Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1256: 1228 burst!

Chapter 1256 1228. Sudden!

 Originally, it was already very hot in the ruins of this transit base.

 But Lan En lowered his head and looked down.

 He had blown up the arena gate, leaving a gap where heat waves were still coming out.

This means that the heat inside is significantly higher than the outside!

Lan En glanced at Wende, who also happened to look over.

  The two men nodded to each other, took out a bottle of [cold drink] from their hanging belts, and drank it down.

 Follow Ball and Garfield share a bottle together, because Ellu cats are much smaller than humans, so their demand for drinking potions is also much smaller.

This drink, which can be obtained by directly mashing and grinding [frozen mushrooms] from the New World, and then undergoing simple processing, highlights the magic of New World creatures.

 After entering the mouth, it is not a ‘cooling feeling’, but directly a ‘numbing numbness’!

If you eat that kind of mushroom without any manipulation, Lan En doubts that you will directly get frostbite in your mouth and esophagus.

 After drinking the snow-white [cold drink], a cool feeling spreads gently from the intestines and stomach, and then spreads throughout the body, fighting against the heat outside.

Whether it was Lan En or Wind, or Fluffy Ball and Garfield, they all made a sound of relief after finishing the drink, as if they had just poured in a sip of ice-cold drink.


 After drinking the [cold drink], the environment here is finally not so uncomfortable and unbearable.

 And the [cold drink] is valid for several hours.

“The medicinal materials and plants in the New World are great.” After finishing the drink, Lan threw the empty bottle aside and said. "I actually wanted to transplant some last time to see if I could support them there."

“This is very troublesome. As you know, biological invasion is a big problem.”

Wende wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said.

“If you really want to try transplantation, you have to find a good scholar there to take care of it. There will be a lot of experiments and observations in the follow-up.”

Although Wende was cautious about this topic, he didn't resist it much.

Although ecological invasion is a serious problem, at the same time, the exchange of crops, medicinal materials, spices, etc. between various regions has also been a common occurrence since ancient times.

 General plants are always more convenient and safer to control than active animals.

Besides, Lan En is not too sure. Without the exuberant and exaggerated ecological power of the New World, it is still unclear whether these species can survive.

 He squatted down, and the knee pads in this brand-new armor and the back of his hands touched the ground with a slight collision.

 Lan En lay on the ground and began to drill into the arena through the gap he had reserved.

As he bent down, he said to Wen De behind him without looking back: "Of course I know it's troublesome, otherwise why do you think I brought Tissaya here?"

In the Magical Middle Ages, the only people who valued and understood the concept of ecosystems were druids.

But firstly, their group has a large proportion of environmentally obsessed people, and secondly, Lan En doesn’t actually know any druids.

I heard that the royal family of Cintra had previously hired a druid from the Skellig Islands, Mossak.

 But Lan En had met him once before, not in Cintra, but near the Broklon Forest. After Cintra was captured, he never saw him again.

 Excluding the Druid group, the one who truly knows this and has strong biological knowledge is Tissaya.

 The crystal cultivation project she initiated has already reflected her research level in the field of biology.

But talking to Wende about this now is just a casual chat before starting the hunt.

With the help of [Cold Drink], Lan En endured the heat wave and crawled through the rock crevice.

 The flannel ball followed closely behind him.

 Then behind is the combination of Wind and Garfield.

  After the two people and the two cats emerged from the crack in the rock, they held their breath and concentrated.

 They are now standing on the outer high ground, and the temperature here is like a big stew furnace.

 The high temperature makes the air sway like water waves.

The glowing red scale powder is like unburned ashes floating in the air.

There are black scorch marks everywhere after the gunpowder explosion, as well as the smell of gunpowder.

 These are the "baits" provided by the investigation team in recent days to stabilize Yanwangsaurus.

 There is no doubt that the gunpowder produced by so many survey groups is of a purity far beyond that of natural ores such as combustible rocks in nature.

 “I really enjoyed it for so many days.”

Lan En said in a low voice, while stepping on the hot rocks with his boots, he came to the edge of the high platform and looked into the depression in the middle.

Wend and the two Ellu cats followed him step by step.

 In the central depression of the arena, Yanwanglong looked like a lazy big cat.

The wings are folded on the back, and the head with strong mane rests on the two overlapping front paws.

 It has not yet discovered the incoming hunter.

 This is normal, after all, the life full of gunpowder these days makes it a little comfortable.

 The strong smell of gunpowder is enough to cover up any smell at this time.

Although Lan En and Wind are wearing equipment made from the materials of [Mist Nest Lord].

