Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 159: First Sparks

Chapter 159: First Sparks


Liu Jin has prepared the chamber to the best of his ability. Ever since he realized he would ask Lu Mei to do this, Liu Jin has been dedicating his spare time towards making protective talismans, and the results are plain to see. The door, walls, floor, and even the ceiling are almost completely covered in talismans.

It still wont contain the Eternal Flame should it go out of control.

Once with Feng Zhi. Once with Lu Mei. And once with Elder Xun. Liu Jin has thrice felt the power of the Eternal Flame, and that has been enough for him to understand the Eternal Flame is far beyond his current self. The talismans covering the room ensure no one will sense their experiment or interrupt them. However, there is little they can do to control or contain the Eternal Flame should it go out of control.

If that happens, they have already lost. It doesnt matter that Lu Mei is only close to the late stages of the Spirit Realm after her time in the Dead Plains. The power of the Eternal Flame is not limited by Lu Meis strength. Or rather, Lu Meis strength only controls how much of the Eternal Flame she can safely channel before it overwhelms her.

To find Feng Hao, Lu Mei will need to dive deeper into the Eternal Flame than ever before. The probability of her losing control is high.

Still, it is not all quite so grim. The temple, with its sturdy construction materials, is far better suited for what theyre about to attempt than the Medical Pavilion. They have also done their best to prepare for this, unlike the first time Liu Jin helped Lu Mei with the Eternal Flame where they largely had to improvise. Theyre both also far more capable than they were back then.

That doesnt mean they do not feel any apprehension about this.

Are you ready?


Good. Liu Jin attempts a smile. Neither am I.

Liu Jin and Lu Mei sit face to face on the talisman-covered floor. Their legs are crossed, and their hands hold on to each other. The room has been submerged in darkness, but that will not be the case for much longer.

We do not have to do this now, Liu Jin offers. We can wait.

If I were to say yes, then tomorrow you would offer me the same kindness, and I would take it just as readily. Lu Mei shakes her head and puts on a smile. It is proud, strong, and bordering on arrogant. No, we do this now.

Liu Jin inclines his head. Their Qi is intertwined, their emotions fully exposed to each other. He can sense the nervousness behind Lu Meis haughty smile.

He can also sense the resolution.

As you say.

Then there is fire.


The cave Feng Zhi and Feng Hao are in has gone silent. No longer is Feng Hao recklessly trying to get past Feng Zhi, and no longer is Feng Zhi easily subduing his brother every time he tries. The two brothers sit on opposite sides of the line drawn on the ground, neither one of them taking their eyes off each other.

The first one to blink will lose.

Twice now Feng Hao has tried to use the Eternal Flame. The first time was an accident. The second one had been purposeful, and his brother had knocked him out for daring to attempt it. The bruise from that time still hasnt healed.

The third time, Feng Hao understands, will have to be perfect.

It doesnt matter that Feng Zhi is in the First Level of the Earth Realm while Feng Hao is not yet in the Spirit Realm. As long as he correctly channels the Eternal Flame, it will be possible for Feng Hao to create an opening to escape.

Feng Zhi knows that too.

Little brother, cease this foolishness at once, Feng Zhi says. His stare is penetrating. It feels as if he hasnt blinked in days.

I will cease my foolishness when you cease yours, Feng Hao fires back. His muscles are taut, ready to leap into action, but it is not yet the time. He needs to wait for the perfect opportunity and nothing less than that.

Feng Zhi tilts his head. It is not the opening Feng Hao is waiting for, yet the gesture still comes as a surprise.

Did you just call me a fool?

I Feng Hao freezes, hesitates, and ultimately makes a choice. Yes, I did.

You have grown bold. The ghost of a smile appears on Feng Zhis face. Where did that come from? No, perhaps there is no need to ask that. You are around far too many bad influences.

They are not bad influences! Feng Hao shouts while inwardly trying to figure out who his brother could be referring to.

Feng Zhi takes a deep breath. The motion makes him look relaxed, but that could not be further from the truth. Feng Hao can tell his brother hasnt lowered his guard at all.

You desire to prove yourself. That is normal. I was the same at your age, Feng Zhi says. However, this isnt the stage for it. It is too soon, brother.

Feng Hao grits his teeth. If not now, then when?!

In four years, there will be another Crimson Cloud Tournament, Feng Zhi tells him, his voice suddenly lacking in harshness. With your talent, you can easily become strong enough to participate by then. If even that is too much time, there are several quests you can do for the Eternal Flame Clan. I believe I was around your age the first time I went to the Ash Fields. I do not think Father will deny you the opportunity. If your mother does not object, it could even be just the two of us there.

His brother talking to him and offering to spend time with him. The opportunity to leave the overprotective and suffocating environment of the Eternal Flame Clan. The chance to see the world and test himself against people that wont hold back due to his status.

Even just one month ago, Feng Hao would have accepted in a heartbeat.

Youre bargaining.


Youre bargaining, Feng Hao repeats. Youre trying to appease me. I dont know whether youre telling the truth or not, but you wouldnt do that if you didnt believe there was a chance I could escape!

Feng Hao speaks triumphantly, as if he has finally put together a complex puzzle.

Feng Zhis face goes flat.

You overestimate yourself, little brother, Feng Zhi says. His voice has lost its warmth. I am not scared you will escape. I am scared of how much I will have to hurt you to prevent you from doing so. Cease this.

My answer has not changed, brother! Feng Hao shouts, raising his fist. If you really understood what I wanted, youd be guiding me instead of trying to contain me.

I am trying to guide you! Feng Zhi shouts back. His Qi shimmers around him. You do not understand what using the Eternal Flame entails! Just as you do not understand how dangerous it is out there!

