Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 49: 49 near Condale

Chapter 49: 49 near Condale

Chapter 49 49. Near Condale

The sound of horse hooves hitting the ground is anything but pleasant.

Especially when this strong war horse is carrying a murderous demon hunter with a total weight of more than 150 kilograms on its back.

Different from the sunny and cheerful knightly procession described by the bard, the menacing armored Lann is tall and strong.

The pitch-black war horse under its crotch is one meter six meters tall at the shoulders.

When this combination is running on the country roads of Willen with a rampant momentum, it is almost reminiscent of the war ghosts and ghost knights circulated in the horror stories in the countryside - Wild Hunt!

Sir, I must remind you againplease remain calm.

Mentos no longer said anything rude at this time.

To be honest, it would rather Lan En started humming a song now, or held a jar of honey in his hand and carried it to his mouth like a bear.

In a rage, he took all his equipment and went to fight at least dozens of vicious cannibals. This is crazy!

The "crazy" here does not refer to whether he can win or not. Mentos has a little confidence in Lan En and himself in this regard.

They are just a group of criminals after all.

They do not have the discipline and vigilance of a professional army, nor the killing and investigation skills of a professional army.

There are a lot of people, but the loose organizational structure itself is a breakthrough.

As long as you make a good plan and detect the enemy's situation, even if it is an inefficient assassination, if more than a dozen people are gone, the organization will fall apart.

To Lan En, a disorganized organization is not "dozens of swords against one sword."

But dozens of "sword against sword" games.

There are no well-known knights or warriors on the opposite side, so it is unlikely that the demon hunter will lose to ordinary people.

What really worries Mentos now is Lan En's mental state.

A meticulous plan requires a calm executor.

In the mental curve chart it drew up, Lan En's emotional curve is now very stable.

Maintaining the top grid status very smoothly!

Im calm, Mentos.

Lan En's steady voice interrupted the intelligent voice in his head, and he emphasized again.

Im calm now.

Mentos said no more.

The biological intelligent brain only has the authority to guide and remind, but not to make decisions.

And as Lan En advances in academic qualifications in the future and approaches a fully knowledgeable adult member, its authority as a learning aid will be further transferred to the subject.

It has done what a biological brain should do, and all that is left is to follow orders.

The sea breeze brought dark clouds from the sky, and the air began to smell of earth.

Its going to rain again in Willen.


Relying on the witcher's ultra-high tolerance body, Lan En's continuous riding time is only limited by Poppy's recovery speed.

Originally, it would take two to three days to ride from Oriden to the Condale area mentioned by Willis.

However, Lan En and Poppy, who was almost out of breath, took less than a whole day to get close to the target.

The golden forty-eight hours of rescuing lost children were tied to Lan En's heart like a noose of death.

And as time passes, this "noose" is constantly tightening!

Lan En was anxious, but he was also trying his best to suppress his anxiety.

If being anxious were useful, there wouldnt be so much nonsense in the world.

Stop, Poppy.


Lann pulled the reins on the horse's back, slowing down the nearly exhausted horse.

He patted the side of Popeye's face and fed it a carrot, while the cat looked around with sharp eyes.

Coastal, hilly landforms, thats around here.

This terrain is briefly summarized as a hill protruding from the seabed to above the sea.

After bordering the mainland, it was regarded as a hilly terrain, and a small village with only a few households was built on the top of the highest mountain. That village is Condale. I heard that the soil and climate are very suitable for growing flowers, so the main source of income in the village is various flowers.

Even though Lan En was standing far away now, he could still see the vast swaths of brilliant colors on the hillside.

The level difference between the village location and the horizon is about fifty meters.

Fifty meters, which sounds like its not much.

However, there is no doubt about the magic of geological landforms. Within this fifty-meter interval, there are endless complex terrains such as ravines, valleys, ravines, and streams, which can hide many secrets.

Let alone dozens or hundreds of people, even thousands of people scattered on this land can be hidden if they want to.

So much for Willis's dying instructions.

Because this area is really poor and remote, with too many hills to count.

The locals are not in the mood to give each mountain a name.

Hence Willis's vague statement that their camp was "near Condale."

Because even they themselves dont know the name of the ravine where they are.

No wonder a band of wandering cannibals want to camp here.

Lan En's eyes narrowed slightly, he dismounted and led Poppy forward.

The general direction is right, whether he can find the rest depends on his ability.

Fortunately, Lan En and Mentos are somewhat confident in their abilities.


Raising his head slightly, Lan En took a deep breath in the air that was filled with the smell of sea because it was close to the sea.

The witcher's supernatural senses began to operate, and the world became distorted and gorgeous in his eyes.

The smell of sea, earth, feces. Its from beasts, not people, horses or hounds. Calm down and be serious!

This kind of non-directional sniffing will feedback a lot of messy and useless information.

Although Lan En was anxious, he was able to carefully distinguish every trace under his astonishing emotional control.


The smell of firewood?

A pair of slightly lit cat eyes suddenly opened.

Condale is the only visible human settlement here. They live on the top of the mountain, and the smell of cooking cannot reach here.

There have been showers but no thunderstorms in Willen in recent days, so it is unlikely that lightning caused the fire.

There are people living in the wild.

This is the only answer!

Lan En held Poppy's hand and followed the scent he smelled.

This excellent war horse will not be able to run away in a short time, and he himself also needs to recover the energy consumed by riding for a long time while walking.

Witchers have good tolerance and recover their physical strength quickly. But Lan En didn't want to face an opponent who didn't know the situation with half full strength.

The horse's hooves made a "clack-clack" sound, and a pile of odds and ends that Lan En placed on the saddlebags swayed.

After a while, the young demon hunter walked into a simple camp with the air of a passerby.

It is said to be a camp, but it is actually a large tarpaulin supported by several wooden slats, with several storage boxes and packages inside.

A fire was set up in the open space in front of the tarpaulin.

Lan Ens brows frowned, and then relaxed.

This is not a camp for cannibals. Although they pitched their tents in an inconspicuous place, it was more to avoid the wind than to avoid people.

But given the current situation, it would be good to ask one more person.

Lan En's footsteps didn't stop and he walked directly towards the small camp.

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