Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 256: 255Aesthetic

Chapter 256: 255Aesthetic

Chapter 256 255. Beauty

Old Robert walked towards the mountain gate of Xianfeng Temple. He had already put on his helmet and faceplate again, and carried his huge sword that looked more like a ceremonial sword than a battlefield sword.

Ashina wanted to see how he wielded the sword, so he slowed down his light pace and followed the Nanman warrior.

Within ten minutes of walking together, the two of them saw the wide open mountain gate and the mountain road that stretched up the mountain.

There is nothing surprising about the mountain gate, and the mountain road is also ordinary.

But when there is a red stream with the smell of blood flowing down on the winding mountain road, the scene has a slightly different flavor.

Old Robert lifted his iron-booted feet, and then he realized that the blood-red liquid had flowed to where he was standing.

On the other side, Isshin Ashina chuckled.

That much blood is enough for at least a dozen people.

One of them was killed on the European battlefield, and the other had fought against the imperial government to steal the country.

Neither of them were too surprised by the blood of just a dozen people.

Walking up the stream of blood, as expected, I saw a messy battlefield.

But at this time, the two battlefield veterans who had been calm just now couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Ashina Isshin is very familiar with the massive bleeding that the air blade can cause, but he never thought that the blood flowing in the human body would look so beautiful after being cut and taken out by the air blade.

The bright red blood is sprinkled on the green grass and brown tree trunks very freely.

The fallen maple leaves floated and wandered on the blood stream.

The corpses of the monks were not hideous. Most of them were taken away with a sharp knife, so they are now scattered in various places on the mountain road.

Quiet and calm. This scene after the killing actually makes people feel a sense of deathly beauty.

Lan En is not a pervert and will deliberately pursue the atmosphere of a killing scene.

But when he took action, it seemed that this effect was achieved naturally.

The generally superb artistic accomplishments of the Emperor's Children did not make his singing voice more beautiful, but it seemed to have played a role in other aspects.

Ashina Isshin tapped his fingers lightly on the hilt of his sword.

""Hell's Bliss Picture"? Tsk, it's really a bluff."

But old Robert only stopped looking at it after the initial shock. Instead, he took a rather heavy step and walked to the edge of a tree root.

In the pile of small windmills stuck in the roots of the tree, a petite skull stood out.

Looking through the hole where the small skull was dug, you can still see many small bones emerging from the soil.

The old man with the tengu face walked up behind the stiff and half-kneeling Nanman warrior, his tone was calm and cold. Its like seeing too much.

Now its clear whether its true or false.

Old Robert did not speak, or perhaps could not speak.

Its just that the tall and powerful body looks more and more shrunken and trembling from the back.

It was he who sent his son here with his own hands.

Ashina Isshin watched from behind and saw that he was shaking more and more, and even the armor all over his body began to tremble and make noise.

But when the trembling reached its peak, he suddenly stabilized.

At the same time, Ashina Isshin's one eye under the mask narrowed slightly.

The atmosphere is different.

A miserable heart will forge a terrible sword for a warrior.

Without saying another word, Old Robert calmly propped himself up with his giant sword and moved deeper into Xianfeng Temple.

It doesnt matter that the monks treated him like a fool.

It doesn't matter if he works for nothing.

However, the son he sent for treatment was used as experimental material.

Now, its time for him to come and collect the debt.

Since Lan En had already drawn the knife and chopped people, he was no longer ready to stop. The dozen or so monks on the mountain path could not hold out under his blade for less than five minutes. This was due to the "Xianfeng Temple Boxing Technique" that made their bodies flexible and light, and they were very good at tossing and turning.

Stab it!

Lann pulled the knife out of a monk's collarbone.

This guy is similar to the monk on the mountain road. He has made himself stupid by cultivating immortality.

Hunted his fists, he actually took the initiative to attack Lan En. Lan En only used [Climbing Carp] to block it twice, and his posture completely collapsed.

With his muscles unable to be integrated and his center of gravity unable to stabilize, he could only watch helplessly as Lan En stabbed the long knife vertically into his collarbone and straight into his organs in that second.

The witcher's face was dull. When he drew the sword, he held the handle and twisted it ninety degrees.

The spray of blood sprayed all the way to the face of the seated Buddha in the main hall.

After this side hall are the many main halls of Xianfeng Temple.

When the temple was still in normal condition, people would first pay a brief visit here and then go up the mountain to worship many halls and Buddha statues one by one.

Finally, at the prestigious Lotus King-in Temple, which is divided into thirty-three pillars and enshrines a thousand Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara statues, I listened to the sermons of Master Xianfeng and received blessings.

There are already three Immortal Peak Temple members lying down in this side hall. Because Buddhism has been abandoned, the side hall has not been cleaned for a long time. Now there are many grasshoppers as big as human heads jumping around, eating the flesh and blood of the ignorant people who collapsed on the ground. .

The blood-stained Buddha statue hung with spider silk still looked down at everyone in the side hall with its compassionate smile.

A Tarang soldier wearing a monk's trousers and holding a big stick was swallowing his saliva and looking at Lan En who was approaching him with wide eyes.

Dont come here! Dont even if you are so fierce, I wont let you hurt anyone in the temple. Wow!

Before he finished speaking, he was like a baseball player trying to hit a home run, focusing all his strength on the stick and pumping it towards Lan En.

Lan En lightly tapped the knife that looked like a toothpick in comparison. This reckless swing was completely deflected by [Deng Carp].

Tailang Bing couldn't stop the car even when his body weight came on him.

After tilting, he hit the wall directly. Lan En pressed the back of his head and applied more force.

With a 'bang' sound, the tall and fat meat mountain fell down dizzy.

Lan En landed lightly.

Tailang Bing is more than two and a half meters tall. He had to jump up even if he wanted to press the back of his head.

But now his [Light Body Technique] allows him to not fall heavily even if he wears this high-level Bear School armor.

After dealing with this stupid but not evil Tarang soldier, Lan En walked back to the seated Buddha statue.

Not to pay homage to the Buddha, but to be a living Buddha.

A high monk who mummified himself.

Sitting cross-legged, a skinny, no, rotten old man with a total height of less than one meter is sitting on the futon in front of the Buddha's statue.

His eyes no longer had moist and full eyes.

This organ has been completely consumed in the process of cultivating the Buddha body.

The skin as dry as parchment has been damaged, the muscle fibers like hemp rope are exposed, and the monk's robe is in tatters.

But in Lan Ens opinion, the vitality of this instant Buddha is so strong that its a bit scary.

But that is not the vitality of a human being. Looking at the heat flow on his body, it is more like the movement of a centipede in his body.

A body completely supported by a centipede

Lan En curled his lips, took out a bottle of turbid and thick sword oil from the alchemy leather bag on his waist, and applied it to the sword.

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