green dragon - nodded towards the witcher.

This action made Lan En feel more familiar.

I always feel that I have seen this habitual little movement of a real dragon when the subtle muscles are moved.

But now is not the time to think about this. The stomach of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is still absorbing the nutrients passed down from the curse.

Furious emotions, physical pain, and enemies close at hand were all factors that further increased its body's metabolic rate uncontrollably.


The Terror Tyrannosaurus, whose dragon-type energy was almost overflowing from the corner of his mouth, lowered his head to bite Lan En who took the initiative to approach him!

But the witcher accelerated suddenly upon contact and rushed past its mouth.

The dragon-type energy that was shooting out of the Tyrannosaurus's mouth even when it was biting normally made Lan En not want to be touched by it at all.

And taking advantage of the Tyrannosaurus rex lowering its body and biting down with its thick neck, the green dragon in the sky seized the opportunity to swoop down!

The four-legged and two-winged skeleton of true dragons gives them a much greater advantage than the two-legged and two-winged dragon creatures in melee combat.

Normally speaking, any creature with brains should not lower its head and focus on attacking the target at the soles of its feet when there are enemies flying above its head.

But even the green dragon in the sky, an intruder who had only entered the battlefield less than five minutes ago, could clearly understand at this time: the current Terror Tyrannosaurus is a purely crazy creature!

The green dragon jumped down from the sky and grabbed onto the back of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was as sharp and angular as a mountain of flesh, highlighting the violent muscles.

The claws of the butcher's meat hook-like limbs clawed into the thick skin and muscles of the Dino Tyrannosaurus that had no defense, leaving new scars on its body.

The wind pressure caused by the fluttering wings of the green dragon briefly raised the ground around it that had been ravaged by the Tyrannosaurus, and the gravel, sand and dust that were not easily blown up in normal land typhoons. , and then fell back to the ground.


But a short and suppressed whimper still came from the green dragon's mouth.

She really didn't expect that the temperature of the red muscles on the back of the Tyrannosaurus Rex could be so high!

After her claws grabbed it, it was like grabbing a hot iron!

No wonder what this guy just breathed out to her was just a venting roar of pain without fear or flinching, because it was already so painful in its own body!

But although the green dragon didn't expect it at first, her persistence and fierceness still prompted her to continue her attack despite the pain of her limbs and claws being burned.

After the butcher's claws like meat hooks dug into the muscles of the Tyrannosaurus, the green dragon began to flap its wings vigorously and pull it upward toward the sky.

This is a good idea. With the skeleton structure of the Tyrannosaurus, it actually has no effective way to deal with the things on its back.

If the green dragon could keep pulling the Dino Tyrannosaurus by its neck, making it unable to lower its head and focus on its feet, Lan En's chance would come.

But the Green Dragon obviously lacks intuitive understanding of the physical strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

She thought her wingspan was only twenty meters, and although the Tyrannosaurus Rex was forty meters long, she was in an advantageous position. In this position, she was only fighting against the neck muscles of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

So she thought she could do it.

This idea is dead wrong.

Lan En had just rushed to the feet of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, ready to repair the solid claws that were like a pair of iron towers and could support such a monster to jump freely.

But then, the movement from above and the feedback from the muscles of the Tyrannosaurus Rex made him understand what happened in an instant.

Mentos moved according to the subject's thoughts, and it immediately used its computing power to present a possible picture of two dragon beasts fighting above the head.

Not optimistic at all.

"I asked you to deal with its head, not to let you get close to the meat."


Before Lan En could finish shouting the word "melee", the T-Rex's tightened muscles moved its body, making a roaring sound in the air.

From Lan En's perspective, he only saw a large black blood foam suddenly bursting out from the back of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Even the huge size of the Tyrannosaurus Rex itself couldn't cover it!

Lan En was originally at the feet of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. When he looked up, he saw its dark green belly. Only the edge of his field of vision could see the moonlit night sky.

And now, it's all dark at once!

And after the darkness, there was a shrill scream!


The Tyrannosaurus never intended to be led away by the green dragon grabbing the back of its neck, and it didn't care about the muscles on its neck at all.

So the choice for this beast was simple.

It twisted its neck forcefully and suddenly, and on its long and thick neck, the scars that had been scratched into the flesh by the green dragon's claws were expanded without care! Tear!

The jagged wounds started from the back of the Tyrannosaurus's neck and extended all the way to the nape of its neck!

It was said that it was a ferocious crack caused by the green dragon's claws, but the green dragon himself did not dare to recognize it!

That was the wound the Terror Tyrannosaurus tore on itself!

(End of chapter)

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