Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 86: 86 Memories pouring out

Chapter 86: 86 Memories pouring out

Chapter 86 86. Memories pouring out

This middle-aged man has a handsome and upright face. If you look closely, he even looks somewhat similar to the portrait on the Oren coin.

He adjusted the puffy sleeves on his hands and put down the miniature model.

Ubank, you should know that it is because of these children that I have reached a friendly relationship with the gentlemen of the Sun Cult.

"And now, are you telling me that eighty children have become a quarter just because of a filthy mutated bastard?"

Umbank did not raise his head.

Different from the cautious and flattering attitude in front of Safra, when facing his real big boss, Urbank knew very well-

Dont ask for forgiveness, show value.

The Cult of the Sun is the state religion of the southern Nilfgaardian Empire.

They believe that the sun is the only true god, and all priests can only be men.

Maintaining relationships with them is an aspect that big bosses attach great importance to.

"I will lead a team to the coast of Sidaris, where the aftermath of the war has not yet subsided. Most of the men have died, and the women have become weak under fear and humiliation. Although many children have also died, as long as they reach the farmers' rice vats, I rummaged around inside and on the floor and grabbed everything, but I could finally get it together.

How are you going to rally the team?

The handsome middle-aged man said casually.

This kind of thing is just an ordinary business to him, and as long as it is a business, the cost must be considered.

If Urbank dared to say "please allocate some of your men", he could lie down in the flowerbed of the manor today.

But fortunately, this strong man Skellige has a very bright mind.

"I am a Skellige, and I can raise a group of Skellige warriors on the sea. We are all veteran pirates, and people who believe in our hometown are more trustworthy than outsiders, so as long as I let out the news and say that there is work, I can at least attract them. More than ten people.

"But although Skellige's warriors kill without batting an eye, most of them have a sense of honor. Why do you drive them to **** children? Even when they were pirates, they would fight regardless of the cost when they encountered a slave ship. To be honest, I think If you work in front of them, they will chop you with an ax first.

The middle-aged man asked back with interest.

"The Skellige will not be the only ones on the pirate ship. When we open up the situation, I will arrange a mead banquet that the Skellige loves most. Pirate banquets always involve death, and warriors always Die among the first."

Speaking, Ubank showed a bold and cheerful smile like an authentic Islander.

The naturalness of this smile made the middle-aged man couldnt help but applaud and praise her.

Haha! You are so smart that you dont look like a native of the Islands, Ubank. You need to rest for a few days.

After applauding, the middle-aged man nodded.

"I will allocate you a long ship that can be used for fighting, as well as a cabin full of supplies, and too much silver for you to hold. And you will bring me one hundred and sixty beautiful little boys. And in the end, let this criminal slave ship get its due and sink in the wrath of Meritelli. You have two months."


Ubank bent down and bowed, and the stiff archipelago man's lumbar spine gave him a beautiful arc.

Just before exiting the study, the strong man suddenly remembered something and mentioned it to his big boss.

"By the way, sir. I always feel that the witcher will never give up."

Ubank reminded cautiously and respectfully.

"I've seen that look that won't stop until it rips out my throat and yours."

The middle-aged man has picked up the carriage model again and waved his hand impatiently.

"Don't take such an inconspicuous little bug seriously, a witcher? God, when did the name of a lowly mutant appear in my study?"

Ubank looked at the two full-plate armored warriors at the corner of the corridor outside the door, shrugged, turned and left.


Lann is now on a barge.

It was a bit embarrassing to say that he only found a map of Temeria at the bottom of the bag prepared for him by Arya after riding horseback for a day and a half.

Then he learned that it was much more time-consuming to go to the capital Vizima from his current location by boat than by horseback.

So he led the little girl attendant who was curious all the way and boarded an inland river barge at the ferry of a riverside village.

For ordinary people's lives, they rarely use the entire Oren coin. Temeria is the most powerful country in the north. Under the leadership of Foltest, it is almost as good as Redania.

Olens purchasing power and stability are worthy of this national power.

So when paying the ship fare, Lan even had to take out a few gold coins from his wallet and ask the conductor to use small scissors to trim off the corners of the gold coins to prevent them from being too valuable.

Medieval-level business is not done by just throwing a few gold coins on the table.

How pure is the gold coin and how complete are its edges and corners?

These require professional bookkeepers to identify on-site and even use a scale.

Lan En adjusted his hood. The past few days seemed to be because the gene seeds continued to work.

He felt that his appetite was getting bigger and bigger, and the originally well-fitting armor gradually began to feel restrictive.

The hair on the head grows very fast, and the original hairstyle has been covered up by the length.

Now half of the hair on Lan En's head that hangs down to his neck has turned shining silver.

And based on the facial skeletal muscle data mobilized by Mentos every day, his face shape is also constantly being fine-tuned.

The degree of adjustment was so slight that Alia and Lan, who lived together day and night, could not even feel it.

But when Mentos retrieved the facial data from ten days ago and compared it with each other, even Lan himself had to exclaim.

This handsome guy is so good-looking!

The gene seed seems to give facial features a bit of delicate femininity.

But in harmony with Lan En's original appearance, he only looked healthy and energetic.

Lan En nodded at the handsome face reflected in the water and walked towards the bow of the ship, stepping over the luggage and packages piled everywhere by the passengers.

Horses huddled in the middle of the barge snorted, their hooves clattering on the deck. Arya claimed that it was her duty as a squire to take care of the horses, so she was rightfully occupying Poppy's saddle by herself.

The ship's hull is located in the middle of the water, shrouded in dense fog. The bow of the barge parted the lilies of the water.

Riding a horse on a moving boat. Her talent for balance is really good.

The moment Lan En walked past her, dozens of sword skills automatically appeared in his mind to face an opponent with good balance on horseback.

This kind of memory is by no means as simple as freezing a few actions.

Thats a complete set of movement methods, fighting ideas, and timing for dozens of sets of swordsmanship!

The dizziness in his head was like Mentos in a Coke bottle, making the witcher's footsteps falter for a moment.

But a second later, Lan En's footsteps stabilized again.

Mentos, you didnt stop me just now!

The young man with a calm face walked to the bow of the ship and lay down on the railing.

But in my heart, I have already begun to attack my own brain.

How many times has the interception algorithm you developed worked for this kind of spontaneously emerging memory? Tell me yourself!

The knowledge in memory is great and good, but Lan En doesnt want to overload his brain during a sword fight with the enemy!

But Mentos also has something to say!

Ten thousand years of memory! Ten thousand years! Do you know how messy and complicated the things in this are?!

I am just a primary school student learning the computing power of computers! You ask me to type the interception algorithm, can I type it well? You know I dont have that ability, right?

Ive just been patching and patching here these days! Endless patching!

Anyway, it will definitely take a few days before the memory comes back, and you will be able to bear it.

After the biological intelligence brain finished speaking, he ignored Lan En who was pouting and went back to work.

The witcher pinched the bridge of his nose with his hand and exhaled a breath.

Damn it, I cant even maintain the British butler conversation style I set up. Isnt it a bit cool?

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