Banished to Another World

Chapter 289: Jiu Yuan’s daily life

Chapter 289: Jiu Yuan's daily life

Duo Fei Tribe.

"Da-Ren, the scouts have returned."

"Speak." The tall, long-haired man stood on the earth wall and looked down at the slaves doing labor.

"The Priest Da-Ren line did go in the direction of the tribe called The Jiu Yuan, but it split in two at the river port. The scout said that the powders line in the direction of the Jiu Yuan had a weak smell, but the ones downstream of the river had a heavy smell. The scout judged that the Priest Da-Ren party probably moved downstream of the river after going to the Jiu Yuan.

"Keep looking along the river."


The warrior left, leaning against the silent Fei Li by the wall, lazily saying, "Da-Ren, would you like to see The Jiu Yuan castle... No, it should be called a stone city, which is well built. Their Priest probably came from a temple in The Three Cities. There are also beautiful mermaids, Petite dwarfs."

"You lost to them?" Zhe Fei turned his head and smiled invisibly.

"Haha, yeah, the barbarians are different from the barbarians in other places. They have The Little Priest, who comes out of the temple. They can make weapons and play tricks you have never seen. Their Chief is also a cruel man. If that tribe develops, maybe they will soon dominate the barren land."

"Does Her Highness Duo Fei knew that this development was possible?"

Fei Li understood what he meant by saying, "Her Highness Duo Fei, though smart, is still a little girl and has a little princess-like naivety."

"So you're still staying here with her to play this kind of girl's game?"

"After all, she is our royal highness, and..." Fei Li looked at Zhe Fei's face and said, "It's better to keep her here than to go back and marry the next generation of heirs to the city lord and make that person the king."

Zhe Fei seemed to have a sneer in her eyes. "Didn't she say you were the one who is going to be the king?"

Fei Li coughed and said, "She's yours."

Zhe Fei shook his head, apparently not interested in Duo Fei himself or in marrying a princess.

On the contrary, Fei Li advised him, "Da-Ren, marrying Your Highness is the quickest way to save you a lot of things, and Her Highness Duo Fei is, after all, a princess of noble descent, and your future children will have the strongest blood and a higher possibility of awakening their blood ability."

"She has ambition. What she wants to is to be the reigning queen and not let the king be in power, she doesn’t want to be a slave girl who will only have children." Zhe Fei turned around and walked past Fei Li. "I don't want to sleep in bed every night and watch out for my bedside person if they want to kill me."

Fei Li watched Zhe Fei walk down the earth wall, look up at the sky and sigh. He missed his woman. Although the woman was only a slave, he always thought that she was nobler than the princess and smarter than the ministers. Every time he saw her, he wanted to worship her and kiss her all over the body.

"Fei Li." Zhe Fei stopped.


"When the scouts find out about Priest Da-Ren's disappearance, you'll go with me to The Jiu Yuan."


The Jiu Yuan Tribe.

The Female Chief of The Granma Tribe, the girl named Lang-Ma, was learning to sketch seriously with a charcoal pen, which is her favorite lesson.

There are not many people attending this class. Generally, people who like to learn how to draw or draw well will come.

As the days went by, Lang-Ma felt more and more that he had made the right decision.

Today's life is very different from the past, they are still busy every day, but unlike the previous day from morning to night they will be busy in order to eat two meals, so they are not only not full, well-fed.

Their work is now divided into several parts of the day. As soon as they get up in the morning and wash, they will gather for the first training of the day. This is the same for all the warriors. But after that, except for the five-day Priest Da-Ren course, which is the favorite one, all the courses are separated and everyone takes turn to go those classes.

As far as her fourth warrior regiment is concerned, morning training is usually an hour.

After training, you can eat a full breakfast, without working their hands, as long as you take your mouth to eat, you do not need to clean up after eating, and even the dishes and spoons used are specially washed by other people.

By the way, there's a little joke here, that's the chopstick. Everyone didn't use these two sticks at first. There's a gentleman who taught them how to use chopsticks and other cutlery in the first three days.

After breakfast, it's a reading and writing lesson. Learning common language first. In general, half of the students in the class can't speak or write, and half of the students can't write. Whether they can or can't, they learn how to write besides speaking. There are very few people who can write, which is almost the same whether you are the original Jiu Yuans or those who joined later.

