Asuka of the Scarlet Sky

Chapter 66

Final Chapter: Scarlet Girl (5)

Recalling the love affair yesterday, Yuuto cleared his throat.

Err, that. Nice weather

R-Right. Nice weather

Asuka who walks next to him also answered awkwardly.

They had done it five times after that. Its the best record of Yuuto that day.

(Awkward. What the hell? Its so awkward. Whats going on?)

Having the last night her cross in her mind, Asuka shook her face.

Did she get on the her feelings and was washed away by the mood? Anyway, she fawned over him to her hearts content yesterday.

She shook her waist on top of Yuuto, kissed, did in front and back, again and again.

Furthermore she kept calling Yuutos name in the midst of it, Asukas face warped.

(Isnt that? What to call it, arent we like lovers? No good. Thats no good. Its too embarrassing)

The master and treasure tool. She has to make that clear, Asuka retightened her spirit.

Its not like I like your or anything like that

Eh? Ah, Yes

Asuka said then Yuuto replied short. Yuuto before would be depressed but shes wondering if its okay now.

The girl he gives his heart to, piled up the body. Hoping more than that is already a luxury.

With his face completely loose, Yuuto looked at the hallway of the castle absentmindedly.

Its only Asuka-sama today right?

Right. You can kill time somewhere. Lets buy snacks when we return

Asuka is the one called for business today. Theres no need for Yuuto to come but Yuuto isnt as troublesome as before.

Right. Should we go to Asuka-samas favorite store?

Imagining the shopping at return, Yuuto smiled. Asukas breathing was clogged because of that expression.

Scratching her cheeks, Asuka pouted and replied.

T-Today, you see. Dont go to Captain okay?

Hearing the slender voice, Yuutos heart jumped out. Thats his intention even if hes not told but Its the first time Asuka is finding fault at Yuutos female relationships.

Feeling that shes finding fault at him, Yuuto shook his arm in panic.

N-No I wont! Theres no way I can go!

Catching the glimpse of the panicking Yuuto, Asuka looked away bashfully.

Its not like I mind who you meet or go out with. Just for today, I want you to remember me

Saying that, Asuka waved her right hand and said Later Yuuto absentmindedly sent off Asukas back thats advancing bashfully.


His delayed answer didnt reach Asuka who disappeared at the corridor of the castle.

Oh, Yuuto-kun. What a coincidence1

When Asukas back disappeared at the corner, a voice called out Yuuto from the back.

Turning back, Thunderbolt is walking towards Yuuto.

Ah, Thunderbolt-san. Its been a while

Of course its not a coincidence but she timed when to call out Yuuto but Yuuto has no way of knowing so he bowed.

Looking at Thunderbolts left arm, Yuuto spoke in a worried tone.

UhmHows your wound?

Fufu, its fine. It still hurts but itll heal completely after a few days

Thunderbolt raised her left arm while smiling at Yuuto. Showing her palm to tell that theres no problem, Yuuto felt relieved.

Im glad. I was worried

Those words made Thunderbolts cheek blush. Applying her hand to her waist bashfully, Thunderbolt turned her eyes over the eyemask.

Can you come with me for a bit?

Thunderbolts glance can be seen through but Yuuto nodded with a smile.

Its my treat today. Drink as much as you like

Ah, Yes. Itadakimasu

Its a luxury restaurant in the capital. Thunderbolt sits on the table facing him, Yuuto paid his attention to the fleeting glance.

He thought that theyll surely just talk in the lounge of the castle but hes already in such a place when he noticed. Worrying about the time meeting with Asuka, Yuuto sits don on the chair in front of Thunderbolt and put the glass on his mouth.

Uuun, its a good grape. This is quite good. The scent and the taste is also good

Does Thunderbolt come to this shop often?

Yuuto called out Thunderbolt as she enjoy the taste and the color of the wine.

This store is a high class store where most noble go to. Risty once said that she want to go here, Yuuto recalled.

Even with the wage of a single digit hero, its a store where you can come at moments notice. Thunderbolt puffed her chest as she answer Yuutos question.

Oh well. I come here often. After all its a restaurant that a hero like me can come. It has to be a first class

Hee, isnt that amazing. Im weak to liquor so I respect you in that

Being praised by Yuuto, Thunderbolt clenched her fist under the table.2Of course, its a secret that she used all of her savings.

I-Is that so? Yuuto-kun is weak to alcohol. I see. Fuun

Suppressing down the dark feelings boiling in her chest, Thunderbolt continued to drink the wine. Honestly, she doesnt get the taste well.

Though Thunderbolts five senses is far from an ordinary person because of her perception ability, its a different talk when it comes to a gourmet.

The price of the wine is close to her monthly salary, the structural component isnt even slightly different from the Winefrom the wine on the public bar.

Its similar. For the woman who lives in perception that goes far more than a persons limit, All in this world looks similar because shes living in both micro and macro.


But todays wine certainly feels different from the usual, Thunderbolt narrowed her eyes. Shehad a hunchfor the first time, she looked at the color of the shine in the glass.

Expressing the words of thanks for Thunderbolt, Yuuto pressed the silence without understanding what is being pointed out.

The smiling Thunderbolt felt a little embarrassed but she felt happy when she remembered that moment.

Thank you for telling me good luck

Those were just a remark of support. Yuutos voice is the only one who turned towards her during that fierce fight.

You see, after the duel, my evaluation didnt change basically. A coward and cheater. For someone who didnt come to personally see the battle, I was just stupid for challenging Asuka-san rashly and suffered a crushing defeat

Yuuto heard the words coming out from Thunderbolt.

