Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 144: 143 Is there a dragon here? !

Chapter 144: 143 Is there a dragon here? !

Chapter 144 143. Is there a dragon here? !

Robert's furious roar was like a tranquilizer for Joffrey. This cruel and pampered prince was as honest as a quail when faced with his father whom he had killed on the battlefield.

Thats so **** awesome! Haha!

Robert, with his big belly, excitedly approached Lan, who had already sheathed his sword.

Damn it, Ive never seen a person of your stature be able to fight against the Cleganes in a sword fight! And he **** won! Haha!

Lan En raised his eyebrows at the extremely generous compliment, but judging from the reactions of the nobles who were watching, they were already used to their king speaking like this.

He slapped Lan En's shoulder so hard that even the armor plates of the composite armor "clattered".

The strength in his hands also seems to be beyond ordinary people.

"The result of the trial by combat is already clear. Under the witness of the seven gods, justice has favored the winner!"

Now I declare that Nymeria is not guilty, and no direwolf will die here.

Alia cheered, led Nymeria and ran over to Lan En.

Even with Lan En's physical fitness, such a big wolf still made him stagger.

The direwolf is indeed smart, and it seems to know that it has been helped by Lan En. Now the tongue is licking Lan En like a puppy.

Hey, calm down! Stop licking! Youre licking your hair!

Lan quickly pushed down the wolf's head. He didn't dislike animals, but he was unhappy if the wolf licked his hair.

Not far away, the real subjects of this confrontation are the Stark family and the Queen's family.

Their atmosphere is much weirder than a simple arena.

The straightforward Northerners laughed and cheered, but their numbers were few.

Most of the people who were silent around them were carefully observing the queen's face.

Looks like things are not going well for Stark, sir.

Mentos intelligent voice reminded Lan En.

But young people dont think its wrong.

When a big noble from a remote fief goes to the capital to serve as prime minister, it is inevitable that he will be weak in the early stage. But I think based on the relationship between the king and Ed, as long as he is smart, he will be able to gain a foothold soon.

Lan used his own knowledge and insight to analyze the situation in front of him.

For a temporary lonely minister, the king's trust is the lifeline.

As long as you seize this lifeline, don't make enemies frequently in the early stage, and accumulate strength and manpower, no matter what you do in the later stage, it shouldn't be too dangerous.

Judging from Lan En's short time of contact, Ed and Robert did have a life-long friendship.

The family pet bit the prince so hard that it left scars for life, which Robert described as a "kid's fight".

"Lan, I have already made an agreement with my father. After he comes to King's Landing and takes office as Prime Minister, he will ask people to find all kinds of strange animal and plant materials. There are all the things in Westeros there! There are even dragon bones that can be used for food. you!"

Yeah, okay, okay.

Lan En dealt with the cheerful little girl.

I wonder if you are going to do this or not, can I just watch my wolf being killed?

But then, Lan En seemed to suddenly realize something, and turned his head to look down at Aaliya seriously.

Did you just say dragon bones? Dragon bones?

Although Lan En will not sit back and ignore Aria's troubles, the little girl herself is also a sensible person.

When she asked Lan En for help, she offered to pay her father, who was about to become prime minister, to collect strange materials from this world for him.

Lann has already demonstrated a lot of alchemy in front of Arya. The little girl knows that this magical technology requires the study of many strange animal and plant materials.

Lan Ens initial intention was to help.

At first I didnt expect that this world without magic would produce anything strange.

But now, Aaliya told him that he could find the dragon bone? !

"Yes, dragon." Aaliya met Lan En's confused expression as if it were natural.

The last family of kings here was the family of dragon masters. They rode dragons and conquered the continent of Westeros.

"Although the dragons seem to have been dead for hundreds of years now, there are still some skeletons left in King's Landing!" Lan En's lips opened and closed, going back and forth several times.

No, you, I, you didnt say

Your sister also said that there are dragons here!


The king's motorcade is preparing to enter King's Landing.

Lan En got a horse from Ed. He is currently riding the horse and following the team, but he is holding a book in his hand and looking down attentively.

What surprised the people around him was that even though this beautiful young man never looked at the road, he only pulled the reins occasionally.

He can follow the queue neatly.

Even able to accurately control the horse to avoid Nymeria who rushed to play with him.

This kind of riding skills even impressed Jory Kelso, the captain of the guard that Ed brought to King's Landing.

He lamented to Ed more than once, never expecting that the legends about the Dothraki wandering on the grasslands were true.

People can live freely on horseback.

The book Lan En is holding is called "Dance of Blood Dragons".

Approximately a book of historical analysis with the texture of a novel. It tells the history of the civil war between the Targaryen dragon masters.

Lan En is not too concerned about the power struggles inside, but more concerned about the physical characteristics and habits displayed by the dragons in this world in history.

Its not that he doesnt want more professional and targeted dragon research materials.

But it is said that this kind of thing is usually in the hands of bachelors, and this novel-like book can only be found in the king's motorcade.

After Arya told Lan that the world was not the ordinary medieval world he imagined.

The first thing that came to Lan En's mind was caution.

The dragon is a high-end magical creature. This kind of magical creature needs a magical environment just to survive.

This world can breed enough dragons to participate in wars, then it can also produce enough knowledge of magic.

The feeling that comes immediately afterwards is excitement.

Thats a dragon!

Dragon bone!

In his original world, in the civilized world where humans live, he heard that all the dragons were being hunted down.

This precious material cannot be bought even with money.

At most, you can only buy some leather and horns from dragon beasts such as Fork-tailed Dragon and Pterodactyl.

Nymeria went to wander around the carriage where Arya was sitting, and then ran to Lan ~The witcher had to spend some effort to keep the horse from sitting down in the ice field. I was frightened by the wolf's body odor.

The lively and trouble-making character of this wolf is indeed modeled after Alia.

The convoy has reached a place where the city wall towers can be vaguely seen.

Following this, there was a stench that filled the air.

Ordinary people have not reacted at all.

But while he was reading a book, the witcher with a keen sense of smell coughed twice.

He happened to turn to a section in the book describing King's Landing, which said that about half a million people lived in this city.

At this moment, Lan En thought of a question.

In the previous world, although the level of civilization was only at the medieval level, many large cities were built on elven ruins.

The sewer system there even allows squads of soldiers to fight inside.

In a medieval city without elven ruins.

How to deal with the domestic waste of these 500,000 people?

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Thanks to Yupiaoling01 for the 100-point reward!

Thanks to Ranxin and Yushengwoshang for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to book friend 20170222194644485 for the 1,000-point reward!

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