Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1232: 1214 sucking gunpowder

Chapter 1232 1214. Absorbing gunpowder

"That's great, meow!" The flannel ball and the black and white Ellu cat meowed and jumped up together, hugging each other in celebration. "They're out!"

Lan En and Aiden carried the researcher from the Institute of Ecology and ran out of the burning base.

After leaving the roasted researcher to El Cat and Berengar to take care of as usual, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At least there were no casualties in this accident caused by the ancient dragon. This is already a very ideal situation in the records of contact between humans and ancient dragons.

"The rescue has been completed, but material losses are inevitable."

Aiden's team editor, a female scholar with short hair and hairpins, breathed a sigh of relief and also gave rational suggestions.

"I think we should withdraw. I heard that there was a small explosion just now. No matter how tightly the supplies team keeps the gunpowder barrels, as long as the Flame King Dragon is still active here, it is only a matter of time before it explodes."

"Totally agree!"

Aiden was overheated by his armor, which was completely incompatible with the high-heat scene. At this time, the elite hunter put one hand on his knees to breathe and cool down, and raised his other hand to agree with his partner.

Of course Tissaya and Berengar, who had just arrived, had nothing to say. Eluma's biggest mission is actually just to save people.

To protect the base from the wandering Flame King Dragon, unless it's the best recommended team in the fifth phase of the group and comes fully prepared, wouldn't it be completely out of the question?

They didn't even think about it.

However, when the editor of his partner poured water on Aiden's head to cool down, and the rescued ecological researcher was also taken care of by El Cat.

Lan En tilted his head and looked at the base that was filled with flames as several small explosions occurred one after another.

"Grey." Lan En first called Aiden's partner's name.

When he and Aiden acted together in the large-scale mission to stop the Molten Dragon, although they didn't exchange a few words, they were considered acquaintances.

"Is there any new progress in the Institute of Ecology's research on Yanwangsaurus now?"

The editor, who was wearing a green smart hunting suit, looked up at Lan En strangely, and Aiden, who was being cooled down by her water, did the same.

However, as a scholar who can go out with hunters and conduct close-up ecological analysis of monsters, she still gave an answer based on her excellent professionalism.

"No, there is no new breakthrough in the research on Yanwangsaurus now. It is almost the same as before. Why do you ask this?"

Lan En, who had been looking at the Flame King Dragon strolling around the base through the swaying fire, sucking in gunpowder powder and gunpowder flames, tilted his head thoughtfully.

"In other words, the conjecture that 'Yan Wanglong is very interested in processed gunpowder' has not been verified so far?"

Gray nodded in a daze.

"Then we can verify it today." The demon hunter said decisively.

"I just saw it intoxicated with gunpowder. Maybe it was attracted by the gunpowder reserves transferred from this base."

According to confirmed ecological research, Yanwanglong would eat some ores with burning and explosive abilities in the wild.

But whether it is interested in man-made gunpowder explosives has always been undetermined.

After all, in terms of purity, artificial ones are obviously purer than natural ones.


Aiden, who had a bottle of water poured on his head, first raised his head in confusion.

But then, after he saw Lan En's interested and determined eyes.

"Oh! I'm on fire too!"

The trust and big heart of the previous cooperation made him instantly full of momentum!

Although I don’t know exactly what to do, it looks like it should be awesome!

Aiden felt so in his heart.

At the same time, the editor who obviously couldn't keep up with the hunters, and Tissaya who couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the world.

They were all a little dumbfounded as they looked at Aiden and Lan En who suddenly got angry for no apparent reason.

Only Berengar, who was sweating profusely and taking care of the rescued people, vaguely understood that this atmosphere seemed to arise after an "idea king" emerged among the men.

Aiden simply took off his armor, which had negative fire resistance, and only carried his own weapon.

This time he went out to hunt the Mud Fish Dragon, and the weapon he used was a light crossbow.

This kind of weapon configuration made Lan En give him a thumbs up, and he became more confident about his plan.

"I'll rush in and arrange everything, and then everything you have to do will be fine, right?"

The witcher said to the hunter.

Both of them had eager smiles on their faces.

Without the moral pressure to save people, and everyone else being placed at a distance, the two of them were now completely relaxed.

"I understand." Aiden's armor shirt was stuck to his body with sweat, and then dried by the high heat, but he gave a thumbs up in response.

It would be good for normal people to survive in this state, but for hunters in the New World, even if there is no [cold drink], it is not a problem to survive in the volcanic lava area for dozens of minutes and half an hour.

Lan En chuckled and then raised the palm of his left hand.

With a "pop" sound, a small flame ignited on his palm.

[Spell·Violent sweating]!

Incorporate the magical fire into the body with unique magic skills, transforming one's own sweat into a fire-resistant mist layer to cover the body.

"Wow!" Aiden blinked and exclaimed, "What is this? The last time you breathed fire from your hand was not like this!"

