Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 40: 39, the mystery and terror emanating from Lin Mo!_i

Chapter 40: 39, the mystery and terror emanating from Lin Mo!_i

Translator: 549690339 I

Liu Meihong couldn’t help but recall everything that had happened since the first time she saw Lin Mo to the present moment.

Questions lingered in her mind, refusing to fade away.

As for the affair she had with the gym instructor, Liu Meihong still couldn’t figure out how Lin Mo had come by such accurate information.

Was Zhang Ziyue’s sudden withdrawal from school related to him as well?

If Lin Mo also knew about the unspeakable matters of Zhang Ziyue’s parents, it wasn’t impossible.

But that was the grandson of the former deputy director of the Education Bureau—what kind of secret could make them compromise?

Did he really have that much influence?

If so,

why would he disguise himself as an ordinary mover?

The more incomprehensible matters were, the more they inexplicably induced fear and oppression.

At this time, Lin Mo of course knew what Liu Meihong was thinking, but it wasn’t something he had planned in advance; it was purely accidental.

He never wanted to put on this act.

He had done so much, scaling walls and spending money on software, all to stay hidden and go unnoticed.

However, Liu Hongmei’s speculations seemed to be irrelevant.

Thinking this, Lin Mo showed an innocuous smile and said, “Surprised, huh? Quite surprising.”

“What happened to their family? Why are they suddenly so eager to withdraw from school?”


He didn’t look surprised at all!

Initially, Liu Meihong had little regard for Lin Mo, a parent from another place, but later, because she was compromised by Lin Mo’s knowledge of her secret, she had to feign respect.

But today, for the first time, she really felt a tangible fear from Lin Mo’s ordinary face.

Better to err on the side of caution.

With this thought, the now composed Liu Meihong smiled even more courteously at Lin Mo and said, “I’m not quite sure about the specifics, but since they have decided to withdraw, they must have their reasons.”

“Mr. Lin, if there’s ever anything you need from me, just say the word.”

“You’re too kind,” Lin Mo laughed and waved his hands repeatedly, then looked at the clock on the wall and said, “Xiaoxiao should be in class by now, so I’ 11 take her there. Thank you for your help with today’s matter.”

“Hmm, let me walk you out.”

“There’s no need for such courtesy, Principal Liu. Xiaoxiao, say goodbye to the principal.”

“Goodbye, Principal.”

“Goodbye, Xiaoxiao. The preliminary rounds of the speech contest are coming up. Make sure you practice hard.”

“Hmm! I will!”

After leaving the principal’s office, the innocent Lin Xiaoxiao asked, “Daddy, why do I feel like the principal has become a different person? She used to be so fierce, and I was scared to see her, but lately, she’s become so kind. Does she have some happy event in her family?”

“A happy event?”

Lin Mo smiled faintly, “Maybe.”

When Lin Mo took his daughter into the classroom and left the school, it was just past eight-thirty in the morning.

There was still nearly an hour left until the time mentioned in the first piece of intelligence refreshed today: [1. You passed the intersection of Development Road and Construction Road yesterday, acquiring relevant information— tomorrow morning at 9 a.m., retired senior official Zhang Guilin will fall down at the intersection.]

With time to spare, Lin Mo headed to his destination unhurriedly while reflecting on the incident in the principal’s office.

“When conversing with people of power, it’s effective to show a bit of your own mystery and strength.”

“However, it’s best when others discover it unintentionally, as that has the greatest impact, rather than trying to show it deliberately.”

” Liu Meihong today was a prime example.”

“I also need to be more cautious in certain serious situations and forget about the existence of the Intelligence System to avoid unnecessary trouble—these bigwigs are all very shrewd!”

Lin Mo is not a very clever man,

but he is not foolish either.

He realized that he would likely have to deal with all sorts of powerful individuals in the future, so he must learn to be more savvy and shrewd in order to secure a better position for himself, ensuring the advantage is mine!

At 8:40 in the morning, Lin Mo arrived at the intersection of Development Road and Construction Road on his electric bike.

It was quite a coincidence,

that this intersection was the very place where Lin Mo first activated his Intelligence System, attempting to make money through its information.

Standing at the same spot, Lin Mo could still vividly remember the manhole where he rescued a pet dog, along with the cocky expressions on the young couple’s faces when they finally left.

Barely half a month had gone by,

yet revisiting this old place, he had many strange feelings.

In this period, he felt that he had matured a lot, handling some issues with much more ease.

If he were to confront that young couple now, he could think of at least a dozen ways to make them hand over all the rewards listed on the bounty.

Back then, he was too young and let them get away.

“Indeed, what makes a man grow isn’t time, but experiences.”

“I wonder if I’ll ever run into that couple again.”

“If not, it’s their good luck.”

“But if I do, they can only say that they were fated to encounter me again.”

Although the weather today was a bit cool, the sun shone brightly.

Lin Mo sat on his electric bike, basking in the warm and comforting light while pondering over some random questions.

Time ticked away.

Just as Lin Mo started to feel a bit bored, a dull sound suddenly came from not far away.

Looking in the direction of the noise, Lin Mo saw an elderly lady, about sixty or seventy years old, trapped under a toppled green trash can not far from him.

All kinds of garbage covered her, a total mess!

“Is that her? It should be.”

Lin Mo didn’t waste any time, he quickly ran over, lifted the trash can, and moved it aside before asking the old lady with concern, “Auntie, are you okay?”

“Ah… Ouch…”

Zhang Guilin had taken a hard fall and, after catching her breath for a while, said, “Young man… help me up, don’t worry… I won’t make false claims!”

Because of a prompt from the system, Lin Mo knew that the old lady was a senior retired officer and would probably not resort to fraud.

“Don’t move, I will help you get up right now,” Lin Mo said, ignoring the stench of garbage and the wet clothes on Zhang Guilin, and quickly helped her to sit on a curbstone by the road.

“Auntie, how did this happen to you? How did you fall like this?”

“Is it serious? Should I call 120 for you?”

After a short rest, Zhang Guilin felt much better. She said with a bitter smile, “Ah, it’s nothing, I just wanted to throw away some trash. I didn’t expect that after walking for so long I couldn’t find a trash bin. When I finally found one, I slipped and fell to the ground.”

“Young man, I’m really thankful to you. Otherwise, I might have broken my old bones here,” she said.

Hearing her words, Lin Mo shook his head helplessly.

Is Rakshasa City not a great international metropolis?

Of course, it is!

Are there not enough trash bins in Rakshasa City?

Definitely, there are too few.

The issue of not being able to find trash bins in Rakshasa City has topped the hot search list several times without count.

No wonder the old lady spent half the day looking for one.

“Auntie, your clothes are all wet. Wear mine,” Lin Mo took off his jacket and said with a smile, “Otherwise, you might catch a cold. You’re at quite an age, and the flu is so severe lately. Put it on quickly.”

Although the weather wasn’t too cold, an elderly person in wet clothes would definitely not endure it for long.

Lin Mo had indeed come here specifically to try to obtain high-level intelligence,

but since he was already here, he naturally couldn’t bear to ignore and leave an old lady unattended.

Moreover, interacting with her more might trigger more intelligence.

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