Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 42: 42 alchemical materials

Chapter 42: 42 alchemical materials

Chapter 42 42. Alchemy Materials

When dinner was approaching, Lan En and Bernie sailed the boat back to the village to prepare for a rest.

After a period of adjustment, they settled on a more efficient working time.

Go out in the morning and return to the village in the evening. While there is still plenty of time, the equipment can be repaired and prepared before going to bed.

It can be put into use again the next morning.

Long-term hunting work is not only helping the villagers of Oriden, Lann himself is also learning the living habits of a witcher.

You have to know that during the first few times of work, he had to waste half of the day waiting for equipment.

Similar to time planning, this kind of detailed knowledge is useless even if there is a teacher to teach it. You have to actually get started and do it yourself in order to grow.

Time is work efficiency. In a "service industry" that is responsible for its own profits and losses, if you are not efficient, you will even have trouble eating.

As soon as the two men docked the boat, a child with a big head and a small head due to malnutrition trotted over.

White, have you been waiting for a long time?

Lan En greeted the boy while carefully getting off the boat.

"Not for a long time, not for a long time." The boy waved his hands quickly.

The other side also took the sheathed silver sword handed to him by Lan En.

Same as usual, help me take the sword to Ivan, then feed Poppy, and then.

Lan said with a smile, and a shining golden Oren popped out of his palm with a "ding" sound from his thumb.

These five days wages can be paid.

Okay sir! Thank you sir!

White's big head bobbed up and down as the gold coins jumped, and his excited eyes were similar to those of a cat staring at dried fish.

The child held the sword and jumped towards the blacksmith shop in the village.

Bernie behind him also tied the boat rope to the dock and went ashore.

Are you going to Mrs. Downers next?

Lan nodded.

Well, although its fun and safe to cut down water ghosts now, the cotton armor is just...

The young man raised his hand to grab the "Water Ghost Human Shield". The arm part of the school armor and the steel structure inside were not serious.

But the outer layer of cotton armor has become tattered due to the struggle of the water ghost on his hands.

The job of a witcher is really expensive. Ill go to the tavern. If you want a drink, come to me.

Well, see you later.

When Lan En left his cotton-padded armor at Mrs. Downer's house, when he came out, he happened to meet White who was returning home from doing errands.

The little boy smiled sheepishly at the young man, his fingers still holding the corners of his clothes.

Lan directly popped an Oren coin out of his hand with a "ding" sound.

Hey, Ive got my salary!

The boy couldn't care less about his embarrassment and fumbled for a while before he could get the gold coins in his hand.

Looking back, Lan En was already walking towards the village tavern.

Children of this age have natural aura, or purity of soul, which can make people feel calm.

Especially when teasing them.

At first, White pretended not to know Mrs. Donner, hoping that Lan En could make more clothes at his mother's place, improve the family situation, and at least let Mrs. Donner do less heavy work.

But Lan En was going back and forth while repairing his cotton armor, so he should have run into this kid no matter what.

Looking back on the scene of their second meeting, Lan En still felt like laughing.

White saw Lan En after entering the door. He was so frightened that he seemed to have entered the wrong door.

Then with flushed cheeks, he told the young man something like, "My clothes are made here", "Look at this craftsmanship, it doesn't wear out!", "So come here and buy a few more" and so on.

Mrs. Downer laughed so hard that her hair fell out of her turban.

Lan was right there watching him perform.

What other expressions could he put on?

A child, under his immature and strong sense of shame, made a small panic in order to improve the family environment, and became red-faced for it.

Lan En smiled and followed his suggestion and ordered a few more sets of regular clothes as replacements.

Since he is in armor, he does need to change his underwear frequently, so he might as well buy them here.

This is also the reason why White often looks embarrassed when he meets Lan En.

After a period of contact, Lan also discovered that White had no resentment towards him.

I dont know what kind of education this child received from Mrs. Donald. In this world where racial discrimination is rampant, he can clearly distinguish between hatred between individuals and groups. It is inevitable that White hates, or rather hates, the group of demon hunters who killed his father.

