Barbarian Quest

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

A person can only eat so much meat before they are full. Any more was simply extravagance.

‘I might lose my mind over this.’

Urich's eyes widened as the pungent aroma of meat practically attacked his nostrils. The smell alone was enough to make his stomach growl with hunger.

Despite the meal being for just three men, the long table was completely laden with food. Creatures of all walks of life were represented there—those that walk on four legs, two legs, winged beasts, scaly ones... all sorts of edible animal meats were lined up in a tantalizing display.

“I stand before the Ruler of the World.”

Pahell greeted Emperor Yanchinus as they faced each other, with Urich awkwardly mimicking the gesture.

Click, clack.

Guards lined the edges of the banquet hall, all knights of the Order of Imperial Steel. With precise ceremonial steps, they retreated into the shadows.

‘There are ten of them.’

Urich's eyes roved, counting the knights. It was his habit from the days of bartering between tribes, where knowing the number of opposing warriors was crucial since failed negotiations often led to war.

"Welcome, Varca Aneu Porcana! Of the esteemed maritime lineage! And the champion of the jousting tournament, Urich!"

Emperor Yanchinus exclaimed with arms wide open, revealing a broad smile of white teeth. The purple garment he wore was a privilege of the emperor. While a similar hue could be imitated with cheaper dyes, the true deep purple was among the most expensive. The emperor's purple was akin to cloth dyed in molten gold.

"Thank you for the invitation," Pahelll said before tugging at Urich's arm.

"This is truly a feast befitting the emperor. It seems like every meat in the world is here. Impressive. It's nothing short of astonishing."


Pahell frowned at Urich's comment. It wasn't the politest thing to say.

"No matter. It’s usual for a barbarian. Besides, that is part of your charm, isn’t it!"

Emperor Yanchinus just laughed off Urich's words. Had a less impressive person said such a thing, they might have been beheaded on the spot. The emperor was indulgent with Urich because of his abilities.

‘The reincarnation of Mijorn the Brave.’

Emperor Yanchinus recalled Ferzen's words. Ferzen had compared Urich to Mijorn, who had been one of the challenging adversaries for the previous emperor and nearly united the north and marched to the heart of the empire.

A united north was not to be taken lightly. It had taken ten years just to subdue the warring northern tribes.

‘If Noya rates him so highly, he must be no ordinary barbarian.’

In the empire, no one had seen more barbarian warriors than Ferzen. A knight who had dedicated his middle and later years to conquering barbarians, even the great Mijorn the Brave had fallen to Ferzen.

"Sit! Eat and drink to your heart's content!"

Emperor Yanchinus said cheerfully. He was a man who knew how to enjoy life. Who would dare to admonish the emperor about morals? His imperial authority was already at its zenith in the human world; only the sun god could judge his debauchery, and even he had to wait until after his death.


The doors opened and women lightly dressed only in jewelry strode in. Bells tinkled from their ankles with every step, and higher-pitched jingles sounded when they raised their fingers.

"Dance. We have esteemed guests."

Emperor Yanchinus clapped his hands, and the dancers began to move, their laughter mingling with the rhythmic jingling.

"Pahell," Urich whispered to Pahell, continuing in a murmur.

"I've really made the right choice coming here. This must be paradise."

The dancers reached out. Their delicate fingers grazed Urich's neck as if caressing him.

Urich couldn’t stop smiling. Such beautiful women danced and laughed continuously.

‘If you don’t fall for this, you're not a man.’

Pahell watched the women with sweat on his brow as he was reminded of the night back at the Palace of White Night.

‘Will they shove a knife against my neck again?’

Unlike Urich, Pahell couldn’t enjoy himself. He had always been uncomfortable in such settings.

"The jousting tournament finals were quite a sight to see! Actually, no, I thoroughly enjoyed watching all your matches. Such extraordinary strength is unusual."

“I have heard that quite a lot.”

Urich was a man accustomed to praise, having been celebrated for his remarkable strength even back in his tribe.

"Urich is a tremendous warrior. It was fortunate for me to have him as the leader of the mercenary squad that I hired.”

Pahell joined in praising Urich, and Urich felt as though his shoulders were rising through the roof swelling with pride.

"What would you wish for as the champion of the joust? Do you want to join the Order of Imperial Steel?” Yanchinus proposed. Pahell's eyes widened in surprise.

‘An offer for Urich to join the Order of Imperial Steel?’

It was common for the champions of the Hamel Jousting Tournament to be invited into the Order. However, Urich was a barbarian, and there had never been a precedent for a barbarian joining the Order of Imperial Steel.

‘Such an unbelievable and bold offer.’

Pahell recognized the gravity of the emperor's offer.

