Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 95: 95 Sit back and wait for the rabbit

Chapter 95: 95 Sit back and wait for the rabbit

Chapter 95 95. Sit back and wait.

Berengar hated witchers.

Because he is fed up with the discrimination and suffering caused by his identity.

Im fed up with having to confront and kill monsters in the wild to earn money.

Not everyone is good at fighting, and not everyone can find pleasure in sword-to-knife combat. Some people just can't do this.

So he tried his best to hide his identity, even if he worked as a coolie in Vizima, he still had to maintain an ordinary life.

His hatred for the witchers stems largely from the fact that he was handed over to the witchers from his parents like a slave.

From now on, I can no longer control my own destiny.

Today, he learned that he had worked for a group of slave traders.

He clearly sensed that there was something strange in that batch of goods, but because he didnt want to cause trouble, he did it anyway.

The betrayal of his moral sense made him even want to vomit.

He has seen what slaves are like, and because of this, he can now clearly visualize in his mind what a group of children will look like.

Abuse, domestication, loss of dignity, and even loss of recognition as a human being.

Like a dog, like what the **** he is when he mutates!

Berengar staggered away from Lan and threw himself at a floor tile.

He hammered the bricks with his bare hands. While blood spattered, he suddenly pulled out a sharp steel sword!

Youre checking this, right?

The old demon hunter gritted his teeth and turned to ask Lan En, who was watching.

Two pairs of cat eyes face each other, one is calm and resolute, the other is furious and bloodthirsty.

Take me one.

Lan En felt that Berengar's face was a bit long when he first met him. At this time, he clenched his teeth furiously, and his muscles bulged on both sides of his jaws.

A bit like a crazed baboon.

But even the strongest baboon cannot kill a warrior with a sword, and Berengar. The people he killed could probably form a large village.

"If you go out with a sword like this, you will be beaten by the security forces and thrown into jail in less than an hour, or hacked to death on the spot. You are so angry that you are so angry, brother."

A demon hunter who is over a hundred years old is talking to a demon hunter who is in his teenage years, but the younger one seems to be a veteran at getting things done.

Lan crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame of Berengar's house.

The opponent's palm holding the sword hilt was still bleeding, but the opponent didn't seem to feel it at all. Instead, he kept holding the sword hilt with a "creep" sound.

"Now is the search stage before hunting monsters. You should be familiar with it, right? At this stage, the long sword is useless."

"Moreover, you are a person who ran away from your profession. I am not saying that there is something wrong with your morality, because I don't think that not wanting to be a witcher is an unforgivable thing. But to be honest, I can't I trust you for your courage on the battlefield."

"You didn't dare to face the monster's minions, so you ran away from the profession of a witcher, but do you dare to face the bright knife tips, arrows, and war hammers? The enemy's power is very huge. If you are defeated again while helping, If they were frightened and ran away, it would cause too much harm to us."


Lan En straightened up from the door frame and shook his head at the panting Berengar.

Forget it, man. You provided me with information, and you didnt know enough when you were working for them. Just keep being your normal person.

After saying that, Lan En opened the door behind him and walked out.

This is a backward era, and human beings have a cruel way of survival due to the cruel environment. But at the same time, ancient times also had simple morals that modern people cannot understand.

Berengar's rage and regret over the slave trade do not conflict with his own low moral standards.

Its a pity that if he wasnt a deserter, he would have had more helpers.

Putting on his hood, Lan shook his head and walked deeper into the temple area.

Going to the big warehouse now is crowded, so its best to wait until nightfall.

But in the room behind him, Berengar's angry and annoyed expression did not ease at all.

He pulled out the scabbard from under the floor tiles he had broken, and sheathed the long sword, but did not put it back.

Instead, he took out a whole set of lightweight leather armor and inserted the leather strap of the medicine set.

Having worked for the traffickers while he was half aware of it, Berengar thought about the frightened and helpless few young children buried in the timber he had moved.

His hands are shaking!

his moral sense was gnawing at his heart. "People of the Wolf School always have such cumbersome things! Vesemir, look what you have taught me!"

Berengar spurned his own morals while preparing to wait until nightfall to rush to the large warehouse for shipping goods.

He had the same idea as Lan En.

Lan En has already said that the opponent's power is huge, so avoiding detection is the key.

Berengar's cat eyes seemed to have a ball of fire stuck in them.

He took out the whetstone and slowly began to sharpen the blade of the sword that had not been used for a long time.

Then check bottle by bottle to see if the magic potion on the strap is still usable.

After all the preparations were completed, he put on his leather armor for combat, knelt on the ground, and entered a state of meditation and adjustment.

Time flies by in a meditative state.

Berengar opened his eyes at the right time at nightfall, his vertical pupils glowing slightly in the darkness.

He is the hardest-working coolie in Vizima, and he knows the working rules of the warehousing market better than anyone else.

The little bear boy of the Bear School may wait until late at night to get over, but he is different.

He knew that this warehouse would be deserted after nine o'clock in the evening, except for special circumstances when work was being unloaded.

"bring it on."

Looking at the hut he had earned as an ordinary person for the last time, Berengar gritted his teeth and walked out of the door.

If this matter is not resolved, every day in this cabin will be torture for the rest of his life.

The night in the temple area is still full of stench. In the chats of the ladies in the trading area, this smell was jokingly called the "stench of poverty" by them.

But anyone who has actually been to the temple area at night will know that the most unbearable thing about the temple area at night is by no means as simple as the stench.

The thief with a dagger climbed over the wall and entered the house, and he didn't mind making signs to the passing witnesses.

The gangsters were arrogant and loud, except for the workers who wanted to save money for tomorrow. They all wanted to kick wild dogs when they passed by.

Berengar moved through the darkness, acting much more professionally than Lan did when he broke into the camp in Velen.

A demon hunter who is over a hundred years old, his experience alone is a huge wealth.

He may not be able to beat Lan En in a head-on battle because he has been out of battle for a long time and lacks talent, but he has these bits and pieces of skill reserves.

He is much stronger than the young witcher.

Skimming past the low buildings and climbing over the tall walls, Berengar arrived at the large warehouse in the temple area silently.

He has a good memory and knows exactly where he unloaded the goods five days ago.

Without this kind of memory, it would be impossible for him to memorize the hundreds of monster knowledge tomes in Kaer Morhen Fortress.

Turn left and right in the row of warehouse sheds, then stop.

The wolf sect's demon hunters first looked around and found no one, then squatted down and searched carefully.

At that time, all the piles of wood had been moved away, and not even a scrap of wood was left.

Berengar was not surprised. After learning that the other party was powerful, he was still mentally prepared for this.

The wings of his nose twitched as he tried hard to find the human scent he had smelled on this piece of land.

But then, there was a crisp sound of "pop"!

A golden magic shield shattered from his body, and falling to the ground along with the magic fragments were two crossbow arrows!

Berengar has not fought for too long, and his neurological reactions have declined severely.

It wasn't until the crossbow arrow hit the ground that he staggered due to the residual impact force and then suddenly pulled out his sword from behind.

But this is meaningless.

Two crossbow arrows happened to hit the [Quen's Seal] at the same time and fell to the ground, but eight more had already cut through the air and were heading towards him!

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