Barbarian Quest

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

The strikes of Yorcan the Giant were heavy, the centrifugal force emanating from his towering stature was immense. Not only was he exceptional in size, but his strength was also extraordinarily powerful.


Urich twisted his body, narrowly dodging Yorcan's axe. His eyes coolly followed Yorcan's movements.

'There's no need to panic over his large movements. Being intimidated by size and momentum will only cloud judgment.'

Urich felt like he was fighting a giant beast, like a bear. While warriors often let their rage take over during their battles, at times they also had to know how to maintain the composure of a peaceful lake.

‘Giant, human, whatever he is, I’m sure he’ll die when he gets stabbed!'

Urich's eyes gleamed as he thrust his sword forward. His sharp stab aimed for Yorcan's abdomen.


Yorcan roared, swinging his axes mercilessly. Urich halted his thrust mid-way and stepped back to increase the distance between him and the giant.

'He’s faster than I expected for a thing of his size.'

Yorcan wasn't carelessly chosen by the priests. He was a warrior, trained in combat since youth, with ample combat skills to complement his natural physique.

"S-sacrifice y-your life to Ulgaro."

Yorcan's speech became more slurred. Eating the mushrooms relieved his pain but dulled his senses.

"My life is mine! Who are you to tell me what to do with it, you idiot!"

Urich spun his axe in his grip and threw it at Yorcan.


Yorcan, with widened eyes, deflected Urich’s axe. The mushrooms he consumed not only acted as painkillers but heightened his focus, allowing him to see things he normally wouldn't.


The northerners chanted the name of the giant. They had no doubt of his victory, as the priests proclaimed Yorcan to be blessed by Ulgaro. Such a giant couldn't possibly lose to a mere warrior.


Urich drew another axe from his belt and pondered.

"Nah, screw that."

He casually threw the axe he just drew to the ground, widening the eyes of the watching northerners in surprise.

‘One weapon is all I need.'

Urich firmly held his sword with both hands, raising it high. His stance was rock solid. Despite being smaller in size than Yorcan, his presence was heavy. Yorcan hesitated to attack rashly even though he had been dominating the fight with his brute attacks.

'I won't lose in strength.'

Urich flicked his fingers and removed his fur cloak. The wavering torchlight revealed his body which was visibly scarred and marked. It was the body of a great warrior. The scars were evidence of survival through life and death.

"He’s got many significant scars."

"He too must be a man of a god’s blessing."

The northerners remarked on Urich's scars. Surviving multiple severe wounds like the ones suggested by his scars requires more than just a warrior's own skills. Infected wounds could kill even the greatest warriors. Only those under a god's protection could survive such injuries.


Urich's sword clashed with Yorcan's axe. Instead of evading the axe, Urich parried and redirected the attack.


The northerner crowd cheered.


The table had turned and Urich was now the one dominating the battle. His two-handed imperial steel sword wielding overpowered Yorcan's axes. The sword, true to its reputation of the perfect combination of hardness and flexibility, absorbed heavy blows without faltering. A normal sword would have been damaged, but it remained straight and unyielding.

'Couldn't have countered like this with any other sword.'

Urich had used the imperial steel sword for a long time. It felt like an extension of his body.


He parried Yorcan's axe, feeling a twinge in his wrist but enduring the pain. He spun around, gaining momentum.


Urich was the first to draw blood. Yorcan stepped back, clutching his wound in his thigh.

'That was too shallow. A little deeper and I could have hit the artery.'

Urich licked his lips, shaking his wrist, which throbbed with pain. The force from the giant's long arms and massive build was daunting. Even Urich felt his arm nearly buckle with each clash.


Yorcan spat out foam, glaring at Urich. He chewed another mushroom, and his eyes trembled fiercely, on the verge of rolling back.

"You shouldn’t be relying on such cheap tricks, tsk," Urich spoke as he sweated, spinning his sword.


Yorcan was now emitting an almost animalistic sound, stretching his arms long and charging at Urich.

'A giant.'

Urich watched the approaching Yorcan.

'Meeting you is a great gain from this journey.'

Yorcan was truly a giant. Not just a tall human but distinctly different in appearance, limb proportions, and huge hands and feet, almost beast-like.

Urich smiled even at the brink of life and death. Who else had the opportunity to meet and fight a giant? Urich was proud of his unique experience.


Yorcan's axes moved even faster, his joints creaking and muscles seemingly tearing, but he didn't stop. The mushroom-induced frenzy consumed him.

Urich's eyes followed the axes. He rolled on the ground, slipping between Yorcan's legs.

Yorcan’s upper body weak points were difficult to target because of his massive stature. Urich had only one place he could target.


Urich's blade penetrated upward through Yorcan's groin.


Yorcan screamed freakishly, swinging his axes wildly without aim.

Urich twisted his head, dodging the axe. As he pulled out the sword lodged in Yorcan's groin, he sliced at Yorcan's ankle. The severed muscle caused Yorcan to drop to his knees.


Blood poured from Yorcan's lower body as the wound gaped open. The northerner crowd grimaced, empathizing with Yorcan's agony. It was a pain that all males could relate to.


Yorcan, now seated, still swung his axe. He crawled on his knees to chase after Urich.

"Your head is finally within reach."

Urich picked up his axe from the ground. He leaped over Yorcan, spinning in mid-air.


Urich landed behind Yorcan. Yorcan's head was split open with Urich's axe embedded in it. His brain matter oozed out from the messy wound.


Urich pulled out the axe from Yorcan's head. He pushed the corpse with his foot, confirming the death of the giant.