Then there is farming, animal husbandry, textiles, medical treatment and other related knowledge that only the priest and witches could learn. Most people cherish this opportunity very much, they study these lessons very seriously, and most of them are very patient, it will take them to do a little, explain very carefully, until they understand the learning.

When they learn these knowledge, they usually take practice with them, which is equivalent to living work. And there is rest time between every class. No one will be really tired after and before each class.

At noon, they will have another meal of Chinese food, which was unthinkable to them before. They used to eat only two meals in the morning and evening.

Meat and rare fruit are no longer the only foods in the diet. They are rich in food types now, at least as she and her tribesmen think so. There are meat, fish, wild vegetables, a lot of fruits, and a staple food called the earth yuan fruit and the earth yuan flour. Oh, now they have one more food, called radish. It is said that they will have another dish called bamboo shoots. Now Chief and Priest Da-Ren are cultivating them.

Radish is very delicious. She likes to eat it very much, especially eating it raw. So every time she goes to the radish growing field, she always works very hard to ensure lots of yield.

After eating Chinese food, the afternoon is generally for training for warriors, which is very hard, but much more useful training exercise than what they used to, they used to only rely on brute force or wield weapons.

In tactical training, I heard that those who pass the test will get Priest Da-Ren's training method for warriors this warrior training method comes from the gods from the temple of ancestors. Those who learn the training method will become stronger than others. Whatever you dream of most is that the training method is likely to stimulate the blood ability in your body and make you a god blood ability warrior or at the very least let you upgrade the warrior strength rank.

For this training method, we work harder and study harder. We hope that we can pass the test and be selected.

The course after the warrior training there follows something called optional course. Everyone can choose what they likes to continue to learn. She has chosen two kinds, one is painting, and the other is learning to make clothes and all cloth products.

Priest Da-Ren once mentioned in a big lesson that a woman's chest will droop when she gets old. For this reason, they can make a small dress to hold their chest when they are young. This will not only make her chest look more beautiful, but also benefit her growth and development, and her breasts will not droop soon.

Da-Ren also mentioned the importance of underwear, saying that riding the War Beasts with underwear is better so as to safeguard the private place, and this will prevent the invisible bugs in the War Beasts and bushed from getting into the private place and make people sick.

Then Da-Ren drew several kinds of clothes on the slate for everyone to see after class. Interested people can learn how to do it.

It's Sa-Yun and Old Ye that teach everyone how to make clothes and war armors.

She was most interested in the little clothes and underwear that held her chest. She pondered and made a bra to wear. When she came out, everyone in the tribe stared at her. The men's eyes were burning with fire. Women all admire and like it so much that they come to ask her how she does it, learn from her, and give her many good things in return.

Outside came the drumming sound of the time report, and Cao Ting, who directed us to draw the sketching students, clapped her hands. "Well, it's nearly the end of class. We can finish class. In another half an hour, we'll have dinner. Don't be late."

Lang-Ma straightened up, put away the slates and charcoal pens, and walked out of the classroom to see Zheng waiting for her.

The rest of the class walked by Zheng and saluted him respectfully, while the women peeped at her enviously and jealously. Lang-Ma enjoyed the sight very much.

Lang-Ma, with a smile on her face, ran quickly to the man.

Zheng took her slate, touched her head, and whispered to her, "We won't eat big pot dinner at the food hall tonight. We'll go back to eat. I went out with Chief Da-Ren to get a litter of wild boars today. Priest Da-Ren said that the small ones can be raised and the big ones all to be killed and eaten. Today, we just rest, and the prey I killed will belongs to me. "

Lang-Ma happily grabbed his arm and said in a less skilled common language, "Take the meat to the market for an exchange, because if you take it back with us, it will cause trouble."

Zheng laughed. "No, we'll eat with Priest Da-Ren tonight. You haven't eaten Priest Da-Ren and Chief Da-Ren food, have you? Priest Da-Ren makes the first class barbecue, the smell of Priest Da-Ren food is so sharp that you will eat your tongue. "

"That delicious?" Lang-Ma listens to her mouth, but she is very worried. "And Priest Da-Ren Chief Da-Ren, will..."