It is so. Certainly that battle wont make the people who didnt come to see Thunderbolt the correct way. However thats a temporary and limited thing.

She treatened Asuka, or she played a trick. Those completely untrue rumors would be flowing among the people who didnt see the duel.

But you see, Its fine. I can still hear it. I can feel all of it using my demon eyes. The handful of encouragements. Like you that time

Thunderbolt clenched her fist. Since when was it? Hearing the voice of the world is nothing but frightening. Since when was it? A smile thats reaching out for her name.

Thunderbolt looked ahead. She can understand it over the eye mask. The most important person in her world.

Yuuto-kun, I love you. Im helplessly in love with all of you

Thunderbolts eyes looks at him firmly, Yuutos eyes opened wide and his breath was taken away.

Before Yuuto could move his mouth to reply, Thunderbolt continued.

I know that you wont turn back. I also know who youre thinking with. Still, I just want to say, I love you

Thunderbolts head slowly lowered, Yuuto somehow was able to squeeze his voice, he inhaled.

However, Thunderbolt smiled at Yuuto who cant let it out at the very end.

I can work hard right? I want to be your first

Just how much is the order and point minded? Though he says that shes not interested, she kept staring at the newspaper every week.

Its because she isnt. Just that. Its to praise herself.

But, its different now. She doesnt want to lose the next ranking from the bottom of her heart.

I wont lose this time

To whom? Yuuto instinctively scratched his cheek as the declaration isnt something he can ask from.

Shes strong you know?

Yuuto only told that much to Thunderbolt.

Thunderbolt nodded, and said I knowwith a smile

He scolded his heart for beating faster from that brilliance, Yuuto put the glass to his mouth.


Those are the honest feelings that came out. ,

Asuka-san is being delayed. Should we order a meal? What does Yuuto-kun like?

N-No. Im fine with what Thunderbolt-san likes

Thunderbolt proposes while looking at the menu, Yuuto swing both his hands to decline. As hes being given a treat, he shouldnt be choosy.

Is that so? You dont have to hold back. Right, Yuuto-kun had fish yesterday so meat would be nice3

Ah, yes. Meat is fine

Yuuto nodded but he tilted his head as he feels something out of place.

Speaking of which, Yuuto-kun, you were up late yesterday. Arent you sleepy

Eh? I-Im fine though

At that time, Yuuto finally noticed what is out of place. Sweat flowed though his back, Yuuto timidly asked Thunderbolt.

Eerr, that. Youre peeping at me?

At that moment, Thunderbolts face was Shitand time stopped. Awawa, Thunderbolt shook both her hands.

T-Thats not it! Im not peeping! Yuuto-kun, what are you saying? Also. I-Its wrong!

Seeing Thunderbolt getting obviously flustered, Yuuto smiled unconsciously.

Seeing Yuutos smile, Thunderbolt made an excuse in panic.

But its fine! That, I-I didnt look at you doing it with Asuka-san I only watched you sleeping and taking bath!

Seeing Thunderbolts blushing face, Yuuto scratched his cheek. Hes thankful that she didnt watch him do it with Asuka. Yuuto smiled at Thunderbolt and told her that its fine.

If its just me then its fine. Im a bit embarrassed though. I dont particularly mind if its Thunderbolt-san


Yuuto laughed and Thunderbolts mouth opened wide.

Its not a good-natured ability. Yuuto who accepted it, Thunderbolt stared at him with hot eyes.

Y-You dont hate it?

I dont

Thunderbolts insides became hot. Thunderbolts heartbeat had a banging sound, fro Yuutos smile.

Though shes usually peeping, Yuutos daily life came into Thunderbolts mind. Thinking that shes been refraining up until now, the embankment bursts and overflowed.

As expected, I-I really love Yuuto-kunMukyuu4

Wait!? Thunderbolt-san!?

Having too much happiness and excitement, Thunderbolt bleed from her nose and collapsed on her chair.

I was surprised. When I thought that you were late for the meet up, you showed up shouldering Thunderbolt-san

Ahahaha, Sorry. I cant just leave her like that

What happened afterwards was trouble. He took out and nursed Thunderbolt thats after having a bloody face, and Yuuto took charge of the fee for the time being.

(My money this month just flew away5But, its too uncool for me to charge Thunderbolt-san)

It cant be helped, Yuuto sighed. Then, he looked at Thunderbolt thats sleeping happily on the bench.

Or rather, what were you doing?Could it be?

I-Its not! She just invited me for a meal!

Seeing Yuuto in panic, Asuka narrowed her eyebrows.

She thought that hes not telling a lie but, theres obviously something after she saw Thunderbolts expression.

By the way, Thunderbolt-san said it. That she was glad to fight Asuka-san

N? I-Is that so? Right, Im the sameI am glad

Shes embarrassed, however Asuka gladly returned to Yuuto.

Though she wondered what would happen at the duel at first, when it ended, she was glad.

After becoming a hero, I fought hard and felt glad that this happened

Her thoughts finally reached the one who she admired before. However, the road is still continues from there.

Both parties dont know what the impertinent one is thinking, Asuka quietly looked at the view.

The last nights fever still remains inside her body.

Please take care of me from now on

The girl presented her right hand and the boy who came from the otherworld grasped it.

Seeing his face looks a bit embarrassed, the girl looked at him happily.

B-Best regards

The journey of the two people hadnt ended yet.

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