"The Order..."

Urich trailed off, then smirked and finished his thought.

"Just give me some Imperial steel weapons. I've seen the loaded armory in the Sun Warrior barracks. They had plenty of fine weapons, but those fellows were too small-minded to part with one."

Yanchinus chuckled. His laughter was a low rumble as he rested his hand against his chin.

"Very well. I will issue a special permit for that later."

It was an opportunity that could alter the course of one's life. Urich was in a position to gain a high status in the emperor's esteem.

‘What does Urich truly desire?’

Urich wasn't after money or a position of power.

‘Even if I were to offer him a tract of land and a noble title, Urich would probably refuse.’

Pahell chuckled bitterly to himself.

Urich and Yanchinus conversed for quite some time. Urich had a certain charm about him, and it seemed he shared much in common with Yanchinus. The laughter continued without end.

‘Turns out I’m the one who’s being left out,’ Pahell mused as he took a bite of the meat, subtly licking the seasoning off his fingers.

"You are amazing. So, you decided to strike back at the pursuit squad?"

Yanchinus was excited. Urich was explaining how he had been chased by the Porcana border garrison.

"If we kept running like that, our horse was going to get exhausted, and we'd be caught for sure. So I decided to turn around and hit them head-on. I thought as long as we weren't surrounded, we stood a chance. First, I threw my axe and beat the shit out of two of them, and then on the horse of one of the other ones..."

Urich used fruit to represent the cavalry on the table, turning it into a mock battlefield. Yanchinus listened to Urich's story with constant exclamations of amazement.

"In theory, it's quite possible. In a many-against-one scenario, you could create multiple one-on-one situations to win. If someone else had said that, I might have taken it for boasting. But I believe you because I've seen you in action."

Urich proudly boasted of his brave exploits.

"Let's save the rest of your valorous stories for later. Prince Varca has come here today for a reason."

Yanchinus looked at Pahell with a beaming smile.

‘Finally, it's my turn.’

Urich had eased the atmosphere. Yanchinus seemed to be in quite a good mood.

‘I have received Lou’s revelation. This is my mission.’

Pahell closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A gleam of intelligence shone in his blue eyes.

"I understand the reason you have given me this. Your Majesty."

Pahell extended a jade figurine across the table, a dragon clutching a marble that seemed ready to come to life at any moment.

"Oh? It was just a gift, perhaps you've read too much into it?"

Yanchinus leaned back and propped his chin on his hand. At his gesture, the dancers stopped their performance and hid behind the columns.

"A gift for a gift. That's what you said, wasn't it?"

"That was about the rightful duty of a man."

"If you help my succession of the throne, then I will give you what you desire, Your Majesty."

"I own everything in this world, what could I possibly want from you? Are you trying to belittle me now, Prince Varca?"

Yanchinus spoke threateningly. Pahell flinched and glanced at Urich, who was looking at a knife for cutting meat.

‘Indeed, you are remarkable. Even in this situation, you're ready to fight if things go wrong.’

Urich was not intimidated, even in front of the emperor. Pahell admired Urich's strength.

"Exploration of the eastern continent," Pahell stated succinctly.

"Hahaha! The eastern continent! Are you serious, Prince Varca? That's nothing but a myth concocted by the northerners."

Yanchinus laughed heartily as he held his stomach, mocking the idea.

"If evidence has emerged, it's no longer a mere myth. You, Your Majesty, believe in the existence of the eastern continent because of the figurine. I believe it, too... Last night, Lou instructed me to seek the eastern continent."

"Lou’s revelation?"

Yanchinus hadn't expected this.

"The moment I decided to take the duty of exploration, I felt as if the end of the world unfolded and the ocean paths opened up. There are no cliffs to bar our way any longer. Lou will lead us to the land where the sun rises. This mission is not for anyone else; it's mine. Your Majesty, I will find the eastern continent."

"Is that true? Is it truly Lou’s will?"

Yanchinus stood up abruptly. The exploration of the eastern continent and the doctrines of Solarism often conflicted. That's why the emperor hadn't publicly promoted expeditions to the eastern continent. Even with his absolute power, directly contradicting the doctrines was dangerous.

The existence of the eastern continent was a heretical myth of the northern barbarians. If a follower of Solarism claimed to believe in it, they'd be ridiculed.

"I, the sole lineage of the coastal kingdom, came to the empire after being exiled. You, Your Majesty, have longed to explore the eastern continent. And now we have the eastern divine relic in our possession. Do you believe all this is a mere coincidence? If it isn't Lou’s will, then whose is it? I dreamed in the temple, and I saw the eastern continent, where the light ascends!"

