Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 156: 155 magic mountain

Chapter 156: 155 magic mountain

Chapter 156 155. Magic Mountain

Lord Stark seemed to have been confused for too long in King's Landing, so someone who could explain the situation to him suddenly gave him advice, and he was able to listen to it.

He did not take Jory to go to Steel Street to find Tob Mott's blacksmith shop, nor did he send Jory to talk to the repairman.

Jory Kelso, the captain of the guard, had a toast with Lan at dinner.

"Although I will definitely go if the adults call me. But I will definitely be happy to save two trips in this extremely hot place."

This is what the guard captain said exactly.

Whether it is for northerners or direwolves, King's Landing is a place with higher temperatures.

Ed Stark, who was handling the kingdom's official affairs at the Royal Council, also clearly felt the difference between today and the past.

Government affairs that are usually difficult to carry out are inexplicably easy to handle at today's conference table.

If it was before contacting Lan En, he would probably have thought that "this kingdom is going smoothly after all."

But now he understands that the reason why things are going smoothly now is because he did not go to the monk based on the information, nor did he go to the blacksmith, nor did he do anything other than his duties as Prime Minister.

His "no movement" seemed to make some people think he had settled down, and gave him a "reward" at the conference table.

Do they think they are training dogs? !

Although the affairs were handled extremely smoothly, the anger in Ed's heart was stronger than when he attended any imperial meeting since he took office!

This meeting ended quickly. Ed's serious face made it difficult to tell that he was any different from the previous days.

Petyr Baelish came up to him when the crowd was almost gone, with a gentle and elegant smile on his face.

Sir, it seems that you didnt catch those two clues yesterday.

While maintaining the smile on his face, Baelish's eyes were wandering around, as if observing the surroundings while talking was already his instinct.

Ed was sincerely bored, but he still carried out Lan En's words accurately.

"I'm busy, Lord Baelish. The death of Lord Jon Arryn is a private matter for me. I can't put aside my official duties as Prime Minister for private matters, can I?"

"You really understand your righteousness." Baelish's smile seemed flawless in Ed's eyes. "I just hope you can take time out as soon as possible, otherwise the information you get may be swept away. Farewell."

As Baelish walked away, the polite smile on Eddard's face also disappeared.

In the past, the upright Lord Stark would probably not be aware of the mentality and thoughts of people like Baelish, but now.

Lan En is right. He is anxious.

The tourney was a carnival for the common people who lacked entertainment.

By the time it started, the Prime Minister had already led his family members to a high platform at the venue.

This high platform is specially prepared for dignitaries.

The king is at the top, followed by the prince, prime minister, and all the lords of the royal council.

From their position, they can easily see the entire track where knights compete.

The most eye-catching event of the tourney is the first knightly competition, and the most exciting one is the group melee at the end.

In the knight's competition venue, a wooden fence dividing line is set vertically on a straight and spacious track.

The two knights on the field will line up on both sides of the wooden fence and launch a lance charge.

The lance used in the charge was a special competition gun. When the brittle lance hit the armor of the knights, the wooden pole would explode on its own without waiting for the impact of the horse to penetrate the armor.

At most, two of the knight's ribs will be broken, but his life will not be hurt.

Of course, since it is a competition, there will be accidents, and it is normal for someone to accidentally poke a weak point in the armor and die. And at this time. This is mostly when people cheer and get excited.

Lane, help me keep an eye on Nymeria!

Aliya ran up to the high platform excitedly, turned around and waved to Lan En.

Although Sansa was very ladylike and did not shout, she nodded towards Lan En with a red face and entrusted her 'lady' to Lan En under the high platform. The witcher ignored the overly lively little girl and smiled at Sansa.

Sansa blushed and ran away, while Arya was dragged away angrily.

Lan En lowered his head and looked at the two 'plush toys' beside him.

Nymeria is just as crazy as her owner. There were so many people at the tournament that she jumped up and down excitedly.

The lady has been squatting on the spot obediently.

With a "bang" sound, Lann knocked on the door of Nymeria's huge wolf head.

The jumping direwolf suddenly started to cry like Erha, but his behavior was much more honest.

The knights on the field are galloping, and the winner is determined in the moment of crossing.

Even someone like Lan En, who is not proficient in immediate combat, can clearly feel the skill and effort involved in this intersecting moment.

A qualified war horse must be proficient in at least four steps.

General running, rapid march, charge, rapid turn, and in the moment of lance confrontation, an excellent war horse must adjust its footsteps to the state with the strongest impact and the most stable center of gravity.

Such a horse is a qualified war horse.

A qualified war horse requires a qualified knight to control it.

It is up to the knight to judge the distance and speed, the physical condition of the horse, and the terrain. At the same time, the knight must also consider the angle of his shield, the accuracy of his spear, and his endurance.

These subtle considerations come together in one place, and then at the moment of the confrontation, the difference between the two sides is reflected in the victory or defeat.

Who is more in-depth in the technical field and who is more effective in daily training? Just look at who loses.

In the field of foot combat, most of these knights cannot stand in front of Lan En for five seconds.

But once the battlefield is brought to the back of a horse, Lan En can only ensure that his riding skills will prevent the horse from running slower than them.

It is too difficult to win with hedging.

A good knight can grasp the ups and downs of the horses on both sides, and then use his own bad horse to kill the opponent's good horse in the confrontation!

Of course, from the perspective of outsiders watching these battles, it is just lively enough.

After several rounds of knightly jousting, a knight Lan En knew rode up on horseback. That's Xiu Fu.

Talama waited in front of the high platform where the king was, waiting with his opponents to pay tribute to the king.

Then his opponent came.

That is a figure like a black iron tower!

From Lan Ens visual inspection, he was at least two and a half meters tall! The shoulders are broad and the arms are as thick as small tree trunks.

Ordinary people probably cant even move that black armor. Underneath the armor, he also wore chain mail and cooked leather armor. Wearing a huge helmet with a flat top, leaving only breathing holes for the mouth and nose, and a narrow hole for observation next to the eyes, the top of the helmet is decorated with a stone fist pointing straight at the sky.

by Gregor Clegane.

The older brother of Sandor Clegane, rumored to be the strongest man in Westeros, and the fierce dog of the Lannister family.

Judging from Lan Ens experience fighting Sandor, this guys single strength attribute is probably on par with his own.

Of course everyone present knows his power better than Lan En, a foreigner.

At least as an opponent, our Sir Xiufu has turned pale.

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