Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 147: 146 Steel Street

Chapter 147: 146 Steel Street

Chapter 147 146. Steel Street

The two of them were just like they were in the magical world, with Lan leading Aria around a lively and unfamiliar place.

The situation in King's Landing is in line with Lann's reasonable imagination of a medieval town.

The moment you exit the gate of the Red Fort, the stinky and dirty street scene emerges in front of you.

The two of them first asked for directions and walked towards the port.

The harbor of King's Landing is home to ships from nearly the entire world.

Ships from the continent of Westeros will dock in the capital, and ships from the continent of Essos across the narrow sea will also come here to conduct cross-continental trade.

Lan En If you are interested in the novel plant and animal materials in this world, you must first observe a wide enough range.

The Port of King's Landing is a gathering of people of all races.

The white-skinned warriors and traveling merchants of Westeros, the big brown-skinned merchants wearing silk robes and silk slippers across the sea, and even occasionally the horseback ethnic mercenaries with long braids and bells hanging on their braids.

These people bring special products from all over the world and bring them back to their hometown from King's Landing, hoping to make a huge profit from the price difference.

Lan En pulled Aaliya back and forth between various temporary stalls in the turbulent flow of people.

The Haunted Grass from the Land of Shadows! Behold, this is the sunless grass from Asshai!

The fur of a white lion on the Dothraki grass sea! One arrow through the heart, intact!

Amid the noisy shouts of sales, Alia, a local, was full of excitement and could not take in anything.

On the contrary, Lan En, a foreigner, remained unmoved.

Just kidding, I thought I was not a foreigner in the magical world! Why don't you still pick on those profiteers and bargain for the price!

Among the dazzling array of products, Lan quickly developed a selection mechanism with Mentos.

For things like herbs and plants, he would rub them in his hands like he was looking at the products, and then put his fingers in his mouth to taste them.

Mentos can accurately summarize the properties of the medicine based on these micro-samples.

As for animal materials such as fur, leather, huge teeth, and huge bones, Lan En would pretend to be observing closely, lowering his body and bringing his roaring bear head necklace close to observe whether there was any vibration.

According to the available data in this world, the most powerful single creature should be the dragon.

The other creatures that people see and come into contact with seem to be very ordinary.

In this case, lets just screen out the worthless things based on whether they contain magic power.

After the selection mechanism was established, Lan Ens shopping speed was greatly improved.

Most of the time he spent at each stall would not exceed ten seconds, and so far he had not found anything worthy of his attention.

Most herbal medicines have similar medicinal effects in the magical world, and most of the animal-based materials are mainly beautiful and gorgeous, but lackluster in practicality.

Most of the things here are going to the general market. Is it possible that the really valuable things are going to the black market?

After turning around in a circle, Lan En tasted it and felt that this was what it meant.

Now he is rapidly moving in the market, and his appearance is very eye-catching, and Arondette is obviously extraordinary with just a sword hilt exposed on his back.

In his perception, many people in this market have paid their attention to him covertly.

There were even a few times when a few seemingly normal businessmen exposed him to prices that were almost unprofitable and offered free door-to-door delivery.

Obviously the purpose is to find out the address, and use the address to determine whether Lan En can be offended and whether he can "do something" to him.

If Mentos hadn't already established a price model for this world, Lan wouldn't even have noticed that they had set the price at this level and paid for it as a normal transaction.

Of course, there is no problem in reporting your address, but it is estimated that these businessmen will have to deliver their things to the Prime Minister's Tower while holding their noses. Aliya, its time to go.

Handing the little girl by the collar as she wanted to run forward, Lanenti slid her towards the outside of the port market.

Most of the goods are worthless and eye-catching. Lan En was not prepared to stay any longer.

He still wanted to catch a gangster and follow the line like he did in Vizima, and he should find some clues about the black market no matter what.

But now in Westeros, the body temperature feels like autumn.

Even gang members dont go bare-chested to show tattoos and gang insignia.

In a city of half a million people, everyone wears dirty linen shirts, and their faces are covered with a mixture of dust and sweat. The hardship of life is reflected in their eyes and faces, which become "not to be messed with" and "mind your own business."

Who can tell who is a gang member?

We wont go shopping anymore? I see theres a lot of fun there! There are materials I havent seen before!

Aliya chuckled sheepishly.

Lan En has long been accustomed to her being active and playful, so he doesn't care.

"Every product on the ordinary market can be replaced in Temeria. What I want to find is the kind of thing that I can only buy when I go back. If I keep shopping like this, our harvest in a few months may not be as good as your father's. talk."

Although Ed collected it and followed it up, there was no difference in Lan En's hands.

But Lan En didnt want to get nothing after asking for the right to freely enter and leave the Red Keep. This would be too ugly.

The two people were talking and walking. They were both new to the city and were not very familiar with the environment and routes of King's Landing.

I felt that the smelly sea breeze blowing from the port was gradually disappearing, and instead, a faint heat wave and the sound of "ding-dong-dang" began to come from not far away in front of me.

Looking up, I saw a steel sign hanging on the upper edge of the street door frame.

Steel Street? Aaliyah looked up at Lan En, who was also looking up at the iron sign.

This is a place that sells armor and weapons. Isnt it hard to find alchemy materials?

Lan En crossed his arms and tilted his head.

Not necessarily. In the magical world, blacksmiths will use monster materials to participate in the forging. After the finished product, some will ask warlocks to etch runes on it with crystal powder to make magic weapons.

Although there is no magic here now, if dragons appear, the blacksmiths may also buy some strange things to add to their crafts?

Lan En waved his hand and asked Aria to follow him towards the uphill street.

Everyone is here, so theres nothing wrong with just wandering around.

Anyway, most of the salary Duke Eddard gave him as a guard was used to let him take care of Aria.

Lan En felt that the Duke was really making a lot of money. No one would be willing to pay such a little girl the salary of a guard.

Since we are looking for a blacksmith who can add things during the steel forging process, these blacksmith shops at the lower end of the **** do not look like large shops with craftsmanship and business.

Lan En took the excited Aria directly to the top of the ramp.

At the top of the Steel Street ramp, the sound of tinkling came from a blacksmith shop.

"Gendry! Stop banging your horned helmet and go greet the guests."

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Thanks for the 500-point reward from Ranxin!

Alas, my life of three updates a day ended yesterday. But everyone's enthusiasm is reflected in the results, and my own coding speed has also improved, so I will continue at this frequency now. When I can't hold it anymore, I will ask everyone to take a break.

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