Ave Xia Rem Y

Interlude: The Disciple

Interlude: The Disciple


You killed my brother, you vile bi-

In the blink of an eye, the bandits body is encased in a block of ice. It cracks then shatters into a thousand pieces along with the body. The countless shards are scattered to the four winds in a matter of seconds. Tomorrow, the ice will melt, and it will be as if he was never there.

Bai Wen dusts some shards from her robes.

Rude, she says to the empty spot where the bandit once stood. There is no need for that language. Even in matters of life and death.

Especially in matters of life and death, her Master would say. Some things are too important to be tainted by crass language, not that Bai Wen expects a bunch of savages to understand matters of respect and courtesy.

Y-you defeated them, the village elder at her side says. The old, frail man prostrates himself before her. Thank you, oh great fairy! Thank you! You have saved our village!

The village elder speaks with such awe and reverence that Bai Wen has to make sure her white veil is still in place and that her blue robes cover her entire body and disguise her figure. It would be unfortunate if her beauty accidentally charmed the people she is helping.

Please stand, elder. She helps the old man to his feet. A man of your age has no need to bow. Let us go back to the town. See your daughter, hug your grandchildren, and live the rest of your days in peace. That is how you will thank me.

The old man sobs into his hands. Thank you! Thank you so much!

Bai Wen awkwardly pats his back and mutters some platitudes as she keeps walking him back to the village, leaving behind the frozen remains of the bandit camp. It is really such a small thing to be thanked over. Batting a fly would have taken more effort out of her, yet it is different for these people. The men she just killed were a genuine threat to their way of life.

If not for her, they would have suffered. Then they would have died.

The people welcome her into the town like a hero. Some cannot believe their troubles have been solved so quickly. A mother of five collapses into her arms, sobbing her thanks. She no longer has to fear her sons foolishly risking their lives fighting the bandits.

It is a sight that has become all too common for Bai Wen.

She allows the feast to go on for several hours, understanding it is more for their sake than hers.

People need to celebrate heroes.

By dawn, she has already left the village, having made sure to leave some coins and medicine in the elders house. Those, along with the spoils from the bandit camp, should help make up for the damage caused by the bandit attacks, though sadly not the loss of lives. She also makes sure to leave a snowflake with a fragment of her soul behind. It will protect the village should the need arise.

Bai Wen sighs.

Her Master ordered her to find out all there is to know about the major powers in the Storm Dragon Empire, not to kill all the bandits she comes across. Yet, she finds herself doing the latter more and more often lately.

It is not that she has been neglecting her primary mission. Her reports are all meticulously written and sent to her Master in a timely manner.

However, how is she supposed to stand by while the wicked do as they please?

Her Master did not raise such a person!

Master Bai picked her from the streets. She gave her clothes to wear, a place to rest, and food to eat.

She gave her a name.

To avoid drawing attention because it is not part of her mission? To look away because it is convenient?

How could she ever look at her Masters face if she did that!

Bai Wen will strike down evil when she sees it. Her name will stand no less! She will not look or walk away! That is precisely why

I would really appreciate it if you did not think your presence is actually hidden from me.

For a moment, there is silence in the desolate, war-torn wastelands that are the border territories of the Storm Dragon Empire.

Ah, how embarrassing. I thought I was doing a good job hiding.

The air shimmers and reveals a handsome man with red hair and gold eyes wearing robes that leave much of his upper body exposed. He has a short red beard, and the smile on his face is carefree and cheerful.

He is standing in her way.

Bai Wen narrows her eyes.

Arrogance, Feng Zhuo of the Eternal Flame Clan. Arrogance! Someone in the Fifth Level of the Heaven Realm is not my match.

Rather than looking frightened or chastised, Feng Zhuo laughs and crosses his hands behind his head.

Youve heard of me!

Bai Wen levels her most unimpressed stare at the prodigy of the Eternal Flame Clan.

You won the previous Crimson Cloud Tournament, Bai Wen says. I saw the finals.

Feng Zhuo preens under her stare. That was a well-fought match. Not my favorite, but good. What did you think of it? I have been working on my flames ever since. They need to be faster for-

I have neither the time nor the inclination to humor you. Why are you following me?

How cold. Despite his words, his smile does not waver. If you must know, I was wondering how to best approach you, but you have taken care of that. Just as well. I hate being the one who starts a conversation. Now

The air changes.

Feng Zhuos relaxed posture does not change in the slightest, but when he meets her eyes through her veil, it is with utmost seriousness.

Now, I am going to ask you to stop.

Stop? She echoes. The amount of threat she puts in that one word would have cowed lesser men.

Feng Zhuo does not even blink.

A wandering hero in this day and age is heart-warming, but the Storm Dragon Empire has no need for that sort of hero. Your efforts are misplaced and unwanted. The Three Heavenly Generals-

Are exactly why my intervention is needed. The Three Heavenly Generals are at war, and the people suffer! You dare ask me to do nothing?

I do, Feng Zhuo says. The smile is gone from his voice. His gold eyes shine with intensity yet without emotion. I am not unaware of what is happening in the Crimson Court. The Divine Frozen Palace is eager to incite a conflict with the Storm Dragon Empire. I realize the fall of Eastern Port City reflects badly on you. However, I am here to tell you the Eternal Flame Clan would not appreciate a war with the Storm Dragon Empire.

You are not the only one who knows things, Feng Zhuo. I know you support one of the Three Heavenly Generals, Bai Wen says. I know the Eternal Flame Clan is taking advantage of the civil war to bleed this country of its resources.

If we hadnt, someone else would have. The accusation fails to draw a reaction out of him. It is the fate of a fallen country like this one. The truth is the stalemate allows for a gradual decline instead of an immediate massacre. Many would consider that a kindness.

I do not care for the many.

No, Feng Zhuo says. He gives her a slight nod. You care for the few. Do you think you will protect them like this? Your acts of kindness are simply going to cause trouble in the future. You have walked through the country and eliminated a few bandit tribes, but what of it? More will take their place. In the meantime, your actions cause rumors. It shall not be long until you draw the eyes of the Three Heavenly Generals.


No? You will not draw their eyes? Do you truly believe that?

No, I do not care for the few, Bai Wen corrects him. I care for myself, and I act in the way I do, so I wont shame myself. You come at me with earthly concerns, but I stand above the earth, and shall stand above the heavens. I am Bai Wen of the Divine Frozen Palace, disciple of Bai Lianshi. First Among the Five. I do not fear Tribulation. You speak of necessity and inevitability when all you seek is to manipulate me for your own ends. That shall not happen.

I merely offer wisdom.

Wisdom that causes me to betray my name is not wisdom. You are in my way. Move.

Feng Zhuo breathes deeply.

This will not end well.

We do not end.

Feng Zhuo laughs. No, I suppose we dont. A beginning then.

He steps out of her way. She walks past him.

The next time we meet, it shall not be this easy.

The next time we meet, I will not show any consideration for your status.


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