However, Lan En's armor was only used in small amounts, and the Smaug dragon scales and dragon skin, which were the main materials, had completely lost their activity.

 In addition to the evil influence on the user himself, there is no exaggerated aura left. And Wende can completely control his [Mist Nest Master Suit] as soon as he gets started. It is not difficult for him to suppress the violent and crazy momentum of the equipment.

Otherwise, just on the way to the Great Anthill Wasteland, it would have been difficult for him to ride the Pterosaur.

 The Yanwanglong's tail swept leisurely across the ground.

The tail would leave a scorched black mark just by skimming the ground.

Even in the middle of the charred areas, there are shiny patches.

That's the brightness of a rock when it's heated to a nearly molten state.

“Split up.” Lan En observed Yanwanglong for more than ten seconds to confirm that it did not notice anyone coming in, then turned to Wen De and said. "Check the equipment in the arena to see if it's still intact."

 “We can take the lead with a surprise attack.”

Wen De looked strange and also lowered his voice: "Are you sure this scene is not bad?"

 He pointed at the arena that was already like a crater.

“But the craftsmen of the processing house and the transportation team of the supplies team can’t really just bring gunpowder to it, right?”

Lan En spread his hands and pointed toward the mid-air of the arena.

 Originally, that location was a rockfall trap with many rocks wrapped in a net bag.

But on the day when the Flame King Dragon came, after Lan En led it to the arena, the net bag could not withstand its high temperature, and it spontaneously ignited and then fell down with rocks.

 But now, the original location is not empty, but an iron cage filled with many huge stones.

Wende raised his eyebrows and didn’t need to say anything.

The two men gestured to each other, then separated and groped to both sides.

Fluffy Ball and Garfield, like two cat and cat bugs, were lying on the ground, twisting and moving carefully.

After searching around, Wind gestured to Lan En from a distance, saying that he found that the installed [Dragon Gun] could also be used, but nothing else.

In the place where Yanwanglong stayed for several days, there were still two mechanical equipment available. This is already a sign that the craftsmen in the processing house have solid skills and reliable materials.

After confirming that he would attack first, Lan En pointed out a countdown finger to Wind, who was already holding the trigger rod of the [Dragon Gun] in the distance.

 Once the countdown is completed, it’s time to start the battle.

Lan En's raised fingers fell one by one, and the velvet ball beside his legs purred softly, seriously arching his body and entering a fighting state.

At this time, Yanwanglong was still lying lazily on the ground.

 It seems that the hunters have decided on the first move in this battle.

 But just when Lan En still had **** to fall.

ˆ “.”

Invisibly, the only gap is directly above this cylindrical semi-enclosed mountain.

At a sudden moment, a strange but strong feeling poured down from everyone's heads like a basin of cold water.

 Volumely, ferociously. Destroy all thoughts and ferocity!

The vertical pupils in the witcher's eyes suddenly shrank. Beside his legs, the flannel ball's three colors of hair suddenly exploded, and the whole cat seemed to have swelled!

 On the far opposite side, Garfield's situation is similar to that of a flannel ball.

Wende, who was almost about to pull down the activation lever of the [Dragon Gun], suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

 A black spot suddenly breaks into the sky surrounded by cylindrical mountains.

 At first, the black dot appeared only small against the blue background of the sky.

 But soon, this black spot expanded rapidly!

 It is falling! It's smashing itself down!

The Flame King dragon was originally lying lazily in the middle of the sunken terrain of the arena.

Almost at the same time as Fluffy Ball and Garfield, the fiery red mane of its body suddenly expanded!

 The suddenly suppressed momentum made it instinctively explode!

The only thing that can make a real ancient dragon reflexively explode its hair the moment it feels its momentum is another ancient dragon-level creature!


 The roar made Lan En feel familiar.

 After the momentum was suppressed, there was an explosion!

 Almost at the same time, Yanwanglong's originally relaxed muscles suddenly tightened!

 It is like a frightened big cat.

 From his original lying position, he jumped up sideways due to the sudden tightening of his muscles.

 That is to say, after Yanwanglong jumped sideways, one of its four paws even did not touch the ground and stopped completely.


 The appearance looks familiar to Lan En and Wind, and has the same destructive power!

That black shadow fell directly from the sky without slowing down!

 The solid ground was directly smashed into pieces, and the shaken gravel and floating debris formed a large cloud of earthy-yellow smoke.

 The flannel ball lying on the ground was so shaken that the whole cat flew into the air!

The ground was shaking, and some gravel that had broken due to the shaking on the upper layer of the cylindrical mountain was also falling down.

 Using your own body as a collision weapon, showing no mercy to only that old familiar ‘person’!



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