Barbarian Quest

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Serpentism, born in the particularly harsh desert regions of the south, was a faith where survival equated to struggle. If their looting attempt failed, they had to resort to cannibalism, even if it meant consuming their deceased kin, to stay alive. Blood and flesh were considered the soul and life, and they believed in becoming stronger through cannibalism. Their stark worldview led to nihilism, harboring no attachment to the present world where they only saw suffering.

"Serpents eat other serpents smaller than themselves."

A warrior of Serpentism stated. He was the chief warrior of his tribe and was adorned with significantly more tattoos than other Serpentines. A body inspection in the empire would certainly and immediately lead to his execution.


In a cave not far from the Imperial capital of Hamel, a fire crackled. Fundamentalist Serpentism did not engage in proselytization, so they had no reason to establish a base or stay within the city.

"Ones who destroyed our desert."

The chief warrior muttered, looking at the distant city of Hamel. Hamel was a city so developed that it shined bright even at night.

The empire had conquered even the deserts. While other fertile regions in the south were worth conquering for agricultural purposes, the reason behind their invasion of the barren desert remained a mystery. What value did a land unsuitable for agriculture hold?

"So, you couldn’t bring Trikee's head," he said to other warriors.

"Well, it doesn’t matter. We don't need those who follow trash who came back after defecting to Solarism.

The chief despised Trikee. His followers, about forty strong, stayed near the capital, causing disturbances in the empire’s security. They were quite strategic, as would be expected from those who have been surviving as long as they have after losing their home.

"The weak exist only to sustain the strong. That is the law of this world," the warrior chief murmured. He and his people were living in what felt like hell on earth.

'The next world...'

One day, when death comes, he will move on to the next world.

'But not yet.'

He opened his eyes and pulled a human leg out of the pot. The thoroughly cooked human flesh easily separated from the bone.


He bit into the flesh deeply.


It felt like life was surging within him.

"Now, eat."

After the chief started eating, the others finally reached for the pot. They were consuming the meat of a child they had abducted that day. For them, cannibalism was a sacred ritual, transforming another's life into their own.

‘It seems like it’s time to leave here soon.'

Serpentines typically parasitized around bustling cities. It was easier to operate undercover as vagrants that way.

'The Imperial capital isn't called the heart of the Empire for nothing. Many of our brothers have been captured, with the empire's surveillance and patrols growing tighter by the day.'

Staying away in another city for a few years before returning didn't seem like a bad idea. Compared to the desert, the civilized world was a blessed environment just about anywhere one went. Food was abundant in the mountains, and one could roam naked during the day without worrying about getting sunburnt. The nights were warm enough with just a campfire.

"Perhaps we will hold a feast tonight."

The chief walked deeper into the cave, looking at the women tied to the cave walls. They had abducted more than just infants. Women were a valuable resource for them. Most Serpentines were involved in human trafficking, with women serving as good trade items, food, and playthings.


The chief pulled a snake from a wooden barrel.

"Choose, my darling."

The snake released from his grasp eyed the tied women. It slithered on the ground, flicking its tongue.

"Perhaps it would be best to refrain from feasting today, warrior chief."

A woman at the cave entrance spoke. She stood out with her dark skin. She was the priestess and shaman of Serpentism.

"Everyone's tired. A feast today would help them relax," the chief told the shaman.

"The stars are not favorable tonight. There is a red star in the sky. Do you see it over there?"

The shaman was gazing at the stars alone. Astrology was a crucial skill for desert tribe shamans. In the desert, it was impossible to navigate by landmarks. They used stars for navigation and even to foretell the future.

"Will you alone handle the warriors tonight? You might be a bit too old for that. It’ll wear you out."

The chief growled at the shaman.

"Just be vigilant tonight, and sleep with your weapon by your side."


The chief dismissed the shaman's warning. The others looked on anxiously at their argument.

The shaman's influence had waned compared to the past. The Fundamentalist Serpentines no longer lived in the desert. In the civilized world, navigation didn't require stars, and astrological predictions often failed. Instead, the chief warrior, who took on more practical jobs, gained more power.


The snake climbed the leg of a tied-up woman, who screamed in terror.

"Shh, shush. You're the chosen one tonight."

The chief looked at her, his pupils resembling a serpent's.

The fate of the woman chosen by the snake was predictable. If she survived the night with dozens and dozens of men without breaking, she would be sold to slave traders. If not, she'd end up as a meal.


The chief cut the rope tying the woman and threw her among the other warriors.


Her screams echoed in the cave.

The woman screamed as soon as the gag was removed from her mouth. The warriors covered her mouth and violated her. The warriors put aside all thoughts and simply enjoyed the banquet of frenzy. They felt neither sympathy nor empathy for the woman they were assaulting. Just as civilized people separate themselves from barbarians, they too do not see civilized people as their equals.

Step, step.

A man staggered into the cave in which the Serpentines were hiding, seemingly injured, with their body swaying with each step.


Hearing the groan, a warrior approached the cave entrance.

