Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 292: 291 split up

Chapter 292: 291 split up

Chapter 292 291. Split up the action

Because Sir Fresnet's curse involves too much love and love, when people in the village talk about him, they always say a lot of nasty things that are hard to hear.

The dirty jokes about farmers and peasant women in the countryside are much more explicit and spicy than those in the city.

At least young people who have just started falling in love are somewhat overwhelmed.

No, eldest sister. You dont need to tell me about Sirs figure when he ran out of the flowers with his clothes covering his lower body. I know he was very strong.

Haha! The peasant women seemed to like seeing Lan En, a handsome man, showing embarrassment, and they laughed incessantly.

"But that's what you asked. Next, I still remember the words of the two of them roaring to death in the flowers. The woman's scream made the dogs in the village tremble, and the knight's roar made the old cow stomp on the ground in excitement. Do you want to Dont want to listen?

Lan En glanced at the cormorant who was standing on the roof of the house as if it had nothing to do with him speechlessly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

.Okay, please tell me.

You have to listen. The words spoken by two people at the peak of their love are an important basis for the witcher to judge their relationship status.

Lann separated several peasant women surrounding him to collect information.

This was his experience after hearing the birth of a rumor in a tavern.

When people talk too much, the original clear memory will be easily misled by other people's encouragement.

As the inquiries were completed one after another, Lan En clearly felt that he was doing something as serious as a case record, but what he recorded was like an unedited pornographic script.

Finally, he selected items from the "storybook" with a recurrence rate of about 80% and sorted them out. These words were basically within the range of credibility.

After the questioning was completed, the two demon hunters met again to compare information with each other.

Geralt has gradually accepted Lan En's help. After all, who doesn't love efficiency improvements?

It seems that the relationship between the two of them, at least in the hot stage, did not involve too many interests.

The old demon hunter looked at the yellow script in Lan En's hand without changing his expression, nodding from time to time, expressing deep satisfaction.

Lan En raised his eyebrows: "Can you be sure with just a few words?"

"Heh." Geralt smiled casually, "If you have slept with those women who went back to your room with you for money for decades, you will know how they will react at that time."

Of course, this level may be a bit far away for you, dont worry about it.

It seems to be Geralt's habit of saying things that make people angry with a deadpan expression.

With his experience and knowledge, this guy can always easily get into people's hearts.

So now, Lan En said with a cold face: "You can easily end up alone with your mouth. I really can't imagine any woman who can bear it."

Geralt's hand paused as he casually flipped through the records. He unconsciously squeezed the pages in his hand, his expression frozen. It seemed that he was thinking of someone.

The smile now moved to Lan En's face.

Lets poke your heart out, come together!

After a long while, Geralt let out a breath.

You have a mouth that looks like a friend of mine, Dandelion, have you ever heard of it?

Forgive me for being ignorant.

Lan En smiled very politely.

Hes a bard whos famous all over the world. You both can make me feel like Im choking on my bread when Im traveling.

"Then I hope you can have time to introduce us later. The art of poetry also sounds very attractive." "There is a chance."

Geralt rolled his eyes at Lan En's smile.

Okay, lets get down to business.

When Geralt said this, the cormorants on the roof fluttered down and came close to him.

The pattern of the preliminary investigation is almost like this, I believe you already know it.

Lann nodded upon hearing this, and Geralt continued.

"We are now going to the place where Freixnet had a tryst with the woman, and then we will start investigating nearby. The main purpose is to reconstruct the relationship between the two of them at the time, and to find the things left by the woman that are related to Freixnet. An object. The object must be attached to deep emotions and be used in the ritual of breaking the curse. The more the better.

Geralts division of labor is very reasonable, but it would be a bit silly not to apply it when you have the numerical advantage.

However, after Lan En nodded in agreement, he raised an eyebrow and looked at the old demon hunter who was about to turn around and leave.

"You're not looking at me anymore? Are you looking at a member of the Bear School who is suspected of being a 'cold-blooded murderer'?"

Geralt agreed to let him observe the actual combat of lifting the curse. At least half of the consideration was that he was afraid that he would kill civilians.

Lan En could feel that this guy had a cold face and a warm heart. If he was really a murderer, he would probably fight with him even if it was no good.

Geralt didnt look back, just raised his leather-gloved palm and waved.

I still cant see clearly why you killed so many people that night, but you are a person who can abide by social order, at least I am sure of this.

"In the work of lifting the curse, intelligence and information are more important than force, even more than intelligence. This is a practical case I can teach you. With the information, the rest can be done according to a few tomes. enough."

Standing outside the village on horseback, he watched the cormorants and the milk-white-haired witcher go further and further away.

Lan leaned down and patted Poppy's neck.

Lets get going too, man. Its the first time to lift the curse, so Im a little excited.

In his hands, Lann had four villages that Sir Fresnet pointed out with his beak, where he and his lover had played.

The direction of these villages is getting closer and closer to the Broklon Forest, but Geralt is going in the opposite direction.

Lan felt that he still needed to emphasize that Baron Hamm played a bit too much.

Lan En even complained a little, couldn't the two of them get everything done on the big bed in their manor? It has to be fun!

There was no incident in the first three villages. Lan followed Geralt's style and first looked for the place where the two people had sex.

Then he searched the surrounding area for leftover objects and traces according to the map, and finally went to the village to ask witnesses and piece together testimonies to analyze the relationship between the two.

There were not many things found. In the end, I only got a few women's decorations scattered here and there. It's hard to say how much emotion and thoughts were placed on them.

Overall, the screening of the first three targets is not ideal, but finding nothing is considered standard in the process of troublesome work.

The inspection of the three villages has almost made the entire day pass.

Lan En thought about rushing to the fourth village, no matter if there was no time to investigate or not, at least he would not have to sleep in the wild.

But when he arrived at the outskirts of the village, he knew he was in the right place.

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