Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 239: 238 Kotaro Yotaro Soldier

Chapter 239: 238 Kotaro Yotaro Soldier

Chapter 239 Chapter 238. Kotaro and Taro Bing

Early the next morning, Lan En got up as usual and went to the courtyard of the inner house for morning exercises.

The current demon hunter is carrying Arondette given by the Lake Lady on his back, and hanging on his waist is a sword produced by Ashina.

This sword is not a treasure, and it is incomparable with the famous Hirata sword on the wolf's waist, the Kakimaru. It's incomparable to Ashina Isshin's gold and steel dragon sword.

It is a katana that Lan En asked for in order to increase the proficiency of [Ash Mingren].

Although [Wei Mingren] is a Japanese swordsmanship, the oriental cultural atmosphere in it still makes Lan En feel more comfortable than [Xiong School of Swordsmanship].

He is now considering whether to specialize in Eastern swordsmanship techniques and use the tactical thinking of Western swordsmanship to control the technology.

It can be regarded as an exploration of the direction of "combining East and West".

"Arondette is a lady's sword. If I ask her, she can change the shape, right?"

Lan En muttered in his mouth while waving the knife under the instinct of his muscles.

The Sword of the Lake Girl is a half-hand sword with no curvature, which does not match many of the skills in "Ash Mingryu".

In his mind, Mentos was calculating various sports data of Lan En's body while taking the time to complain.

Sir, I think you can be more confident.

As long as you go to the lady in the lake and make a grimace, occupy a lower body position, raise your head at a 45-degree angle and look up at her with watery eyes, she will probably melt, and it wont be a big deal.

Lan En imagined the scene for a moment, and then there was an inconspicuous stumble in the movement of swinging the knife.

Hehe. Thank you, Mentos.

Youre welcome, sir. Its an honor to serve you.


The biological brain can already pretend not to understand irony!

Who taught this evil beast!

Lan completed his routine morning exercises while arguing with Mentos. Upon seeing this, a guard from the inner house ran over, bowed slightly to him, and stepped forward to report.

"Lord Lan En, a warrior in the village, is waiting outside the inner courtyard. He said he wants to see you. Do you need a subordinate to send him away? That man really doesn't look like a trustworthy warrior."

"No, I have nothing to do now, I'll go see you."

When the guard said this, Lan En knew who was coming to him.

That guy Kotaro was indeed unpleasant-looking. On the day he was judged as a lower-level samurai, many people were even unwilling to look at him.

By the time Lan En walked to the entrance hall of Pingtian's house, the two burned trees had already been dug up and two small saplings had been transplanted.

Hence the entire front yard seems a bit empty.

Kotaro, wearing a samurai uniform, was already waiting there.

No matter what kind of clothes you wear, they must be able to hold up to look good, so Kotaro, who is less than 1.5 meters tall and thin, looks even more ridiculous in a samurai uniform.

No wonder the guards in the inner house looked down upon him. Because body size is related to the absorption efficiency of source water, people who are not tall enough in Wei Mingguo have always been ignored.

What's more, he looks ugly.

But the local peoples likes and dislikes have no influence on Lan En. He has always been very independent and persistent.

Hey, Kotaro! Long time no see.

Lan smiled and waved, shouting as he walked.

He had been unhappy with Kotaro's overly strong sense of hierarchy when he was first promoted to a lower-level samurai.

But looking back, there is really no room to blame an ignorant and poorly educated farmer Ashigaru.

Lan En is not a perfect person, and his attitude towards others will be affected by his temporary mood.

However, his three views and the moral education he received prevented him from letting his fluctuating mood affect his attitude towards others.

When Kotaro saw his former team leader, he grinned happily at first, and then seemed to suddenly realize that he was already a lower-level samurai.

So he quickly straightened his face, pretended to be a "majestic warrior", and bowed ninety degrees. Lord Lan En!

The young man deliberately turned a small corner, approached Kotaro from the side when he was bowing, and patted him on the shoulder.

Sir Samurai, why are you free to come to me today?

Kotaro straightened up. Lan En's joke made him scratch his head in confusion, and his obscene face turned red.

You, my lord, are joking.

"I came here this time to ask you about the Tarang soldier."

In Lan En's mind, Mentos immediately recalled an image.

Talang Bing was the fat man about two and a half meters tall on the night when the bandits invaded, and his face had the characteristics of Down syndrome.

Kotaro said at the time that this child was originally a disabled child adopted by Senbo Temple and was then trained as a monk soldier to protect the temple. Most likely they were kidnapped from the mountains by bandits.

At that time, because the Tailang soldier did not kill anyone, Lan En just knocked him out and was done.

Why, he went crazy while working?

Lan En frowned slightly and asked.

Not all the bandits that night were killed, some were also captured.

Dont expect any good treatment from Japan in the Middle Ages. There was a shortage of labor for the reconstruction of Pingtianzhuang, so these people were left to shoulder the burden.

People with Down Syndrome look a little naive, but given Tarang Bing's physique, if you look at him for a moment, there are probably not many people in Pingtian Village who can control him.

No, its not.

Kotaro scratched his head and explained to Lan En.

Actually, we want to send him back to Xianfeng Temple.

"He didn't kill anyone that night. Many of the people in Zhuangzi are righteous believers in Xianfeng Temple, and they all know the situation of Tailang soldiers. No one blames him. Moreover, he has been very diligent these days. He has done at least seven or eight jobs by himself. Regarding his personal life, everyone feels that he shouldnt be pursued so much further.

Lan En nodded as he listened.

Thats right, that does make sense.

Its just a piece of labor, to put it bluntly. With his current prestige in Pingtianzhuang, he would just let him go.

"If everyone has no objections, then let him go. But why are you rushing to come to me to tell me? Oh, by the way. You have a ceremony called the Star Offering Ceremony, and you want to hold it at Xianfeng Temple ,Right?"

Lan En took the lead towards the labor area, preparing to criticize the Tarang soldier in person.

While asking Kotaro casually.

Yes, I cant help but remember it.

Is that the last thing your mother did for you before she was alive? She asked for a Dharma ceremony at the Gaomen Temple for you. Thats amazing.

Kotaro was silent for a moment, and then nodded heavily.

Exactly, thats why I have to go to Xianfeng Temple to attend the ceremony. I can also send Tarang Bing back to Xianfeng Temple on the way. The masters must also be worried about him.

"This trip is not only for blessings, but also for my mother's last wish. I will also pray for you at the Dharma ceremony!"

Lan En waved his hands quickly.

"This is unnecessary. This is a Dharma ceremony your mother asked for just for you. It's really unnecessary. I don't believe in Buddhism either."

After walking for a while, the two of them arrived at the labor area.

On the dusty construction site, a majestic "meat mountain" stands out.

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