"Huh? Aren’t you..."

Their contact who should have been in the city collapsed at the entrance of the cave, wounded. A sense of dread flashed through the warrior's mind, echoing the shaman's earlier warning.

"Chief... kak!"

Before he could turn and shout, an arrow pierced the throat of the warrior. He fell to the ground only to be showered with even more arrows.


The sound of crossbows loading came from the bushes. Imperial soldiers, having silently approached the cave, had already surrounded the area.

"Excellent work, Urich. I didn’t think you’d find the heart of Serpentism this quickly."

Yanchinus, on horseback, applauded Urich as he looked at his advancing soldiers. The cave and the surrounding area were now illuminated by torches.

"It was easier than I thought."

Urich shrugged, watching the Imperial troops. They had surrounded not only the cave but the entire mountain. Escape was impossible for anyone, no matter how skilled they may be.

"They were a real headache."

Yanchinus gritted his teeth. He intended to spare none of the Serpentines. His pride in Hamel was immense, and the Serpentism incident felt like a part of him was trampled by a heretic.

'Thanks to Trikee, everything went smoothly.'

Once Trikee, the leader of the Ark Serpentism, decided to betray the Fundamentalists, locating them was easy. Urich interrogated the Serpentines entrenched in the underworld, one by one.

'Tough bastards. They didn’t break even under my torture.'

The Serpentines didn’t reveal their hideout even under Urich's torture. If they were going to give in to such trivial methods, they would have been found by the Imperial army long ago.

Urich devised a plan and 'appropriately' battered a Serpentine. The severely wounded Serpentine, thinking he was just beaten by a nasty northerner, unwittingly returned to his headquarters.

"Whatever you say, Urich! After all, considering the magnitude of this accomplishment, no amount of gold coins is too many!"

Yanchinus laughed, listening to the Serpentines' screams. He had promised to grant Urich whatever he asked.

'But asking for too much could cost me my head.'

The offer of anything was vague. It was unclear how far he could push without angering the emperor. An excessive demand could enrage him, and given his capricious nature, a modest request might provoke him for being taken lightly.

"Lately, only good things are happening. It seems Lou is watching over me."

"Good things?"

Urich questioned back.

The subjugation was nearing its end. The emperor’s soldiers were capturing Serpentine followers to bring them to their execution. Bound and bloodied Serpentines were dragged out as they were met by the curses and spitting of the Imperial soldiers.

"Urich, have you ever wanted to make a name for yourself in history?" Yanchinus suddenly asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I asked if you have a desire to be remembered like the Sword Demon Ferzen. A great war is on its way. Like my grandfather and father, I plan to start a war that will go down in history. In that war, regardless of background, there are opportunities to make a name for yourself. There will be countless opportunities for even barbarians to rise through the ranks."

Urich closed and then slowly opened his eyes.

'There’s going to be a war?'

Yanchinus was certain a significant war was imminent. It didn't seem related to the eastern continent.

"I’m going to pay good money to hire barbarian warriors, even the unconverted ones. The barbarian warrior unit will always fight at the forefront of our lines. Their leader must be strong enough to overpower other barbarians, as they won’t follow the weak."

"That sounds interesting," Urich said nonchalantly.

"You are more than qualified for the position. You’re not just skilled in combat, but very intelligent. I never expected you to find the Serpentine hideout so quickly."

Yanchinus genuinely admired Urich's abilities, which exceeded expectations.

'I thought he was too good for the king of Porcana... He is a very useful barbarian. He can handle just about any task.'

Anyone who met Urich sensed something different about him. He was truly an extraordinary individual, respected by subordinates and trusted by superiors.

"But you haven’t told me the most important part yet. What war are you talking about?"

There is no longer a war significant enough to require the emperor’s direct involvement. The recent Porcana civil war was the biggest in recent times.

"I intend to shatter the world as we know it."

Yanchinus spoke under the moon and stars, his eyes gleaming with ecstasy.

"...Lou said that there is a waterfall at the end of the eastern sea and a bottomless abyss beyond the western mountains. That was the limit of the world we currently know."

Urich paused, his gaze lost in the darkness. He pinched his thigh to hide his emotions, tearing off a chunk of flesh exactly the size of his fingernails.

"But I, Yanchinus, irreverently... proved Lou wrong. Ke, keke."

Yanchinus covered his face with one hand, laughing madly, baring his pearly white teeth. Then, he looked up again.

"I won’t be remembered just as the heir of capable ancestors; I’ll be a great explorer who opened up an entirely new world. Urich, will you not lead the charge into this new world under my banner?"

Urich suppressed the emotions rising in his throat.

"A new world?"

"My expedition force has finally crossed the Sky Mountains. It wasn’t a bottomless abyss. There’s a land with people just like us, it’s the land of humans! Can you grasp how incredible that is? Yes, I, a mere human, have broken the world created by Lou! This Yanchinus!”

Urich remained silent, unable to open his eyes. He was certain that he wouldn’t be able to hide the murderous intent in them.

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