Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 215: 214 at night

Chapter 215: 214 at night

Chapter 215 214. Nightfall

The development of the situation was quite different from Lan En's plan.

After these bandits saw that there was only one person rushing into the battle, the advantage in numbers would bring courage.

They ignored the members of the Ronin group who rushed towards the ferry, trying to concentrate their efforts to kill the big guy who looked intimidating first.

After all, in their common sense, when dozens of people are fighting against one person, the entanglement will end in only a few seconds.

But wait until the witcher starts swinging his sword.

The huge strength beyond ordinary people, coupled with Alondette's sharpness and tenacity, can cause far more damage than these people can imagine!


With one to many, the magic runes on the Sword of the Lake Girl that are charged by swinging have hardly dimmed!

The magic runes on the sword's surface left an afterimage of halo in the air.

Lan En rushed directly into the group of bandits.

These thugs, who had not seen blood for a long time, excitedly sent their weapons towards Lan En's body.

But with a flash of golden sword light, all the weapons were neatly broken.

The wooden shaft of the spear, the handle of the two-handed axe, and the blade of the samurai sword. The fracture that surrounded Lan En even showed a smooth arc!

The Sword of the Lady of the Lake is a weapon made by the gods. Its sharpness and toughness, Lan En has never encountered anything that can match it.

Now, there is no comparison between this group of Japanese bandits wearing simple armor and a Western heavily armored knight who spent a lot of money and has extraordinary talents!

The first sword cut off the weapon, the steps suddenly landed on the ground, and the body moved forward.

The scope of the second sword has already covered the human body!

It is still the horizontal swing with the widest attack surface.

Even the bandits can see this simple attack intention.

There were even a few people with good reaction speed who had subconsciously blocked the broken weapons in the path of the sword blade.

But then, the slightly reassuring expressions on these people's faces disappeared like water drops on a hot pot.

Because they immediately realized a problem after the first response of emergency defense

If their weapons can block it, then the opponent's first sword should have no effect!

The suddenly panicked look met the witcher's calm cat eyes.

The studded leather gloves and the sword hilt were clenched suddenly! The golden light on the sword has reached its limit!

Slash ChargeNine levels!

And the next sword's cutting power will be twice as strong as the previous one!

The light path flashed past, and a sweep seemed to be unimpeded.

Rudimentary armor, broken weapons, fragile human body

The Sword of the Lake Girl stopped again, already on the other side of a row of bandits. Its golden light has disappeared after this sword strike.

And after the sword passed, a sparse sound of landing was heard.

That was the sound of pieces of human flesh suddenly hitting the muddy ground moistened with blood.

There were eight bandits who came to besiege Lan En and wanted to turn him into a hedgehog.

Because there were too many people to stand apart, there were three people who crowded behind and stabbed them with spears.

And when the magic on the Lake Girl's Sword was fully charged and swept across with golden light, the eight people in front of it became sixteen.

Due to the length of the sword's blade, the three people in the distance were only cut into their chests and abdomens, making a big enough hole to fit into a bowl of the sea.

There were still quite a few bandits rushing towards Lan En, but due to the initial position, they couldn't squeeze into the first wave.

But their bad urge to see blood still drove them to rush forward with roars and screams.

All these movements came to an abrupt end after the sword strike just now, as if the pause button had been pressed.

On the blood-soaked mud, the remaining conscious limbs were screaming and twisting.

The three people whose chests and abdomen were cut open fell to their knees with pale faces due to the huge loss of blood. They saw that they had no strength to even raise their hands.

The small bandit group of forty people lost eleven people in one encounter.

The person who caused all this?

He just swung his sword twice.

Is it the [Sword Master]?!

The bandits who were stunned on the way to the charge screamed with trembling lips.

Is it Ashina Isshin here?

Fear makes people's hands and feet cold and difficult to move. It also makes people confused, and they can't even distinguish between old people and young people, Japanese armor and Western armor. So Lan En could see that the main muscles of their trunks were trying hard to mobilize their leg muscles, but the legs were as if they had taken root, unable to move when they stepped on the ground.

Lan can understand their mood.

After all, in one meeting, more than a quarter of the forty people were killed.

The limbs of those people were piled on display on the ground like the kitchen chefs of a restaurant with unqualified hygiene.

They should be afraid.

After the initial and most shocking wave of fear, they will naturally recall their biological instincts.


Ship, a bandit said with trembling lips, Set the ship quickly!

So a group of bloodthirsty bandits swarmed towards the ferry.

But in the direction of the ferry, a group of rogues whom they didn't care about at first had already cleared away the scattered enemies and maintained their formation.

Stabilize the defense! Kotaro drew his bow and arrow at this time, his face deformed due to the roar.

They are a defeated army! There is only one wave of momentum!

Kotaro could see clearly that when these people were running away from Lan En, some even dropped their weapons and armor in order to run faster.

When they turned their heads again, they realized that if they wanted to get on the ship, they needed weapons and equipment.

Because the people who took off their equipment ran the fastest, they ran into the Ronin groups defense line at the front of the crowd.

There was no suspense, they were slaughtered immediately.

The armed bandits behind wanted to rush forward, but their spears and ax blades could only hit the bodies of their companions.

The more you panic, the more confused you become, the more confused you become, the more panic you get.

Until the end, Lan En and the Ronin group squeezed them in the middle, and then killed them all with swords, bows and arrows.

Just like Lane's plan, no one escaped.

Sir, what should we do next?

The ronin was finishing up the bandits on the ground, and Kotaro asked beside Lan En.

At this time, Lan En was picking up a short bow used by bandits and looking at it.

Due to the lack of materials for making recurve bows in Japan, the power of short bows is very poor. Only by extending the length of the bow arm to more than two meters can the armor-piercing effect on the battlefield be achieved.

The craftsmanship of this short bow does not look like that of ordinary bandits.

Lan Ens initial prediction was right, someone was funding these bandits.

The quality of the bandits determines that they cannot serve as the main body of the plan. And now, even the bandits are ready to cross the river, which means...

The witcher's eyes narrowed slightly.

Get everyone on board, and when the boat is full, burn the rest of the boat.

After giving the order, Lan En looked downstream along the endlessly flowing Longquan River.

The sun was setting at this time, and the river water was reflected like fire and blood.

I hope Pingtianzhuang can last longer.

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