‘I won.'

His fist clenched itself. Urich raised his hand high in the air in triumph.


The northerners chanted. Despite Yorcan's defeat, they weren't perturbed. Life and death, victory and defeat, all were in Ulgaro's hands. They cheered, believing this too was Ulgaro's will.

Urich looked at the chanting northerners. Smoke wafted from the bonfires among them.

'Winged helmet...'

Urich spotted a warrior in a winged helmet among the crowd. When he blinked, the warrior vanished. He could no longer discern reality from illusion. The existence of gods was always ambiguous, beyond what humans could understand with their wisdom.

"The sacrifice Ulgaro received... was indeed not your son, but Yorcan," the high priest murmured. His previously limp fingers were now still.

"What did I tell you?"

Sven shrugged, chuckling. He gazed at Urich, who had slain the giant. Divine grace seemed to follow him wherever he went.

"Yorcan has received the calling of Ulgaro."

The high priest declared as he stepped forward. Several priests lifted Yorcan's body onto the altar.


The high priest raised a ceremonial dagger high. It was a bone dagger, carved from human bones.


The high priest sliced open Yorcan's abdomen. The priests reached inside, pulling out the giant’s extraordinarily long intestines and organs.


The priests threw Yorcan's guts onto the ground. The scattered intestines formed an ominous pattern. It was a divine message delivered in the form of human organs. The northerners awaited the interpretation of this human entrails divination.

The high priest slowly descended from the altar, looking at the strewn organs. He pressed his fingernail deep into Yorcan's liver and tasted the blood on his nail.

"…Ulgaro has spoken," the high priest spoke as he stood up.

"We will emerge with glory from the coming battle. On that day, Ulgaro will descend with his warriors to fight by our side! Taking the blessed giant Yorcan signifies that day is near."

The northerners erupted in cheers upon hearing the prophecy. They raised their weapons, roaring. Some, unable to contain their excitement, swung their weapons, even fighting to the death on the spot. They weren't afraid to spill blood or pull out their entrails.

The men believed without doubt that the day of resurrection was near.

‘Is this madness or bravery?'

Urich gazed at the bonfire. The few women, all emancipated ones at that, clung to him.

"Yorcan the Giant was as large there as his height, so no woman could handle him."

"I wonder what you’re like?"

The women whispered. Urich chuckled. It had been a while since he had been with a woman, and the excitement of battle only heightened his desire.

"Urich, shouldn't we visit somewhere before you bed a woman? The fight wasn’t what we came here for, was it?" Sven gestured to Urich, who, regaining his senses, pushed the women away and followed Sven and the high priest into the temple.

"Urich, son of Sven, you have won Ulgaro's favor. Those scars prove that God cherishes you."

The high priest said in a calm tone, despite having lost his prized giant. It was all Ulgaro's will; he harbored no resentment.

Urich didn't deny the receiving of a divine favor. He had survived countless wounds that would have killed an ordinary warrior.

"You've proven your worth. Ulgaro will be pleased."

At the bottom of the temple was a staircase that led to an underground cave. The high priest lit a torch and walked down the stairs.

"It's been a while. Old memories are coming back," Sven mused as his pupils dimmed.

The elderly saw more of the past than the present or future. While the young build themselves up, the old reflect on what they've already built. Having walked too far along their path to shift away from it, if they were to deny their past, they would be left with nothing.

"Ulgaro was severely wounded during his battle against the last dragon. At the foot of death, he buried his body and sent his soul to the Field of Swords, prophesying his return to his descendants," Sven told Urich the tale every northerner knew.

"Ulgaro's tomb must be somewhere in Mulin, but no one will ever find it. The fairies keep it hidden."

The high priest halted. He recited a prayer, then slit his wrist, smearing the blood on Urich and Sven's faces.

"This will keep you safe from the dragon's curse," Sven explained after he noticed Urich’s discomfort.

"Ulgaro gifted this land to his descendants after slaying the dragon. The undeniable proof is right here." Sven's eyes sparkled youthfully as he waited for the priest to open the door.


The steel door to the cavern opened, releasing a damp, icy chill. It felt like their feet were submerged in cold water.

"This is the 'Last Dragon' that was killed by Ulgaro," the high priest announced as he took a step forward and spread his arms with his eyes closed.

'A frozen lake inside the cave.'

A solidly frozen lake lay inside the cave. Urich, holding a torch, peered down. A giant skeleton formed a shape beneath the ice.

"The dragon…"

Urich knew very little of dragons, only from stories. Yet, he immediately recognized the bones as a dragon's. An instinctual shiver ran through him, like a prey animal before a predator.

Just by looking at the skeleton, the dragon's form came vividly to mind. Its forelegs were smaller than he had expected, a tail as long as its body, a massive skull, and ferocious teeth hinted at its nature. It surely must have been a fierce creature that preyed on humans.

The dragon was an overwhelming being, probably capable of swallowing scores of people in one gulp. Urich couldn't take his eyes off the remains. The awe that he was feeling was comparable to when he climbed the Sky Mountains.

"…dragons really did exist."

After a while, Urich finally spoke, unable to contain the amazement that was pouring out of him.

'Dragons and giants.'

Urich felt an explosion of excitement in his mind, a euphoria no hallucinogen or drug could match. He had discovered and confirmed mythical beings. This was a quest worthy of a warrior's life.

'If a human killed such a dragon, they can only be described as divine.'

Urich lingered on the ice, finally moving only after several prompts from the high priest.

"Sven, the north is a fascinating place," Urich whispered.

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