Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1253: 1225【Smaug】【Fang of the Demonic Wolf】

Chapter 1253 1225. [Smaug] [Wolf's Fang]

 After the leader of the second group was overjoyed, he raised his hand and patted Lan En on the shoulder to remind him.

“The [Power Liberation] produced from the materials obtained from this Tyrannosaurus Rex is very fierce. Even among many other equipment that can produce [Power Liberation], it is also the most ferocious one.”

“Don’t be impulsive when using it, otherwise you may crush your fist bones!”

 Lan En nodded when he heard this, but he wasn't really worried about it.

 In the development of ordinary people, the strength of the muscles after exercise exceeds the bearing capacity of the bones.

 So you may have tight muscles that break your bones.

  This is a limitation of the physiological structure.

 But Lan En’s own bones and muscles have been strengthened, and bone strengthening must precede muscle strengthening.

 The longer the strengthening time, the deeper the degree of strengthening.

Even the honeycomb structure within the bone is more scientific and can withstand pressure.

 Besides, although his [Tendon Coil] increases muscle output, it also increases defense.

The force of the muscles pinching the bones must first be partially channeled by the steel cables spread throughout the muscle layer before it falls on the bones.

 It’s strange that I can’t bear it.

However, even if the body structure has surpassed that of ordinary people, the side effects of the [Power Liberation] prescribed by [The Essence of the Mist Nest Lord] should not be underestimated.

 After turning it on for a short while, Lan En actually felt his muscles were a little sore.

This means that even his endocrine system cannot metabolize the sudden increase in lactic acid accumulation just now.

  Then Lan En moved his body again to fully adapt to the movements of this suit of armor.

 A series of seals were released next. Indeed, just as Berengar said, the strength of the seals was greatly enhanced.

No wonder that when I met Gede for the first time, the guy who was also from the Bear School worked hard to make money and wanted to upgrade the armor of the school.

Compared to ordinary demon hunters who practice by themselves, the strength of the seals they practice increases, and the improvement brought by the equipment is too great and too immediate.

However, Lan En himself has never felt much about this.

 After all, his magic power continues to grow as his body becomes stronger.

“This set of armor and this set of blueprints need a name!” The leader of the second phase of the regiment raised a hand confidently, as if announcing some important news. "A resounding name! This is the first set of cologne-level equipment currently produced by our processing house!"

Berengar, who was next to him, pursed his lips after the one-eyed man spoke, as if he was trying to hold back his words.

When Lan En saw this, he also blinked blankly.

“[Lonely Mountain Evil Dragon·Evil Gold]!”

The other party said in a deep and proud voice. And almost the next moment, he was immediately praised by his disciples.

 “Good name! Impressive!”

The big apprentice from the processing house, who was shirtless and dripping with sweat, was the first to boo. He looked like he was still working just now.

 Another chorus of approval followed.

 There is no doubt that this name is in line with the aesthetics of local craftsmen.

 But Lan and Berengar stood together, the two of them lowered their heads and whispered.

"It doesn't matter what they call them here." Berengar gritted his teeth and said, "But if you go back, you still call it this name? Then I won't dare to say that I made it when I go back! This name is too big."

 Lan En nodded in agreement, as if there was no need to say anything more: "Just call him [Smaug]."

So while a group of New World craftsmen were enjoying themselves, the real name of this set of armor had been decided.

Lann began to bounce lightly on the ground, letting himself get used to the weight of this new suit of armor.

The function of this set of armor is not just as simple as Berengar said.

 The added [Mistlord's Thick Skin] adds some features of the New World armor.

Even if the monsters in the New World are dead and their materials have been ripped off their corpses and placed on their equipment, their materials are actually still "alive".

This exaggerated vitality and activity, coupled with the monster essence above, bring not only pressure to the hunter, but also intensity!

If it is a serious set of armor made entirely of Tyrannosaurus materials, then according to legend, the wearer of this armor will always be tormented by the hunger and fury of the Tyrannosaurus [essence].

The twisted mental state of the Tyrannosaurus Rex will remain part of it, continuing to oppress the wearer through the [essence].

While giving him far beyond normal strength and endurance, the craftsmen would even add iron chains to the armor made of Tyrannosaurus just to be cautious.

 In order to restrain the out-of-control armor and hunter at critical moments.

This is also the reason why a pile of corpses as big as [Mist Nest Lord] is lying in the arena, but few hunters dare to give themselves a set of equipment.

  Armor made of ordinary Tyrannosaurus rex materials can no longer withstand ordinary people. Not to mention the second [Mist Nest Master]!