Feng Haos reply is lost as the cave suddenly starts shaking. The tremor is caused not by the tectonic movements of the earth but by the oppressive Qi that suddenly blankets the area.

Earth Realm, Level Four.

Young Master Feng Hao! Young Master Feng Zhi! I have been looking for you!

The person who speaks is not in the cave with them. As far as Feng Hao can tell, he is standing about four hundred yards away from the entrance and growing closer. His words are fully transmitted through his Qi.

Xi Mou! Feng Zhi hisses. Quick! Lower your Qi, Feng Hao!

Trying to lower your Qi? There is no point to it now, Young Master! The same voice calls out. You have been sloppy. Anyone within three square miles could have sensed you! Would you please come out already?

Feng Zhi grits his teeth and looks away from Feng Hao. It is the opportunity Feng Hao has been waiting for, yet trying to take advantage of it now does not feel prudent.

Stay, Feng Zhi tells him. Before Feng Hao can formulate a reply, a wave of Feng Zhis hand creates a wall of flames between them. Feng Zhi vanishes soon after, no doubt having gone out to meet Xi Mou.

Feng Hao is left staring at the fire.

His brother is finally gone. All that blocks his way is the fire created by a cultivator in the Earth Realm. Though Feng Hao does not stop paying attention to the auras clashing outside and the fight he knows is only seconds away from starting, the bulk of his mental faculties dedicate themselves to picking apart his brothers technique.

This wall of flames is strong. Far too strong for him.

Slowly, Feng Hao turns his gaze to the walls of the cave. An idea begins to take shape.

If he uses the Eternal Flame, then


Feng Zhis aura blazes around him as he exits the cave. It is not just because he is angry. This is also a way to hide Feng Hao. If his aura shines too strongly, Xi Mou will not be able to sense his brother so easily.

Of course, that is all moot if his brother decides to use the Eternal Flame.

What is the meaning of this, Xi Mou? Feng Zhi asks with real anger in his voice. There is not a single part of this situation that he likes.

Meaning? The Core Disciple gives him a disappointed look. Young Master, dont ask such pointless questions. We are in the middle of a competition in which your brothers existence is a key factor. I have been looking for him all over the Dead Plains. As soon as I felt your Qi, I rushed here to ensure no harm comes to him.

Feng Zhi scowls. Who is to say my brother is even here?

Do not insult my intelligence, Young Master. Where would Young Master Feng Hao be if not at your side?

Let us assume my brother is here then, Feng Zhi says, neither confirming nor denying Xi Mous words. Why should I believe you have his best interests at heart?

What motive would I have to lie? Xi Mou asks. He takes a single step forward, and Feng Zhis Qi roars in reply. Xi Mou sighs. Young Master, there is no need for hostility. If Young Master Feng Hao dies, Lord Feng Shang cannot win. There is no reason not to accept my help.

No reason, you say? Steam rises from Feng Zhis body. Uncle is the one who released that mad dog Xun Huwen to kill my brother. How can I trust him after that?

That was regrettable, but-

For the matter, how can I know youre truly acting in the best interests of my Uncle?

Xi Mou frowns. Young Master, I hope youre not about to question my loyalty?

Shouldnt I? Was it not you who was knocked out early in the Crimson Cloud Tournament? Who is to say you did not lose that fight on purpose to make my Uncle look bad?

Why would I Xi Mou trails off. Are you suggesting I sabotaged Lord Feng Shang on behalf of your father?

He asks the question slowly, dubiously, as if he cannot believe Feng Zhi would ever suggest such a thing.

It is a possibility, isnt it? Feng Zhi says. And if so, why should I trust you with the life of my brother?

Young Master, first, you insult my intelligence. Now, you insult my loyalty.

I do not care for either.

If were humoring outlandish theories, then why is it that you can be trusted with Young Master Feng Haos safety? Why should I assume you wish the best for the person who has taken your place from you, Young Master? Everyone knows Lord Feng Gui prizes Young Master Feng Hao over you. You have few allies in the Sect after the death of your mother. However, if Master Feng Hao were to die, youd suddenly be your fathers number one son again, wouldnt you?

Feng Zhis Qi erupts, bathing the area in its blazing radiance.

You dare!

However, Xi Mou is unmoved.

Young Master, you may have gotten too used to people bowing before you, but please remember who youre speaking to right now.

Xi Mous Qi rises to match Feng Zhis.

No, it doesnt just match Feng Zhis Qi.

It exceeds him.

I was chosen to go to the Crimson Cloud Tournament. You were not. You may be of Feng blood, but I am your superior in cultivation.

You have the order wrong! Feng Zhi says. You may be my superior in cultivation, but I am of Feng blood!

The ground starts trembling once more, but it is not because of either of them.

I knew you hadnt come alone! Feng Zhi shouts as he feels a large Qi approaching. You think you can take what you wish by force? Try it!

However, all he finds on Xi Mous face is confusion.

Young Master, I did not bring anyone with me. Thats Xi Mous face shudders in revulsion. What is that?

Feng Zhi fights back his own shudder. The more he feels the Qi approaching them, the odder it becomes. He cannot even tell whether it is strong or weak.

It is just wrong.

A large animal appears on the horizon. It marches towards them with slow steps, yet its massive size means each one of those steps covers a great distance.

It is rotting.

It is dead.

It is not alone.

Dozens if not hundreds of creatures appear alongside it, yet Feng Zhi can only feel a singular Qi coming from the horde.

What is this?

The dead do not offer any answers.


The last incandescent ember fades from the room, leaving the two people inside it bathed in darkness.




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