"No." Zheng dispelled her fears. "Tonight, besides us, there are other regimental leaders, Sha Lang and Priest Da-Ren, three disciples, and Priest Da-Ren's escort who will join us.”

Lang-Ma was reassured that instead of heading for the barracks, they were heading for the inner city. They planned to go home first, only the home shared by them two.

Many people enviously watched the two leave. Although many people living in the inner city would eat and live in the military camp for convenience, some people still go home every day, even if they eat and live in the military camp, they will return back home for the rest day.

In these envious eyes, a woman stares closely at Zheng's back, while her eyes at Lang-Ma next to Zheng almost shooting a hate arrow.

In the evening, three bonfires were lit in the back garden of The Official Conference Hall.

On each campfire stood a wild boar was washed clean and furred.

Several big men surrounded the fire rack and manually turned wild boars so that they could be cooked evenly. The aroma of roast meat and the odor of spices gradually dispersed with the heat, so that the people around the fire could not speak, and they kept looking at the fire.

Adult wild boar meat is not very delicious, rough, and has a strong smell of rancidity, so Yan Mo used some valuable herbs from the Yufu Tribe as seasoning to soak these wild boars.

Only two hours marinating is too short. If you want to taste thoroughly, you'd better soak it all day long. But none of the people around him have the patience to wait for food. They whine that they're going to kill the pork tonight.

What about the smell and roughness? They used to eat raw meat full of smells. What's more, it's spiced and roasted? Besides, they have good teeth, powerful intestines and stomachs, and they can eat even thicker meat!

Yuan Zhan turned the grill, Da-da and Ding Fei fought and he won. He grabbed the job of brushing the wild boar. He took a small brush made of animal hair and carefully brushed the sauce from the wooden bowl onto the wild boar.

Wild boars have many openings and can be smeared with salt and seasoning.

"If only there were cumin." Yan Mo thought that the climate here should be more suitable for growing cumin, if he deliberately go looking for some he should be able to find.

"What cumin?" Yuan Zhan was sweaty, wearing only an animal skirt. His naked upper body was illuminated by the fire, and his muscles were so beautiful that Yan Mo could hardly wait to bite.

Yan Mo subconsciously licked his lower lip and wondered whether he was wishing that he was eating cumin-flavored barbecue or the other meat. "One kind of seasoning can be used to roast meat, stir-fry vegetables, or as a medicine, with a calming effect."

"You draw a detailed picture, we will go find it together."

"It has been painted. I gave you a drawing of it. You must have not looked at it carefully.

Yuan Zhan did not deny that he was so busy during this period that he put the search for drugs on the back burner. "Did you just say fried vegetables? What is fried vegetables?

Yan Mo took the weeds and threw them at him. "I'll fry them for you later and you learn something from eating them. What's more, all I've asked you to look for is something very important. Pay attention!"

"Yes, my Priest Da-Ren, I'm not busy with growing your wild rice and bamboo these days." Yuan Zhan spoke with a slight grievance.

Da-da learn to speak: "Yeah."

Yuan Zhan kicked his ass.

Da-da, "Au", flew up and knocked down Ding Fei beside him.

Ding Fei was furious, but he didn’t move yet. A dark shadow flew up beside him it jumped on Da-da's thigh and bit it hard.

Da-da was bitten and growled, but his skin was thick and he was not injured. He reached out and threw Xiao Hei, who had bitten his thigh.

Ding Fei laughed, grabbed Xiao Hei and kissed him severely several times.

The little black baby struggled desperately and crawled to Yan Mo on all fours.

Yan Mo picked up Xiao Hei with one hand, sat him on his lap and fed him some apple-like, but much smaller wild fruit found on the Island on Qingyuan Lake.

Yuan Zhan grabbed the grass thrown by Yan Mo and put it in his mouth and chewed it with the molars. The sour taste was delicious.

"Chief, Priest Da-Ren, The Mo-Mo Clan and the leader of the Luo-Luo Clan and their Ancestral Witch are all here." Ding Ning is here to send a message.

Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan looked at each other and Yuan Zhan asked, "Do you know what they're doing here?"

Ding Ning answered, "They just say it's important. They have to meet you and Mo Da-Ren to say it."

Yan Mo nodded. “Let them come over. There's plenty of meat today, and it's enough for a few more people."

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