Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 138: 137 direwolf

Chapter 138: 137 direwolf

Chapter 138 137. Direwolf

Although there is no abstinence among the five virtues of knighthood, if the ladys wild remarks were heard by Lan En, the young mans heart would still be beating fast.

Although he has always known that the Lady in the Lake is a very down-to-earth god, it is beyond imagination that a **** with a concept of virtue would actually want to sleep with him.

The process of crossing the rift between the celestial spheres, Lan En thought it would be similar to crossing Triss's portal.

But it turns out that young people are still too young.

A feeling like sitting on a rocking car for an hour gathered in his internal organs, and he felt that his esophagus was regurgitating uncontrollably.

Even with Lan En's will and physique, he had to swallow hard for a long time before he could suppress his nausea.

Ai, Aaliya, are you okay?

The little girl had a serious expression, just like the one she had when she first passed through the portal, wanting to wave her hand as if nothing had happened.

But what was faster than that portal experience was that this time she didn't even raise her hands completely, her cheeks on both sides bulged up quickly like a hamster, and then


.Okay, I understand.

Lan En raised his eyebrows and went over to pat the little **** the back.

Leaving Aria to vomit there, Lan began to observe the surrounding environment.

It was similar to what he heard on the other side of the chasm, a land of trees and shrubs.

Judging from the humid air and the faint sound of water flowing, there should be a small river nearby.

It was dark at this time, and the shadowy firelight was looming in the deep forest.

Those holding torches were shouting Arya's name.

When they shouted, their attitude was mostly respectful, which was in line with Alia's status as the youngest daughter of a great noble.

But among the whispered curses of these people after they finished shouting, Lan En heard a lot of scornful names built around the word wolf.

Lang Niuer, wolf hybrid and the like.

Is it a force that cannot deal with the Stark family?

Why did Aaliyahs parents allow these people to participate in the search?

Almost instantly, a series of speculations flashed through Lan En's mind.

In terms of experience, he is no longer a fledgling college student or a witcher. The experience of investigating the slave-trading case of Count Stesa has made him grow up a lot.

Aliya's reaction through the celestial sphere's intersection rift had gradually subsided, and at this moment, Lan En slightly turned his head and looked at the bushes beside him.

The sound of the body rubbing against the vegetation suddenly sounded.

A gray-white shadow roared out, and its **** mouth bit directly at Lan En's throat!

This shadow is already much stronger than an ordinary wolf in the wild, and its speed and ferocity are far beyond that of an ordinary wild wolf.

However, facing an attack of this level, even though he was aware of it in advance, Lan En's expression didn't even show a trace of emotion.

His palm that was originally patting Aaliya's back had already reached the expected position.

When the gray-white shadow rushed towards him, his palms just grabbed the opponent's throat.

The physical struggle and thrust were meaningless to Lan En's strong arm muscles.

Even after being hit hard, Lan En directly "stunned", pinching his neck and stinging the gray shadow directly to the ground!

The other hand was clenched into a fist and raised slightly, and the fist of the glove with three-edged nails on the outside was about to be smashed down.

Sir! Wait!

Alia saw clearly the gray figure that was pinned to the ground by Lan En. It was a strong and strong wolf.

A small direwolf.

This is Nymeria! This is my wolf!

Lan En's cat eyes looked into the wolf's eyes on the ground. Even though he was suppressed to this point, the wolf's eyes were still unyielding.

Hind legs and front paws were still scratching **** Lan En's armor.

There is a twisting energy.Just like Alia.

The blood in its mouth is human blood, Arya.

Lan En could tell the smell that was already familiar to him with just one sniff.

"No! That's not human blood, it's human blood, but it's Joffrey's blood!"

Aliya explained anxiously. She knew very well what Lan En's power was, and she also knew very well Lan En's attitude towards "eating people".

If this punch really hits, Nymeria's head will probably turn into a puddle.

I hit Joffrey with a stick, and Joffrey chased me with his sword, and then Nymeria bit him! Its not his fault!

Aliya wrapped her hands around Lan En's arm that raised his fist to prevent him from smashing it down.

Alright Alia, calm it down. I have to make sure it stops grinning before I let go.

Direwolves do look different from ordinary wolves.

When Nymeria struggled under Lan En's hand, her fangs were exposed and she growled and bit. But when Aaliya's hand touched its head, although Lan En's suppressive movements did not change, it suddenly became as docile as a domestic puppy.

It has a very high IQ. Generally, well-trained domestic dogs will temporarily ignore the comfort of their owners when they become angry in a crisis.

Lan En slowly released his hand from the wolf's neck.

Nymeria did exactly what Arya said, she didn't bite back and bared her teeth again.

Instead, he buried his head in Aaliyah's arms, moaning "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Aliya also looked like a little girl playing with her pet, hugging the big wolf's head.

Lan En stood aside and watched with his arms folded.

"That's great, Nymeria! You haven't run far yet. Lan En is here, so you don't have to leave me!"

But after the little girl was intimate with the wolf for a while, Lan noticed that Aria's expression became a little confused.

"What's wrong?"

No, its nothing, its just. Aaliya moved the big wolf head from side to side and looked at it carefully.

Nymeria licked the tip of her nose from time to time without any evasion.

The blood on Nymerias mouth is indeed the same as the day she bit Joffrey, but it still feels wet? But Ive been away for a long time?

Arya clearly remembers the details of the day she beat Joffrey. After all, she drove Nymeria away with her own hands that day in order to avoid royal revenge.

She knew that the royal family could not kill her, but they could definitely kill a direwolf.

The memory of parting is always clear, and she clearly remembers the shape of the blood stain on Nymeria's mouth.

The flow of time is different? Lan En guessed. "After all, we have crossed the world, so it is possible that the flow of time is different."

Then he saw Aaliya looking at him confused, obviously not understanding the meaning of the word.

Just as Lan En was about to explain to her, a loud cheer came from the distance in the woods.

Aha! We caught the butchers son!

Go quickly! Leave it to the Hound Dog and lets go get the reward!

The voice was not quiet this time, even Aaliya could hear it clearly.

Her expression suddenly tightened and she whispered: "It's Mikay! He's been caught!"

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Thank you to Ye Sheng for the 1500 point reward!

Thanks to Ledao for the 100-point reward!

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