Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 73: 73 helps you go home

Chapter 73: 73 helps you go home

Chapter 73 73. Help you go home

Lan En completed his physical recovery in the morning and arrived at the alchemy classroom at noon.

At dinner time, Aaliya came to the door of the alchemy classroom again.

In her hands were two smoked fish sandwiches, pan-fried ham, baked apples and an oyster chowder.

A big plate full of food.

This is actually the amount for both her and Lan En, because Aaliya feels it is a bit troublesome to eat after delivering Lan En's meal.

Walking in the corridors of Arethusa College, Alia would always look left and right curiously.

Although her previous home was not the type that lacked lighting at night, it was certainly incomparable to the Magic Academy.

The candles in Arethusa College are so numerous and bright that the environment is so bright that it doesn't seem to be illuminated by the light from the candles.

This is a small improvement made by the magicians who discovered the principle of light reflection, using magic.

It is said that the master who improved lighting left a self-portrait on the wall of the college because of this contribution.

Aliya knocked on the door of the alchemy classroom and walked in.

Lan En has ordered that there will be no noisy alchemy experiments today. Just knock on the door and come in. No one will disturb you.

My lord, I have brought you dinner.

Because Aaliyah was holding a large dinner plate, she could no longer look in through the glass opening of the door.

So when she entered the door, she saw Lan En sitting on the classroom chair, rubbing his face with both hands, looking exhausted.

The whole classroom is not at all like "it won't be messy" as he said when she was given a break at noon.

The mortar was filled with various herbs that had been ground into a paste. There was still half a bottle of liquid with an indescribable color in the distilling flask. The crumbs of dried herbs were scattered all over the table.

Im so stupid, Im so stupid. I only know that it takes ten hours to learn a potion, but I dont know how these ten hours are arranged. Im so stupid.

Alia could not handle this muttering, so she tentatively shouted again.

"grown ups?"


Lan En put down the hand that was rubbing his face and raised his head.

The black blood vessels on his face and the light black stasis around his eye sockets made Aaliya let out a small exclamation.

Ah! Sir! What are you doing?

Lan En was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

Oh, dont be afraid. We demon hunters take too many drugs.

As he spoke, he took a beaker from the table at hand, picked it up and drank the milky white liquid inside.

Then those black blood vessels and orbital congestion subsided in a few breaths.

Vitamin alcoholic drink with slight detoxification effect.

Mentos called the defective "white honey" made by Lan En this way.

There were a lot of mistakes in todays practice schedule. After all, it was the first time.

Lan En did not expect that it was not enough to use extraordinary senses to identify the potency of medicinal materials.

If you want to make a high-level potion, you have to recognize the ingredients when they are crushed, right? You have to recognize it even after it has been distilled, right?

In these cases, you still need to have experience in estimating the potency of medicine, right?

What else is there to say? Taste it!

Then a large bag of rough-processed medicinal materials was turned into various forms by Lan En.

Everyone must be smelled and tasted to accumulate experience about the potency of the medicine.

Yes, [Alchemy] proficiency has skyrocketed, now reaching 44%.

As for the limited number of medicinal materials such as honeysuckle and black reed petals, Lan En can now know whether they are in good condition and whether the medicine is strong or not.

With the alchemy recipe, you can increase or decrease it as appropriate, and you can even produce some simple goods.

But the price iseven with a demon hunter's resistance to poison, after tasting this large bag of medicinal materials, the toxicity is starting to get a little too high.

As a last resort, in order to maintain this highly effective learning method, Lan En changed the first item to be conquered from [Swallow] to [White Honey].

Its like tasting the herbs and pouring a simple antidote at the same time.

Fortunately, all Lan En's expenses are now borne by the 1,500 Orens, otherwise he would really not dare to mess with things like this.

Roughly processed medicinal materials are not as good as wild herbs, so the price increase is a matter of course.

Without this money, Lan En would probably have to squeeze out toothpaste to improve his proficiency in [Alchemy].

When you have a small amount of money, buy medicinal materials and equipment, then make them, fail, save money and start over again, and the cycle continues.

For a demon hunter who doesnt know how many commissions he will receive in a month, it may take half a year for him to learn how to refine a potion. Work and study are two very time-consuming and costly things, let alone rushing together?

Fortunately, someone is now paying for his study costs.

Dont worry Aria, eat first, I will clean the classroom with you today.

Lan En said while rubbing his forehead.

Obviously, the good classroom would not be dirty, but also let people go back to rest, and made such a pool in a blink of an eye.

Although the other party is now his attendant, Lan En is still very embarrassed.

The two of them cleared a fairly clean table together and sat down to eat together.

The witcher glanced at Arya, who was acting normal, and narrowed his eyes.

This little girl knows many knightly etiquette and the responsibilities and rules of attendants.

Although it is somewhat different from the northern countries, judging from the complicated rituals, it does not seem to be fake.

At best, the differences are due to differences between countries.

In the final analysis, there is a set of aristocratic rules that serve as the logic behind it.

But at the same time, a well-behaved attendant naturally eats at the same table with the person she follows without any restraint.

Familiar with the rules of aristocracy, but able to subconsciously ignore the class differences in these rules.

In other words, within this set of rules, she is rarely in an inferior or disadvantaged position.

A descendant of a top noble?

While eating a smoked fish sandwich, Lan chatted with Aaliyah.

Tell me more about your hometown, Alia.


The little girl who was eating with her cheeks puffed out suddenly became as alert as a squirrel and looked at Lan En.

I dont want to go back!

The witcher smiled knowingly.

She was not resisting going home because of fear or fear, at least not entirely.

Mostly because its fun outside and I resist going home.

This shows that her family environment is actually quite good.

I havent asked you how old you are, Aaliyah.

Lan En asked without raising his head while eating.

The girl ate and said nothing, and Lan En seemed unaware of anything.

Look at your frame, are you nine years old? Ten years old? Oh, thats ten years old. Its indeed a playful age.

The little girl's movements gave the answer, Lan En nodded and continued.

"You may not know how dangerous this world is for a ten-year-old girl, Alia. After all, I killed the traffickers not long after you were caught. You didn't even see them torture the prisoners. Looks like that, right?"

"So, what you feel in the traffickers' camp is excitement. It was probably the moment you jumped off the ship that you were a little scared. But it was only for that moment."

"According to what you said, it has been four or five days since you left your family. In these four or five days, you have met the witcher, magic, and alchemy. You feel that the world is novel and interesting, but your family is depressed. Boring. But Aaliyah."

Lan tilted his head towards Aaliyah, who was sitting next to him.

Did you really not feel the fear of being helpless or missing your family during these four or five nights?

The little girl gradually stopped chewing, her hands slowly put down the food in her hands, and she didn't talk back anymore.

So, lets stop playing the knights tale and give me some information, Arya.

The witcher stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of the little girl, causing her to twitch in surprise.

The witcher laughed.

I want to try to help you get home.

The idle business has come to an end, and we kept a vigil last night.

Thank you to the Fall of Yan, Book Friends 20210301105252236518, Xia Chan is Silent, and the 100-point reward for the completion of A Thousand Books and a Tired of Reading!

Thanks to book friends 20211001150749264, Ai Xi, Kick Lu Sixuan, and reader 20221001131345406907433 for their 500-point reward!

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