Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 191: 190 Experiment completed

Chapter 191: 190 Experiment completed

Chapter 191 190. Experiment completed

The first and second experiments all ended in failure.

The first time I made a pot of thin muscle soup, the heart was far from being formed.

The second time, the heart wall grew excessively, and the space inside the organ was completely unqualified.

But faced with two failures and a total of more than 6,000 gold coins wasted, all three people present were very calm.

Because even Margarita, who has the least experimental experience, has observed the experimental process in the academy.

In an experiment, the normal ratio of failure to success should be like the ratio of air to potato chips in a potato chip bag.

From the perspective of Lan En, who designed the experiment, the first two experiments were purely used as calibrators.

The effectiveness of [keel growth agent] in this trial has not been quantified, and these two experiments were used for this purpose.

Lan En held the product of the second experiment, an overly solid 'heart' in his hand, and looked at it carefully.

Mentos, are the calculations complete?

After calculation, it is estimated that [keel growth agent] will be used to catalyze heart growth, and the required accurate mass is 20.30g, sir.

After receiving the reply, Lan En nodded slightly and put down the failed product in his hand. Turning to Margarita and Tissaya, he said.

The third experiment, get ready to start.

The two agreed readily.

Margarita did it out of her trust in Lan En. After all, in her contact with Lan En, it seemed that there was nothing that this young demon hunter couldn't do.

Tishaya received nine thousand gold coins from Lan yesterday and replaced them with experimental materials that met the requirements in the logistics department of Arethusa.

The money has been spent, and even if you still cant make it the third time, you still have to keep doing it.

not to mention.

Tisaya raised her eyes and looked at Lan En's expression, and found that his confidence did not seem to be affected by the two failures at all.

The light of magic flashed again, and the natural crystals and magic cloth were replaced with new ones.

The only different step was that Lan began to accurately measure the amount of [Dragon Bone Growth Agent] and put the gray gel-like substance on the crystal.

Rita, the magic power is starting to supply.

Huge chaotic magic reappeared in the room, and was then accurately guided by the magic lines into the crystal and the flesh above.

A slice of heart cells originally lying on the crystal began to wriggle and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye under the catalysis.

The turbid nutrient solution becomes clear very quickly.

Tisayas face was calm. This scene had already appeared in the second failure.

She could not help but applaud Lan En for solving the problem of "difficulty in proliferation of highly differentiated cells".

Ever since that time, Tissaya was convinced that Lan En could complete this experiment. The only thing that hindered him was the number of experiments. Getting the hang of how much of that mysterious gray gel is a challenge.

Obviously, Tissaya had no idea how much a biological brain could facilitate computing.

Within [Keel Growth Agent], surging growth force is injected into the cardiomyocytes. These cells, which had lost their ability to regenerate due to high differentiation, began to proliferate in an orderly manner.

Finally, under the expectant gazes of the three people, a complete heart that looked somewhat deformed slowly stopped squirming and calmed down after growing into a suitable shape.

Lie quietly on the crystal plate.

Margarita and Lan took success for granted. Although Tissaya was surprised, she also thought it was reasonable.

Tisaya smiled and shook her head, standing next to Lan En and applauding gently.

"Congratulations, your experiment was successful. Crystal-cultivated organs, Arethusa united dozens of warlocks, a project that took more than three years and made no progress. It only bothered you for a few weeks. It's breathtaking. You really should be a sorcerer."

Lan En raised his eyebrows.

"I just used a special growth agent. The raw material of this agent is the alien dragon bone I brought back. The quantity is limited. If I really want to completely conquer this project, I still have to return to the normal path. At most, I am doing it for the future. Make a success of it.

"Then, I will take this heart." Lan En leaned over and picked up the isolation cover containing the crystal plate and the 'deformed' heart.

Disaya looked puzzled, but she still waved and used magic to bring the container and cell preservation solution that could preserve organ activity, and handed them to Lan En.

Is this deformed piece of junk useful if you take it away?

As a souvenir, this is the first successful experiment after all.

Disaya didnt ask any more questions. After seeing off Lan En and Margarita, who obviously couldnt stay any longer, she stayed in the laboratory to record experiments.

A rigorous character is a valuable experimenters quality, and Tissaya is born with this kind of person.

Lan En held the jar that stored the [Second Heart] in his hand, feeling a little strange.

Just like the jar he carried with him the gene seeds, the fleshy organs suspended in the liquid in the jar will be placed in his chest in the near future.

With this kind of understanding, it is inevitable that you will feel strange.

Walking with Margarita in the lavishly decorated corridors of Arethusa, the blond sorceress suddenly spoke.

"I have prepared various magic potions for you, as well as alchemical materials you may need. Poppy has also loaded up his saddle and bit, and is ready to go at any time."

Lan En looked at the other person's swaying back, and suddenly felt the warmth of being cared for. This warm feeling made him curl his lips unconsciously.

Thanks, Rita.

"You're welcome, my dear." Margarita turned around, smiled, and used a title she had never used before.

"I know that your self-esteem will not accept my funding, or even borrow my magic package. Then you should at least accept these concerns that are not too high in value. If you refuse even these things, you are too ignorant. So charming."

Lan En hugged his [second heart] and saluted the blond dean teasingly.

Of course, of course I will accept your concern, Mr. Dean.

In the afternoon of that day, Lan left Aretuosa and boarded the river passenger ship in the direction of Vizima again. Three days later, he returned to the lakeside village called Dark Water.

Lann wore a long cloak with a hood over his armor, just like the attire he wore when he first arrived.

People in the village were not surprised by his pedestrian appearance. At least Selena, the village chief's daughter, did not raise her head to look at him when she ran and jumped by.

Lan En walked straight to the village tavern.

On the way, he passed by the blacksmith workshop in the village. An acquaintance was knocking on a piece of raw ore by the stove, watching from left to right.

Hey, Berengar!

The strong man by the fire straightened up, frowned and looked out, and immediately saw the tall horse and the majestic figure on it.

Ah, you are finally back!

Berengar threw down the things in his hands, wiped the soot from his face, and walked out of the workshop.

"Back to you."

Before anyone arrived, he threw out the dragon bone dagger from its sheath.

Lan Ens hand caught it in mid-air and hung it on his lower back.

He raised his hood, and his brilliant silver hair reflected a dreamlike light in the sun.

Its so easy, Berengar. Do you have a clue about the re-enactment?

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