Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 124: 123 Stay away from Vizima

Chapter 124: 123 Stay away from Vizima

Chapter 124 123. Stay away from Vizima

Have something to drink, Roach! Smoke is coming from my throat.

Foltest shouted without looking back.

Behind him, a man who looked to be in his twenties or thirties walked naturally towards the bar of the pub.

A moment later, two glasses of Kaedwen stout were placed in front of Foltest and Lan.

This man always has a straight chin, squinted eyes, and wears a tattered cloth hat on his head. His appearance is unattractive.

But the biggest difference between him and others is that he did not show any abnormal emotions when he was close to Lan En.

Whether this is due to his excellent emotional control or because he has a big heart that takes nothing seriously.

These are all good qualities.

Not everyone can face a creature that slaughtered more than two hundred elite warriors without trembling in their legs.

After delivering the drinks, Roche returned to his original position.

Hes a great warrior, isnt he?

Foltest took a big sip and chuckled at Roche, who was pointing at Lan En behind him.

The son of a prostitute, he wallowed in a stinking ditch and died, and then he was dug up by me and grew up like this. Because of this, I cremated my cousins body on the spot. He did not deserve to die under Melitellis gaze.

Lann nodded slightly at this.

A king who can discover and train young people with such tragic backgrounds must not only have the ability to recognize people, but also have a pair of eyes that care about the bottom.

The attitude of this kind of person towards the slave trade case is self-evident.

Have you settled those children?

Lan En still cares more about living people than a piece of flesh that has lost its life.

Foltest dealt with the matter immediately after burning his cousin's body.

They will be cared for and then contacted and returned to their families.

I assume you wont just return them to the family? Theyre a powerful weapon against Stethas reputation.

Of course they are needed to deal with the reputation left by Statha, but at the same time, the greater their reputation, the safer they will be. Its a win-win situation.

Tacitly, the two people on both sides of the dinner table clinked glasses with each other.

Now, lets talk a little bit about you.

Putting down the wine glass, Foltest snapped his fingers behind him.

The man named Luo Qi was still walking towards the dining table with a bag of packages that looked heavy in his hand.

"Five thousand orens, as well as the plate armor accessories and the good horse that you removed in Vizima, I will use them to repay you for cutting off a slave trade chain. Although personally, I also want to reward you for smashing Smashed my cousins head, but its a pity considering that it would stimulate his remaining power too hard.

Alia beside the table lazily picked up the package in Roche's hand.

It was heavy, but Alia was happy.

That was such a weight that even the blood of the running wolf couldn't help but smile.

Its already a lot. I heard that when Her Royal Highness the Princess was lifted from the curse, there was only a reward of three thousand orens.

Lan En nodded and said.

The urge to do good deeds comes from inner morality, but wouldnt it be better if you could still get satisfactory rewards after doing good deeds?

Watching Lan accept the money, Foltest nodded.

You have asked the children, but not Merigold?

She is a royal advisor who safeguarded the interests of the royal family in the incident. I have no need to worry about her.

Lan En's noncommittal made the other party couldn't help but shake his head.

"I'm not talking about safety. You didn't see how high-spirited she looked today."

Foltest chuckled. "This is probably the closest she has come to the concept of 'power'. The usually polite dignitaries asked her about the details of last night, and insinuated the subject to her powerful friend, yours. On her body. She didnt even know that those dignitaries had such huge energy before today.

"Normally, these energies would not be revealed in front of a sorceress, but now, because of your existence. Not only do they show these complex fields to my advisors, they even want Merigold to run into the scope of their power. A handful. Just because she has a friend like you makes everything she sees become kinder."

Power and wealth are aphrodisiacs, Lan. I can guarantee you that if you appeared in front of Merigold right now, neither of you would be able to get out of bed for a week.

Lan En took a sip from his wine glass.

Oh shit! The feudal king was knowledgeable!

Can you do this for a week? !

Are sorceresses monsters? !

Lan En, who originally looked like a little boy, now has a little redness at the tips of his ears.

But Foltest's tone became serious after telling the dirty jokes.

Your appearance as a warrior who can kill the top power holder of the kingdom in the top manor with the top guard has had an unimaginable impact on the upper echelon of Temeria, Lan En.

Do you know what they call you?

As Foltest's tone became serious, Lan's relaxed expression calmed down.

They call you [Hunter Lord].

The king's voice was low, as if he was narrating a character in a distant story.

But the little girl sitting next to the king couldn't help but say "Wow".

Several people present turned to stare at her, causing Aria to quickly cover her mouth.

[The Man Who Hunted the Earl]. Lan En curled his lips, This title is too middle-class and too far out of a knights novel.

Lan's dislike did not change the king's attitude.

The style of the name is not important, what is important is their attitude towards you.

"Some are afraid that you will kill the powerful regardless of whether you kill them, while others think that you can use your hand to eradicate the enemy. It is a method that breaks the rules of the game. It is not surprising that it was fought for and used in the early days of its emergence. But as the king, I cannot let it The situation continues to get worse.

Lan can imagine the attitude of the big shots in Vizima towards him.

There is certainly fear and terror, but what do these things mean in the face of the benefits they can bring?

There will always be people who want to take advantage of you. After all, although you are strong, you can't know everything, right?

Conceive some crimes for your opponents that are outrageous to both humans and gods, and then leak them to the market. Can you still investigate everything in detail?

As for a warrior who is so powerful that it is beyond common sense, while he brings intimidation, he will also inevitably bring a **** atmosphere.

The operation of society requires the shock of blood, but there cannot be too much blood.

This is what Foltest cannot accept.

Lan En nodded in understanding.

"I solved the problem for you and you paid me. I think our relationship is okay?"

The witcher looked at the king with a questioning look.

Foltest nodded calmly.

Mutual benefits, we can be called friends, Lan En. Everyone wants to be friends with a hero who saves slaves, especially when the hero is just like walking out of a story.

Ill just assume youre complimenting me. So what can I do to end the chaos?

Its very simple. Foltest pointed in the direction of Vizima.

"I hope you won't appear in Vizima again. If you need my help, you can convey it through Merigold, but you really don't want to appear in Vizima."

Vzima is the political center of Temeria, and dignitaries who are far away from the political center are equivalent to cutting themselves off from power.

Most of those who want to take advantage of Lan En and their enemies gather in this city.

As long as Lan En stays away from this city, the trouble will be reduced by 70%.

"No problem, Vizima doesn't seem to be a suitable place for a witcher to make a living anyway. A big job like a princess being cursed probably only happens once every few hundred years."

Lan En agreed without any hesitation.

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