Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 227: 226 Ice and fire clash

Chapter 227: 226 Ice and fire clash

Chapter 227 226. Ice and fire

Wolf and Butterfly, you really know how to use your brains, you are no longer ordinary ninjas!

Only the one-eyed, ferocious face was left with a grin, and with a flash of movement, a circle of black smoke spread around him.

Then lets talk with the knife!

The wolves and butterflies immediately subconsciously jumped out of the way when the black smoke filled the air.

Ninja, using poison is not uncommon.

But Lan En, who was standing in front of the owl, had his nose twitching and his cat eyes narrowed slightly after seeing the black smoke.

This smell is not poison, but gunpowder!

With his keen superhuman vision, Lann observed that these tiny gunpowder particles were emitted from the owl's cuffs.

So not only was he not forced to retreat, but he got directly close to Xiao!

The fingerprints on his hands were pressed, and sparks flashed by.



The gunpowder particles scattered into the air are only as powerful as slightly more powerful firecrackers because there is no airtight environment.

It can be seen that the main purpose is to make the enemy panic and lose their posture when they squint their eyes and cover their faces.

But the sparks in Lan En's hand caused the gunpowder to burn in advance, and following the trajectory of the splash, it was about to explode into the owl's sleeve!

The giant ninja has an ugly face.

If it's an adopted son or old friend who knows you well, it's enough to see through your own forbearance. But it was the warrior from the Ming Dynasty who was the first to see through it, and even used his own ninja skills in reverse!

This guy. Who is he? !

The huge ninja sword swept back and forth twice horizontally.

From Lan En's point of view, the center of gravity of this Ninja Sword must be very far forward, but Xiao Xiao can still use it to perform extremely flexible and exaggerated direction changes.

The Sword of the Lake Girl blocked at a critical moment and exploded into two **** of sparks.

Lan immediately felt the same feeling as when he was sparring with Nogami Inosuke. The smoothness of his movements was being distorted by the attack.

This big-bodied ninja [Ashi Mingryu] is very good!

The attack of an owl is like that of an owl gliding in the dark and then striking fatally.

He immediately turned around and jumped back after the two stabs. His heavy body was like a piece of paper, leaping six or seven meters into the air!

The corners of Lan En's mouth twitched.

This is a leap from behind, like pulling onions on dry land. If he were asked to jump forward, why not jump directly to 16 or 17 meters? ! Six floors up!

In the process of turning over and leaping back, Xiao took advantage of the situation and threw three shurikens in a row towards Lan En.

If an ordinary person faced this kind of extremely smooth combo that had obviously been arranged and rehearsed in advance, he would probably be able to explain it.

But Lan En's reflexes and observation skills are fully capable of keeping up with this top ninja.

So with just a slight lift of the arm armor, the only shuriken that might threaten Lan En was knocked away.

The witcher kept walking, and his boots with external plate armor left a patch of mud on the muddy ground that exploded backwards.

He rushed straight towards the owl's expected landing point.

At this time, from the ground on both sides, there was a long and narrow kunai and an ordinary shuriken. From two directions, with white lines that cut through the air, they flew straight into the air towards the owl that had just taken action!

This battle is not one-on-one, this is the Hirata clan hunting down traitors.

Wolf and Butterfly are not rigid samurai, they are ninjas who do whatever it takes to achieve their mission.


The sturdy old man let out a muffled groan.

The light body brought about by [Light Body Technique] allowed him to move like a cat, but his too light mass caused him to be knocked off center of gravity in mid-air even if he blocked the projection of the ninja tool at the cost of minor injuries.

The kunai with strong penetrating power was knocked on the blade and bounced away, while the shuriken had been shot in the shoulder and was stuck in the layers of muscles and bones.

This is the result of the choice with the least impact after the owl weighs the balance. But he still had to stumble a few steps when he landed to avoid falling down.

While he was staggering, he could already feel the sense of crisis coming from both sides of him.

There are wolves with cold faces and butterflies with dead expressions.

The [Light Body Technique] of both people is ridiculously strong. In this state, their explosive speed is like ghosts jumping parallel to the ground!

Hands holding the kunai between his fingers, and the ninja sword, slashed across the owl's lower body from the left and right sides. At the same time, Lan En's fierce thrust, which was different from that of a ninja, also stabbed the strong old man's abdomen.

There was no sense of crisis on Ke Xiao's face, but he let out a cold snort.

The expressions of all three of them tightened when the blade reached the predetermined position.

There is no feeling of the blade penetrating into the flesh!

A handful of jet-black bird feathers suddenly exploded, and the giant ninja's body completely disappeared in the process.

Madame Butterfly, who knew Xiao best among the three and had lived in Ashina the longest, suddenly shrank her eyes at this moment.

Such a strange sight. Did that guy tame the mist crow in the legendary Bojing Forest? !

And if according to legend, the next step will be

Madam Butterfly looked up suddenly.

Sure enough, a huge amount of heat that could be easily felt suddenly appeared on the heads of the three of them.

The owl's large body is in the air, and his right hand is raised above his head. A huge owl with pale fur and an illusory texture in the light and shadow is hovering in his hand.

The heat waves and flames that emerged out of thin air began to quickly gather around the owl in his hand. Get hot, get fiery!

The sturdy ninja had a sinister smile on his lips stained red with blood.

If you stand in my way, go to hell!

With a wave of his hand, the gathered flames and heat were driven by the owl and flew towards the three of them.

In this process, a large amount of flames were naturally transformed into the vague appearance of a flying bird.

Like the legendary Suzaku, it is rushing towards the enemy with its flaming wings and burning the enemy dry.

The corners of Wolf and Butterfly's mouths twitched.

Judging from the size of this firebird, even if they immediately moved sideways. But after the Firebird hits the ground, the expanded flame will turn into a fireball with a radius of at least ten meters.

They still can't bear it.

And Lan En polished his teeth.

Finally, I saw a familiar supernatural power in this world.

I will say it! It is impossible for such a strange Japan not to have supernatural powers!

Lets start playing tricks, right?

Okay, come and give me some ninja tricks.

Then my skills as a demon hunter are not bad!

Lan En took out a round alchemy bomb from the alchemy leather bag on his waist and threw it at the heads of the three of them without thinking.

The former dean of Arethusa College personally participated in the improved magic-infused version of [North Wind]!

Come! Let me treat you!

Lan En pulled the wolf and the butterfly, and made a handprint with his left hand toward the sky. A golden magic shield unfolded in the surprised eyes of the two people.

Happling the three of them like a turtle shell.

next moment.

The explosion of flames and the sound of moisture in the air freezing were heard at the same time.

When the flames and frost confront each other in mid-air, their heat and cold cancel each other out, leaving only a tiny shock wave that is better than nothing that hits Lan En [Quen's Seal].

Ninja is a tough figure. At this time, the wolf and butterflies couldn't see the ghost door.

The old woman even touched the texture of [Quen's Seal] with great interest.

Outside the magic shield, the sound of a heavy object falling into the mud was heard.

The three of them looked at each other, and Lan En removed the magic shield.

When the hot and cold white smoke dissipated, the owl, whose hair and beard were covered with a layer of frost, was trembling and curled up on the ground.

The magical attainments of the top sorceress in the magical world cannot be matched by a strange land **** in the Japanese forest.

Mist Crow's flames were completely suppressed by the improved and strengthened [North Wind].

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