But I heard that Wende has already placed an order. He is really a terrifying hunter.

The very nervous craftsmen of the New World have begun to cheer and celebrate the first armor made of ancient dragon-level materials that was born in the processing room. The scorching furnace, which spurted out bursts of heat, had no effect on them at all.

Berengar is quite envious of these heartless colleagues, but unfortunately, he has already passed that age.

So Berengar, who was standing next to Lan En, just touched his waist, and then took out a dagger that looked like a dagger in his hand.

 “Take it.” The old demon hunter turned the handle of the knife upside down and faced Lan En.

 Lan En lowered his head and took the knife.

 The knife, which in Berengar's hand was like a shorter one-handed sword, was exactly the same as a dagger in his hand.

 Lan slightly pulled the blade out of the scabbard.

 The black lines like waves of Valyrian steel look exquisite and quiet on it.

 The shape of the entire knife is actually an enlarged version of the dragon bone dagger he had in his hand before.

Previously, Lan En basically handed over all the equipment to Berengar, including the dagger inserted in the armor belt.

 He originally thought that Berengar just added some Valyrian steel to the dagger to make it fit the size of his current hand.

 But after pulling out the dagger, there was a dull blue color on the blade that should not have appeared in Valyrian steel, which made him understand that it was not as simple as "adding some steel".

“In addition to Smaug’s dragon scales and skin, didn’t you also bring a blue wolf skin and claws?”

The old demon hunter scratched his chin and looked at the 'dagger' with a troubled expression.

"I was thinking that you always said the dagger was too small, so I used the claws of the big wolf to modify your dragon bone dagger. But what should I say?"

His mouth was mumbling, and he was going to smash it, and he hesitated for a long time before he asked.

“What kind of thing is this wolf you killed?”

Chaogluin, the first demon wolf re-created by Sauron, the demon king of the world of Arda, in the third era. He gave him the name of the ancestor of the demon wolves in the first era ten thousand years ago.

“You used that wolf’s claws?” Lan En raised his eyebrows, but did not explain the origin of Zhao Geluin. "Then what is the condition of this knife now?"

The history of the world of Arda is long and clear, because a bunch of elves who are essentially immortal are basically there the whole time and remember it all.

It would be too troublesome and involved too much to explain clearly in one breath.

 “I don’t know what the situation is.” Berengar shrugged. "Don't we need materials from magical creatures to cast Valyrian steel? I thought that such a big wolf must be magical, so I added it."

 “Then this thing came out.”

Looking at the blade of this dagger, which was obviously different from ordinary Valyrian steel weapons, Berengar suddenly scratched his head even more.

“I don’t know what it is, but I always feel that it is not too simple.”

Berengar is a forger, even if he doesn’t have the ability to figure things out, he still has the feeling.

The sharpness of this dagger is extremely exaggerated, and that was even before it was polished after it was cast.

A piece of ferocious jackal leather used to wipe the blade surface, even just happened to be scraped on the blade, and then a crisp and clean cut appeared exactly.

Berengar was so confused that he thought he was out of his mind and had forgotten the sharpened edge.

 And that's not all. Berengar always felt that even this sharpness seemed to be just the appearance of this dagger.

 Lan put the edge of the dagger in front of his eyes, his eyes darkening.

“It’s a good dagger.” After taking a look at it, he smiled and hung the large dagger that fit his size on the belt of his new armor.

Berengar looked straight at Lan En and waited for three seconds before making an unhappy sound.

“So, you already know what the deeper power of this dagger is, but you don’t want to tell me?”

“That’s right.” Lan En smiled and tilted his head, “Because it will make your reaction interesting.”

The old demon hunter seemed to have been teased, and the corner of his mouth twitched silently.

Lan En and Fluffy Ball received the new equipment and began to adapt.

  Then he left the processing house that was still celebrating the birth of ancient dragon-level equipment in his hands.

 Flannel Ball had another exchange of words with Berengar and the leader of the second phase of the regiment before.

 They didn’t even know that Lan En should be notified first, but the person involved found out by chance in the end.

 Finally, it was discovered that among the three guys, two were addicted to novel forging techniques and monster materials, while the other one was happily immersed in the joy of helping cook with his friends.

 In short, just be happy and that’s it.

So one person informed that person, and that person pushed the notification to this person. After all, Lan En, the person who should be notified the most, knew nothing at all.

 But what can be done?

 Looking at you with the watery eyes of the flannel ball, do you want to hold the cat accountable?

 This is wrong, I am just a cute Ellu cat.JPG

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