"What a great new thing to learn." The witcher waved the swaying spell fire in his hand and said proudly, "Even an old dog can learn new tricks!"

However, he didn't show off to Aiden for long. The effect of [violent sweating] was not long-lasting after all.

After nodding to each other, Lan En ran straight towards the deeper part of the base.

Aiden licked his lips that were already chapped by the heat, clicked the bolt of the light crossbow in his hand, and got ready. Lan En, who was covered in a layer of fireproof mist, ran past the intoxicated Yan Wanglong.

This 'big red cat', whose whole body was on fire, was using its paws to open the sealed bomb barrels one by one, and then sucked in the gunpowder inside, or the flames caused by the high temperature igniting the gunpowder.

The witcher ran over, wiping the flaming fluff on the tip of its tail.

The tip of the tail swung back and forth due to the intoxication of Yanwanglong, causing a "whooshing" sound. At the same time, when it occasionally brushed against the rocky ground, it could easily leave scorch marks.

Lan En's [violent sweating] suddenly increased his resistance to high temperatures. His target is the depths of the base.

The natural barrel-shaped rock structure that was transformed into an arena by the leader of the second group.

As soon as he ran over, Lan En saw the gate of the arena.

It was a large steel gate, made of minerals from the New World. It should be made of lanchite or the like, to prevent monsters in the arena from rushing out.

The size of the gate is also completely enough to transport large monsters inside.

The entire door is embedded in a rock formation more than four meters thick. It looks rough, durable and solid.

"Start analyzing force-bearing structures, Mentos."

The demon hunter assigned a new calculation task to the biochemical intelligence brain in his mind, and the biochemical intelligence brain immediately began to intervene in the work.

"The task has been accepted and the scene has been recorded."

When Lan En glanced at the arena gate just now, the real-time image was properly recorded by Mentos, and as a basis for force analysis, computing power began to be invested.

Lan En himself ran in without stopping.

As soon as you enter the arena, the entire scene comes into view.

This site seems to be naturally layered. Among the cylindrical rock walls, there is first a circle of relatively high rock sills, and then a large flat pit is formed by a fault-like depression in the middle of the circle of rock sills.

The survey crews took advantage of the terrain.

They placed artillery and crossbows on the surrounding rock platforms as auxiliary props for the hunters when fighting in the arena.

In the sunken mid-air in the middle of the field, a large pile of rubble was gathered together and hung in a rope net. It looked frighteningly heavy.

"Ha! This is indeed the arrangement! You old dog has no new tricks!"

After Lan En glanced at it, he immediately found his target.

He said jokingly, and the target of his ridicule was the leader of the second phase of the arena construction team.

What he was really looking for was a large amount of gunpowder for the firing devices of the cannons and dragon guns.

He quickly ran to the explosive barrels, picked up two of them and walked towards the arena gate.

By the thick and heavy door, Mentos's calculation process had been completed.

Under the operation of Mentos, the gate of the arena formed a clear and simple force analysis diagram on Lan En's retina.

"Explode. Explode"

Lan En's eyes were referring to the data given by Mentos, and at the same time, in his mind, the experience of the Emperor's Children playing with explosive weapons in the interstellar era was guiding him.

He was confident that he could create the desired explosion effect.

He pulled out the Lake Lady's Sword with a 'clop' sound.

The sharp divine weapons were adjusted in the world of Alda by Lady Galadriel, who was taught by the God of Craftsmen. There is no doubt about its sharpness.

The rocks parted like butter on a hot knife.

Lan En followed the force diagram piecemeal and dug out several seemingly unrelated cracks and depressions in the originally rough but flat rock gate.

The two explosive barrels he took over were placed in the depression, with their heads slightly exposed.

After finishing, the witcher opened his arms wide and waved towards the outside of the arena.

This was a signal that he had agreed with Aiden, although the high temperature brought by the Flame King Dragon's flames was causing light distortion in the air in the entire area, accompanied by thick smoke from burning buildings.

But as an elite hunter, Aiden was able to determine the location of the two explosive barrels under his signal.

Immediately afterwards, Lan En turned back to the inside of the arena, picked up seven or eight barrels of gunpowder and rolled them into the depression in the middle of the arena.

Then he continuously releases [Alder's Seal] at them.

The explosive seal shattered the outer shell of the barrel, and scattered and exploded the gunpowder dust inside.

Half a minute later, the demon hunter had given himself another [violent sweating] and slipped out of the arena gate.

The big fiery red cat, who was intoxicated by the gunpowder smoke outside, raised his head and face, and twitched his nose following the smell.


Just by turning its head, the flames brought by the Flame King Dragon were enough to leave a burst of explosive whistling in the air.

Yanwanglong's blue eyes immediately turned to the arena deep in the base.

Its tongue subconsciously stretched out and licked its lips, bringing out a spark.

Then Lan En, who was passing by him, passed each other and headed towards the arena.

(End of chapter)

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