Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 64: 64Thunder Blizzard

Chapter 64: 64Thunder Blizzard

Chapter 64 64.Thunder Blizzard

Legacy potion from Bordon.

The enhanced level of [Thunder], and the enhanced level of [Blizzard].

The former can significantly enhance body strength, thereby increasing attack power.

The latter stimulates the nervous system when adrenaline is full, achieving a time-out state like "bullet time".

When he drank two bottles of magic potion at the same time, even the witcher's physical tolerance could no longer bear it.

Begins to take sustained damage from severe poison.

When Lan En lowered his head, a drop of nosebleed from the tip of his nose even made a corrosive "squeak" sound on the sand!

The protective shield unfolded by the sorceress began to flicker on and off.

The enemy obviously noticed this. At the moment when the magic protection collapsed, six crossbow arrows were fired at Lan Enzan.

Three of them were directly knocked crooked due to poor timing, either bumping into or grazing the last remnants of magic protection.

There were three of them left, and they just missed the broken edge of the protective shield and flew into the interior.

The crossbowmen began to smile in celebration when the arrows flew out.

A few people were even ready to high-five each other to commemorate this rare "hunt."

Sitting on his knees with his eyes closed. In order to ensure the hit, the arrows fired by the three of them were aimed at the largest part of the body.

It is impossible to avoid this gesture, no one can avoid it!

But soon, their smiles froze.

And it quickly became an incredible surprise.

A black shadow flashed in front of Lan En, and three crossbow arrows were directly grasped in his hand!

With a flick of his wrist, the stagnant arrow was given kinetic energy again.

The man who was rushing forward, ready to use his long sword and sledgehammer to break the magic protection, was directly stabbed.

The power of Lan En's swing was certainly not as powerful as a crossbow, but the villains who rushed up did not have armor on them.

The crossbow arrow does not require much force to enter the human body.

Three screams, and then the sound of a body falling to the ground.

But this is still not the end.

Where has he gone?! Who saw where he went?!

The crossbowmen shouted in surprise.

They lost track of the figure who had maintained a kneeling posture just a second ago!

On that patch of sand, there were only two impact-like footprints.

Lan En's figure is thick and solid, but his current speed makes people feel like he is simply a "paper man"!

Thunderincreases body strength. In addition to increasing attack power, the affected leg muscles can of course provide greater speed.

The [Blizzard] made Lan En feel as if his vision was playing in slow motion.

The enemies' coordination and combos, which originally seemed to be smoothly connected, now seemed to him to be full of loopholes.

The crossbowman's perspective was trying to catch up. He made two "crush" sounds, but the crossbow arrow could only hit the footprints left by Lan En.

Follow, if you cant keep up, why cant you keep up?!

The speed at which they turned their crossbows couldn't even keep up with Lan En's movement speed.

The villains responsible for melee combat are all experienced.

Although their field of vision was narrower than that of the crossbowmen because they stood closer, the moment the laughter of the shooters behind them stopped suddenly, this group of people immediately realized that something was wrong.

It is undoubtedly ridiculous to expect camaraderie among villains.

In this group of people, the man with the sword and the sledgehammer without a shield immediately wanted to move behind the man with the shield.

What's worse, they even have to **** the shield directly from other people's hands.

In cold weapon combat, the safety provided by a shield is second only to reliable companions and armor.

This group of villains, who only have animal skin jackets on their bodies, are now looking for a shield like crazy.

They all saw the unusual feeling brought about by Lan En's size and speed.

No one wants to face this kind of monster!

But the problem is that Lan En really wants to face them now.


The sound of blood spurting out of your throat is chilling.

That was a warrior holding a shield. He was covering his throat in vain, but the blood was pouring out from between his fingers and mouth.

The shield is useless? !

No one is grabbing the shield anymore. After the melee villains' eyes widened for a moment, they didn't even dare to turn around and take a second look! They ran backwards like crazy, just to get as far away from the mutant as possible!

This is wrong, this is wrong, he is not a human being! He is a monster!

People shouted like this.

Faced with the current situation where common sense has been shattered, the villains who were originally confident of victory can only take a breath or two to collapse mentally.

How to explain the situation where a skilled warrior holding a shield had his throat cut while the shield was intact?

The shield's protection is the "face", and the blade's attack is the "line".

As long as you are facing the enemy head-on, the shield holder does not have to worry about the direction from which the opponent draws his sword, whether it is a real slash or a feint.

Just put up a shield!

You come and chop it!

The shield is fixed to the arm, and the enemy cannot change position around you as fast as you can move your arm.

In other words, in a one-on-one situation, the shield can definitely protect you.

Except for one case

The fighting "masters" in the hometown world always have a performance segment where they ask their disciples to punch slowly, saying that they want the audience to see the decomposition movements clearly.

Then they use normal or even supercharged speed to give their disciples a combo of attacks.

After finishing the fight, say, "This is where our moves are so powerful. You can see them clearly."

With this speed difference, ordinary people can think of dozens of ways to break the move on the spot, okay? ?

The terrifying thing about wiping the shield holder's neck with a sword is that someone really lives in a 1.5x speed world!

I can spin around you faster than you can shake your hand!

How do you have the courage to stand in front of me?

The inhuman speed and reaction really scared the enemy's courage.

Having planned everything, since Lan En entered the camp, he assassinated ten people, and now he killed six or seven people head-on.

This is already a casualty rate of around 30%.

The opponent is alone, which does give the thugs a huge psychological advantage at the beginning, but with a casualty rate of around 30%, none of Temeria's professional armies has such a strong resistance!

For a group of thugs who are brought together by criminal interests, when Lan En is suppressed, they can not care about the casualty rate.

Death from a sneak attack can only be considered an accident, don't worry about it.

Then he laughed and prepared to kill the young man.

But when they found that their violent advantage could not be maintained, this casualty rate suddenly weighed on their sanity like a mountain and became unacceptable.

Get away! Get away! Let me go! Ill go first!

Without the melee fighting force, even if the crossbowmen were of higher quality overall, they were still trapped in panic.

Order among armed thugs is collapsing.

A camp of more than fifty armed warriors is a force to be reckoned with in most territories in the world.

Now, they were defeated by a witcher.

On the platform in the distance, the Head Eater squinted and frowned at the increasingly chaotic camp.

At the beginning, he thought that Lan Ens head would be brought over by his men in less than three minutes.

After all, it's just a little mouse that sneaked in.

But immediately afterwards, Lan released Igni, causing extensive burns on two people, and showed extraordinary physical fitness.

The head-eater picked up his two axes and began to move towards the prison area.

The opponent's combat effectiveness is almost comparable to that of some famous knights.

He knew exactly what he had in his hands.

He doesn't care whether the casualties are serious or not, but these casualties may become a reason for the remaining people to demand a higher share.

He was not willing to accept this.

Therefore, he would rather go on the field and do it himself, and also want to end the battle as soon as possible.

But after just twenty seconds, the head-eater walked towards his big tent carrying a pair of axes.

Two black-skinned hounds followed him. As soon as they entered the tent, the head-eater kicked the overcooked human head off the table, and the hounds happily started to eat it.

In fact, he has always felt that eating human flesh to show his ferocity is too stupid.

But there is no other way. To make money, you have to compromise. So the human head has to be brought here, but the dog can eat it.

Ledgers, tickets, receipts, letters, and gems, theyre all here!

The short and stocky man had a pair of axes stuck behind his waist, looking like a standard Skellige warrior.

But what he muttered and what he flipped with his hands was more detailed than the most serious accountant in Novigrad Trading Company.

After a while, everything was packed into a small bundle, and the head eater picked it up and walked out.

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