Pahell exclaimed, his conviction even sweeping Yanchinus along.

"Lou’s will..."

Yanchinus, despite his debauchery, was also a follower of Solarism. The prospect of becoming a malevolent spirit in the afterlife terrified him. He had offered substantial donations to Solarism as penance for his sins.

"Could it really be Lou’s will?"

Yanchinus mulled over the words.

"All of this has been Lou’s guidance. Your Majesty, our lives are under Lou’s will. Whether we die or live. Do as you please. You may kill me here if that's Lou’s will. If I have misinterpreted the revelation, so be it! But since Lou has bestowed this mission upon me, I shall not die here."

Pahell clenched his fist. His face involuntarily tightened; a look of determination etched across his features.

"Surprising, Prince Barca. Frankly, I had no intention of making you king. I thought you wouldn't be able to solve my riddle!"

Yanchinus stood up abruptly, sweeping the dishes on the table to the side.


The dishes hit the ground, creating a loud noise. Yanchinus climbed on top of the table.

"I want the eastern continent! My grandfather and father were great emperors, celebrated for their accomplishments long after their time. I too want to be remembered as an emperor of great accomplishments. Inclusion of the barbarians? Rise of academics? These are nothing. They are just the foundation my ancestors laid. I will merely remain an emperor who enjoyed prosperity under their legacy. The truly exhilarating achievements are not of that sort."


Urich muttered quietly, listening intently.

"Yes, like my grandfather and father did!" Yanchinus bellowed as if forcing the words from his throat. He panted, walking across the table, kicking the dishes with his feet. He grabbed a jug of wine with one hand and guzzled it down.

"Look at this, Prince Varca."

Yanchinus pulled out a letter from his back pocket. Pahell read the letter with rolling eyes.

"It's a letter from my uncle."

Pahell gritted his teeth.

"Your uncle has offered to double the tribute. In return, he asked to be allowed to succeed the throne without interference. But seeing you now, I can't understand why you let him get away with all this. I think I have an eye for people. If a prince as astute as you could be driven away, then Duke Harmatti must be quite the capable man."

Pahell sneered bitterly.

'I was naive enough to be taken advantage of in the past.'

Yanchinus handed a wine glass to Pahell.

"Take my glass, Prince. You claimed to have received Lou's revelation yourself. I believe you. But if indeed you have been given Lou's mission, then he will help you claim your throne."

"What do you mean?"

Yanchinus sat down in front of Pahell, continuing to drink heavily.

"A trial by duel. A trial for the kingdom. I will lend you enough troops and fame to oppose Duke Harmatti. Under my support, you will wage a civil war. With no other option, Duke Harmatti will fight desperately. If you are truly the one blessed with the mission to explore the eastern continent by Lou, then he will ensure your victory."

"How many troops?"

"Fifty of the Steel Knights and a thousand Imperial soldiers."

"That's hardly enough to subdue a kingdom."

Pahell expressed his dissatisfaction.

Yanchinus's eyes shone as he cupped Pahell's cheek, laughing fiercely.

"You have been given Lou's mission. You will be victorious."

The implication was clear.

'If you can't win with these troops, you were not truly given Lou's mission.'

That's what a duel trial meant. Victory or defeat, as per Lou's will.

Pahell looked at Yanchinus. Emperor Yanchinus Hamelon, the Ruler of the Word. He had finally garnered his support.

"I shall return as a king next time we meet."

Pahell bowed his head. Yanchinus threw his arms wide, cheering.

"Praise be to Lou. Long live the sun!"

They ate, drank, and reveled. At the emperor's clap, new dishes were brought out as if they were as plentiful as the strewn food on the floor. The leftovers and cold dishes fallen on the floor were left for the servants.

The long dinner finally came to an end. Yanchinus, heavily intoxicated, staggered. Pahell and Urich, having finished their goodbyes, were about to leave the banquet hall.

"Armor Breaker Urich!"

Yanchinus called out, raising his finger. Urich shrugged his shoulders and turned around.

"Yes, that’s my name. No need to tell me that."

"I'm curious about one thing. What tribe of barbarians are you from? Your accent is unfamiliar to me. I've talked with many barbarians from the Sun Warriors!"

Urich raised his index finger.

"From the north. From a corner so remote you wouldn't know it even if I told you. Your Majesty."

"Ha! I knew it! Northern barbarian warriors are indeed strong."

Yanchinus shouted with a slurred tongue.

Urich laughed, but he felt a cold sweat trickle down his spine. No matter how strong a warrior is, one cannot face an army alone. For the first time, Urich was afraid of the fact that he had crossed the Sky Mountains. He had shattered the boundaries of the world.

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