But towards Lan En, who helped the village, his attitude was quite friendly.

Theres nothing unusual about this. Gudu- In the tavern, Bernie picked up his wine glass and took a swig.

Little White seems to have matured and worked hard since his father died. Damn, looking at him like that, I wonder if it would be better for my children if I disappeared for a while.

The fisherman and hunter, whose cheeks were already turning red, tilted his head and thought about it.

How about I let his mother tell him that I was bitten on the neck by a water ghost?

Not very good. Lan En wiped the beer foam from the corner of his mouth and curled his lips. "In this village, I'll be lucky if White can let go of his resentment. I don't want your children to look at me with cannibalistic eyes."

Old Allen also helped: "Lan En is right, don't do unnecessary things. The goddess will bless your child if he can grow up, so don't dare to expect anything."

Okay, okay. Bernie waved his hands indifferently, thats what he said.

By the way, Lan En, what kind of potion did you want to use alchemy to make? What ingredients are needed? Just tell old Allen.

Old Allen put down his wine glass and became energetic.

Lan En, can you still make potions? You are still a doctor!

In this era when medicine was not very prosperous, it was difficult to distinguish the roles of alchemists, witch doctors, and physicians.

Because they all have overlapping businesses.

Old Allen is excited about this: if Lan En is a doctor, then he will be more useful to the village!

Other villages did not dare to seek medical treatment from the witcher, and neither did Auriden.

But if they were asked to find Lan En, no one would say they were unwilling.

I am also a novice in alchemy. Lan En quickly waved his hand to lower the expectations of the village elder.

Whether its possible or not depends on practice. I picked some medicinal materials outside. There are also materials on monsters that can be used, but for things that are not available near the lake, I want the villagers to help me find them in the wild.

No problem, everyone is willing to help if you ask. Old Allen seemed to be more confident in his reputation than Lan En himself.

White petals of zinnia, thats it. I can find honeysuckle and flea flowers by the lake, but not this.

Lan En spread his hands and expressed his difficulties.

Old Allen was about to say that it was okay, but the sound outside the tavern window interrupted him.

White zinnia petals! No problem!

A big-headed kid stuck his head in. His little face was red, and you could tell how nervous he was.

But he still looked at the stunned Lan En firmly.

Sir, dont worry and leave it to me!

After saying that, Lan En ran away without waiting for any reaction.

That boy? Bernie was also stunned at this time. Is he eavesdropping?

You idiot! Lan En seemed to have just come to his senses, his eyes widened and he opened his mouth with an expletive.

"What did you say? No." Bernie couldn't understand Chinese, but he quickly stopped worrying. "Can you hear the swamp witch digging in the mud, but can't you hear a kid squatting in the corner?"

Im drinking! In order to defend his reputation as a capable person, Mr. Lane, burdened by his reputation, immediately countered.

Argumentatively say: "I'm in a safe place, drinking with my friends! This doesn't count!"

At the same time, he shouted in his heart: "Mentos! You have seriously neglected your duty!"

Mentos thought to himself that you didnt ask me to stay alert. In combat mode, you have to get out of the way. Isnt that what you said?

But it also knew that the best way to deal with Lan En at this time was to remain silent.

Fortunately, Bernie doesnt dwell on this issue.

"That's okay. You don't have to go into the forest to pick some flower petals. At most, you can only move around on the side of the road. Nothing will go wrong. He is worthy of your Oren coin."

The wages Lan En paid to Little White were exaggerated. Everyone knew it, including White himself.

That's why he couldn't wait to do something more for Lan En.

Lan shrugged and accepted this sentence.

But old Allen frowned slightly at this time.

Normally nothing will happen, but now I heard that children in Midcops have been lost, and they are not far from us.

Before he finished speaking, he shook his head.

There are white whoops near the village. Those **** human traffickers shouldnt dare to approach the village no matter what. Lets do it like this.

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