Athena in Tower Defense Game! [LitRPG]

0012 – Dwindling Numbers

0012 – Dwindling Numbers

Athena felt somewhat regretful, took a hearty bite of grilled meat, and wrapped her clothes tightly around herself. Then, she dashed out with the fastest speed.

Standing by the fence, she began to shout for the lost soul.

"Aren't you going to shout?"

The lost soul dared not speak.

Stretching out her arm, she handed the axe to the lost soul, gesturing to put the parchment on it.

He looked somewhat distressed as he watched the parchment in his hand, obediently placing it on the axe, knowing that he wouldn't get this parchment back again.

He was going bankrupt sooner or later.

Just as he was about to leave, something half his height fell from the sky.

"Thanks, I'll treat you to grilled mushrooms."

After saying this, Athena hurriedly walked away.

The lost soul stood there blankly, holding the still warm grilled mushrooms.

Why can't it change itself back? What can it do at a height of 10 centimeters?

Skillfully, she opened the parchment.

"Changes have occurred amidst the snowstorm, the impending darkness has been obstructed."

With just this sentence, Athena felt like her CPU was overheating inexplicably.

Feeling that it was something important, even though she couldn't understand it, didn't stop her from using charred wood as charcoal to record every piece of information on the slate.

She would have to figure out a way to get some paper and pens later. Without dwelling on things she couldn't currently access, she chose to first check the items she had just obtained.

One axe, four sickles.

There were also three blueprints, none of which were particularly useful, all sorts of weird things. They were all furniture construction blueprints, namely a recliner, a table, and a shelf, plus one that was completely covered in scribbles?

She thought the recliner was a decent item, but after glancing at the cluttered room, she decided against it, opting to use it in a few days.

[ ??? ]
Level ???
Description It can be something ordinary, or it can be something very precious.
Summary This is a blind box, may the goddess of luck favor you.

The moment she saw the introduction of this thing, Athena knew it wasn't suitable for herself, but she immediately thought of someone else. She felt that that person would definitely be interested, but deciding how much to offer was quite a challenge for her.

Touching the other axe she had acquired, Athena had an unrealistic idea, what if I wielded one axe in each hand in the future?

Dual axes felt similar to dual knives or dual swords, all pretty cool. She actually tried wielding both axes, but the result was somewhat clumsy, almost injuring herself.

She didn't have that talent.

"I'd better just stick to using one axe."

She packed all these dangerous items into her backpack.

From now on, she planned to enjoy her food properly. Tonight, she planned to stay up until midnight.

As she ate, she remembered something, what was it that she wanted the lost soul to do? If she couldn't recall, then it probably wasn't important.

The fierce wind outside suddenly stopped, the howling wind disappeared, and only the crackling sound of the fire burning inside could be heard.


Darkness is encroaching upon the world, 10, 9, 8... 0
Extreme cold wave approaching!

The system interface turned bright red, warnings filling the screen.

In the coming days, the birth points will no longer randomly refresh parcels! Enter into a state of preparedness!
Due to uncontrollable factors, the temperature will drop rapidly during this cold wave!
Due to uncontrollable factors, accompanied by the wind and snow, a very small number of Snowstorm Beasts have arrived early. Players, please prepare for defense!
Due to uncontrollable factors, the game difficulty has significantly increased! Subsidies are being distributed, please check your emails, players!

Snowstorm Beasts Rampage!

Snowstorm Beast
Level 1
Attack 5
Defense 3
Skill Charge! 30% chance to deal double damage.
Description They are followers of the wind and snow, wherever the wind and snow pass, their figures will be present. The arrival of the cold wave will bring wind and snow, and their arrival is certain.

Due to the system's reminder, the information about snowstorm beasts was officially announced to everyone.

Unexpected changes exceeded everyone's expectations. The sudden significant increase in game difficulty was likely related to the delayed arrival of the darkness. If following the normal game plot, then in a few days, players who survive the cold wave will be selected among those more suitable for survival in the game.

The system will also issue rewards, once again boosting the overall strength of players. This way, when the first wave of monsters attacks, the strength disparity between players and monsters won't be too extreme, and the game won't have a predetermined fatal ending.

Who would have known that the duration of the current cold wave has become longer and colder, with even a small portion of the monsters that were originally supposed to arrive on the 7th day coming early.

However, due to uncontrollable factors, the difficulty of survival this time has exceeded the expectations of many people. This includes the system as well, prompting the system to issue temporary subsidies.

Temporary Subsidy
Pieces of wood x15
Special weeds x15
Bottles of Mineral Water x5
Packs of Compressed Biscuits x3
Long Knife x1

This temporary subsidy is quite generous, even enhancing everything from construction to food to attack methods. Many people who were just a step away from upgrading their shelters succeeded in upgrading them due to the temporary subsidy.

But it's precisely because of the abundant subsidies that more people are feeling anxious.

Profit often comes proportionately with risk.AN: I cannot agree more

The wind, which had stopped, began to howl once again, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Pea-sized raindrops started to fall, and torrential rain washed over the land.

Athena stood by the window, using a small wooden board to cover most of it, leaving only a small corner to peek outside. Soon, the heavy rain subsided, and the weather outside changed once again.

Quail egg-sized hailstones fell from the sky, relentlessly hammering the roof. Inside the house, Athena could hear the intense impact clearly.

When she confirmed that the wooden house reinforced by the system wasn't as fragile as she feared, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She had truly been afraid that the hail would break through the wooden house. The sound was genuinely frightening.

Before she or anyone else could relax, the snowstorm arrived.

The swirling snow engulfed the world, obscuring everything within sight, making it impossible to see into the distance. Before long, a thick layer of snow would cover the ground, making it difficult to move even an inch.

The cold wind blew in through the open corner of the window, carrying snowflakes with it, bringing a chilling coldness.

Athena stepped back, distancing herself from the window, but she didn't intend to close it completely.

[ Regional Chat Channel ]

Watching the fluctuating number of survivors and more than 600 had died, many people expressed their emotions.

-- Thank goodness for upgrading the shelter, otherwise, we would have died here today.
-- People are dying again. How many of us are going to die...
-- Are there any brothers and sisters from the thatched cottages who have survived? I hid in a corner and built a small room with wood, barely surviving.
-- The ones upstairs have it all figured out; this belongs to self-processing.
-- Are people really that indifferent? Doesn't anyone care that the parcels haven't been refreshed in the past few days? Where am I supposed to get food from?
-- This environment is too harsh. We can't even go out. Our supplies are insufficient. I don't want to die here!
-- I haven't even seen those snowstorm beasts yet!

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