Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1230: 1212 spontaneous combustion

Chapter 1230 1212. Spontaneous combustion

At the same time, there will also be some props and devices placed in the arena, such as the smoothbore cannon used in the Molten Dragon blocking battle, and large pieces of falling rocks that have been placed in advance.

If the battle is really tough, there is even a dragon gun that can be used.

In the New World Investigation Team, the arena does not exist to entertain people with the flesh and blood of monsters and their ferocity.

Firstly, they want to hone the skills of hunters, and secondly, they want to conduct more professional and detailed research on monster ecology.

When hunters capture monsters in the wild, there are also paired editors who record observations.

But fighting is, after all, an activity where accidents occur frequently.

It may crash into cliffs, caves and other places, causing the editor to lose track of hunters and monsters.

And the monsters may not necessarily show all their abilities in one battle with the hunter.

Therefore, conducting one or more battles in a limited venue under the full observation of members of the Ecological Research Institute is of great significance for understanding the ecological and physiological characteristics of monsters.

It is a part of ecological research that is both challenging and entertaining.

The people who spend the most time in the arena are not the hunters, but the observers from the Institute of Ecology.

The last time Lan En dissected the [Fire Claw] with the Institute of Ecology, it was also in Arena No. 1 of the Star Base.

It can be said that the leader of the second phase built an arena mainly for the researchers.

For the New World Survey Team, exploring the magnificent and beautiful ecological knowledge of the New World is the most important goal and task.

Therefore, the second-phase team leader will get a lot of support when building the arena, and the task priority will be very high.

The main mission of this base in the Great Ant Mound Wasteland is to serve as a material transfer station and Arena No. 2.

But there are no powerful monsters in Arena No. 2 now.

It is impossible for Yanwangsaurus to be as starving as the Nergigantosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, so why did it fly to this base?

Lan En thought for a long time and had no idea, but the destination was already in sight.

A strong wind blew through the rugged mountains.

During the investigation team's resistance battle against the Lava Dragon, the cloth strips tied to the surrounding rock peaks as distance markers rustled in the wind.

The rough and sturdy survey team-style building is looming among the layers of rocks.

Occasionally, there are a few areas cut off by terrain, and there are cableways from the second phase of the group to connect them to facilitate movement.

And a fiery red figure was walking so proudly, as if walking on its own territory, moving freely in the base built by humans.

The heat, which was already enough to make one's eyes dizzy, surged again the moment this fiery red figure appeared!

Like a lion, it walks proudly and arrogantly, with the dark red wings on its back contracted but not spread out.

This was Lan En's first time seeing Yanwangsaurus with his own eyes instead of reading text and hand-drawn information in the pile of books at the Institute of Ecology.

The four-legged and two-winged skeleton of the ancient dragon is perfect for Yanwangsaurus.

Except for its wings, Yanwanglong looks like a fiery red lion!

The whole body is covered with hot scales, the mane is fiery red like leaping flames, and the head is like a cat with thick fangs. A pair of large horns curves and extends toward the back of the head.

But the shiny scale powder that constantly floats out from its body like fireflies, as well as the ultra-high heat that easily distorts the air around it, make it more like a **** than a lion!

The situation in the base is really bad now.

Although the Flame King Dragon, just like the El Cat who reported the news, said that it was completely arrogant towards humans who did not actively attack it.

But its own high temperature has caused some materials in the base to start spontaneous combustion!

"Is this the real ancient dragon?"

Tissaya looked at the fiery red creatures walking naturally and casually in the base between the valleys from a distance.

The body length of this Yanwangsaurus is about 21 meters, which is a relatively normal size. It is not at the same level as the previous Terror Tyrannosaurus, which was more than 40 meters long.

But the ancient dragon's demeanor and body naturally carry a divinity that comes from the top of the biological chain.

They possess intelligence, but are completely different from humans, and have power over the environment. All of this allows creatures like ancient dragons to be worshiped and revered like gods in many parts of the world.

Seeing this creature that transcends the natural environment move alive in front of him, Tissaya's performance is much better than many people in this world.

Anyone who observes Gu Long's activities will be shocked by this process.

Berengar's performance was far worse than that of the sorceress.

But Qilin snorted in displeasure.

What's the meaning?

What is a ‘real ancient dragon’? Am I not Gu Long?

But the current situation did not allow Lan En to care about the inner fluctuations of his little friend Gu Long.

"Huh~ The situation hasn't gotten to the worst yet."

Seeing that the wall made of strong and thick wood around the base was about to burn, Lan En relaxed a little and said.

"At least no one was scared enough to attack the Flame King Dragon without hesitation."

