Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 282: 281 letters

Chapter 282: 281 letters

Chapter 282 281. Letter

"I hope we can cooperate happily."

Yes, hope.

Tisaya stretched out her hand from behind the table, gave Lan En a brief shake, and then immediately let go, avoiding prolonged contact.

Lan En left the dean's office, and Margarita, who had her head buried in her chest and wanted to follow him and slip away, was forced to sit on the cashmere bench again by Tisaya's emotionless eyes.

Facing the pitiful big eyes of the current principal, the witcher deliberately lowered his eyes when closing the door to avoid looking into his eyes.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. He didnt want to stand here and be scolded by Tisaya.

It wasnt until the witcher walked out of the office that Tissaya withdrew her stern gaze from Margarita.

Let the current deans head be raised from his chest.

"You helped him perfect the spell to cast this metal. That was at least two or three months ago, and as the abbot of Arethusa, you never mentioned it at all during this time."

Disaya stopped looking at Margarita and returned her gaze to the pile of documents on the table.

"We once wanted to recruit a trustworthy academy hunter for the academy to become the strength and deterrence of the academy. I ask you to 'tie' this high-quality demon hunter. But you don't feel that you have fallen into too deep a trap. Are you ready, Rita?"

Margarita seemed to have returned to her school days at this time. As long as Tisaya didn't stare at her, she could always relax and be happy.

She hit her back **** the cashmere surface of the bench, her chest swayed violently, and she smiled.

"I can't help it, Tisaya. You know, I am a sorcerer who relies on passion and talent to cast spells. Calmness and rationality are always in my mind, but they have never been the master of my mind."

"And our original decision has brought considerable gains to the academy, not losses, right? The crystal cultivation project you were dedicated to achieved a breakthrough after he joined, and now he has sent another golden egg. of geese.

"There is no possibility or necessity of conflict between Arethusa and a lone witcher, Tissaya. Our interests and paths can be consistent. In this case, it doesn't matter how deep I sink."

I have more experience than you when it comes to falling in love.

Margaritas fingers were entangled in circles on her hanging blond hair.

The movements are boring, but in terms of expression, she is very persistent.

Love requires dedication from both parties, and maintaining a good relationship between Arethusa and Lan En is my contribution.

People are the sum of all social relations.

Margarita is the current dean of Arethusa who is in love with Lan En.

She is determined to maintain cooperation and convergence between her two social relationships rather than division and confrontation.

Although there is no sign of confrontation now, she has begun to be alert at all times.

Tisaya was silent for a while, and finally straightened her somewhat uneven lace cuffs behind the desk and stood up.

Very good, Rita. Very good.

"You finally have your own persistence and opinions. I taught you for decades without teaching them, and now you are self-taught on the witcher's bed. So now."

Disaya walked up to Margarita, her expression as dignified and cold as ever.

"Do you want to join me and fulfill your authority as the dean for the sake of the hunters in our college?"

Of course, teacher. Margarita stood up from the cashmere bench and straightened her skirt. "Together we will."

The documents of faith that had been placed on the table flew over silently and fell into Margarita's hand. The two of them walked towards the deep office area of Aretussa together.

Everyone thinks that the classrooms in Arethusa are where the power of this magic academy gathers, but they are totally wrong.

These inconspicuous places, just like the clerk's office of an ordinary trading company in Vizima City, are where the power of Aretusari gathers.

Arethusa is a magical academy with lush branches and huge roots.

Its logistics department is complex and important. Without them, there would be no luxurious life for the sorceresses in the academy, as well as expensive teaching materials. At the beginning of the establishment of this college, the accomplished witches began to exert their influence on their surroundings.

But as long as there is a group of people, a circle will be born, and in a college, groups called academic factions will be born based on closeness and teaching relationships.

Aretuza is indeed quite large, which means that there are bound to be many factions in the college, and it is not a one-word hall that can do whatever the dean says.

Tissaya and Margarita both know the value of Lan En. Yes, standing in the position of a leader of power, the only standard they can use when talking about a person is 'value'.

But those groups of sorceresses who have little contact with Lan En may not necessarily look down upon a lone witcher.

They are unlikely to accept that the next 'goose that lays golden eggs' will be given three out of every ten golden eggs it lays.

Tisaya and Margarita decided that, at least in this case, they wanted to make it easier for those in the academy who couldn't accept it.

Lann didnt know the division of factions in Aretuosa or the strength of each faction.

Margarita didnt want to let these bad things bother him at all.

In her mind, Lan En was responsible for dealing with the troubles in the other world, and then came back with weird specialties from the other world to fall in love with her.

She provides Lan En with a gentle and comfortable haven in this world.

What happened to the love brain? A woman of her status and status in this world is not qualified to fall in love? !

Lane, who returned to the dean's room, began to write a letter to Berengar.

In the letter, he told Berengar about the cooperation between Valyrian Steel and Arethusa College, and asked him to send a small sample of the freshly made steel to increase credibility.

This letter will be sent by Arethusa's messenger, ensuring it is fast and reliable.

"The old man probably doesn't even have the concept of 'steel industry' in his mind. I guess he will have to wait until I tell him in person before he will show that shocked expression of suddenly having nothing to worry about for the rest of his life. To be honest, I'm a bit looking forward to it. .

Lane recalled that Berengar once mocked the novice witcher's expression for being confused after receiving a huge bounty.

He was now looking forward to how "calm" the old demon hunter would be after knowing that he had become rich overnight.

At this moment, the alchemy leather bag he had placed in the corner beside the bed suddenly emitted a soft glow.

Lan En raised his eyebrows, stepped forward and rummaged through the leather bag twice, and took out the shining cone-shaped crystal.

As soon as I got the crystal, a female voice as clear and soft as a lake came to my mind.

Good morning, my champion.

Its already afternoon, maam.

Lan En curled his lips and said, but the voice on the other end of the crystal was very indifferent.

Oh, its morning here.

The lady's voice occasionally contained the sound of rippling water in the lake, and Lan En's mouth twitched.

OK, the concept **** could cross the hemisphere at will in the Middle Ages, which was magic.

Are you disappointed that I didnt greet you when you came back, Lan En?

The lady's voice was filled with teasing, and the witcher sighed helplessly.

"You know, ma'am. I'm not that kind of person. What are you busy with?"

Oh, its nothing. There is a country here that sacrificed an evil lake **** with blood. I came over and killed him before he had a physical body. Hiccup!

Didnt you eat Him? !

Does Cherry Mouth have such a big appetite? !

Even though the goddess even burped, Lan En was still a little choked.

Okay, theres no need to say more about such a trivial matter. Im here to inform you of the next time the celestial sphere meets.

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Thanks to book friend 20220703213020719 for the 1,000-point reward!

Thanks Jimmy Trouble for the 1500 point reward!

Thank you to Yao Puzhi, the sunset and the setting sun, for your always speechless 100-point reward!

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