Lan En's palms with steel armor and leather gloves gently pressed against the rocks beside him, and there was a slight "tearing" sound immediately.

The heat of this rock is enough to fry eggs and meat.

The demon hunter looked at the Flame King Dragon with his cat eyes, and then nodded firmly.

"There is no need to fight it. The first goal is to rescue people first."

He made the judgment that he was a hunter, and both the flannel ball and the black and white Ellu cat that came out of the base nodded to this judgment.

Although this Yanwang dragon suddenly broke into the base, its behavior did not cause much ecological impact, and it did not enter a combat state. There was really no need for them to start a fight with an ancient dragon.

"How many people are still inside?"

"And, and more." The black and white Ellu cat opened its little paws and lowered its head to count, "More than ten people are researchers at the Institute of Ecology and organizers of the supplies class! Our Ellu cat is light and lightweight. Hurry, everyone has been sent out to deliver the message!"


Lan En nodded and pushed Qilin aside.

Although Qilin is very fast, this time the opponent is an ancient dragon who doesn't want to fight yet.

Although the ancient dragons often pass each other, they don't look at each other, and they just pass by. But it's best not to let another ancient dragon add variables to this tense moment.

"Do you need help?" Tissaya's face looked as if she had just taken a shower due to sweating and she leaned closer and whispered. "I can cast a spell on you to protect you from the heat."

"It's not needed yet."

Lan En felt his current physical condition, and Mentos was refreshing his physiological data in the corner of his retina.

After undergoing multiple transformations, his body is far more resistant to harsh environments than ordinary people.

Although it feels very hot now, there is no need to waste Tisaya's precious and scarce magic power.

"Flannel ball, you stay here too, you can't stand the temperature over there either."

After saying hello to Tissaya, Lan En turned to give instructions to his hunting cat partner.

Fluffy Ball looked very reluctant, but nodded.

"It would be great if there was [cold drink] now, nya."

[Cold drink], a drink used by hunters in the New World to cool down and relieve the heat.

It is said to cool down and relieve the heat, but in fact this drink allows hunters and Ellu cats to wear armor and move freely in lava-filled volcanic areas without worrying about overheating.

In the Magical Middle Ages, it was considered a magic potion, but here in the New World, it benefited from the strange creatures spawned by the vigorous local ecology.

They only use one [frozen mushroom] as raw material, and add a little local alchemy to blend it, which is the amount of two bottles of [cold drink].

After making arrangements, Lan En walked alone towards the base where the fiery red figure was walking.

He did not conceal his figure or steps, because that was meaningless.

How could he not be noticed by this ancient dragon when he rescued people next to Yan Wanglong?

It doesn't care anyway.

Calm down, the most important thing in the whole process is to be calm. Don't let your emotions worsen the situation.

Sure enough, when Lan En walked all the way close to the base, Yan Wanglong's blue eyes glanced here casually, but soon turned aside indifferently.

"According to the animal behavior analysis we know, this Yanwangsaurus is currently not paying attention to the people around it at all, sir."

Mentos reported in his mind.

Lan En's hand was already on the door bolt of the base door. The iron buckle on it was so hot that he felt hot even through his gloves.

"Then don't pay attention to it, pay attention to the position of the person, we will take the person and leave."

"The task has been accepted and is in progress."

On the retina, with the design of the biochemical intelligence brain, and based on the traces of the demon hunter, there are several locations where people are likely to be marked.

"Bang, bang"

The Yanwanglong's claws stepped on the ground, leaving charred claw marks on the rocks.

"Breathe in and breathe out~"

It moved its head from side to side and twitched its nostrils from time to time, as if it was smelling something.

It was completely indifferent to Lan En's actions around it and didn't care.

At this time, it was already too close to Yan Wanglong.

The distortion of the air made everything in Lan En's eyes sway like water waves.

In an instant, he was sweating like rain, and Lan En also felt that his respiratory tract was being burned by the high temperature air.

But when he got closer to the Yanwang Dragon, he saw that this ancient dragon not only had glowing and hot scale powder constantly coming out of its body, but even while walking.

Where the scales rub against each other, such as the joints of the legs, flames will burst out.

The ground was scorched black.

You definitely can't stay here for long.

Lan En realized this immediately after coming to Yanwanglong in person.

At the current temperature, the moisture in the building wood is being dried out rapidly!

And the base is not just wood, it also stores cloth, furs, and even gunpowder!

It's just good luck that this base didn't spontaneously combust!

It was indeed great luck, because the next moment... "Boom!"

The Yanwang Dragon's leisurely swaying tail, with the red hair ball on the tip of its tail that looked like dancing flames, brushed against a wooden pillar.

Suddenly, the pillar burst into flames!

(End of chapter)

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