Batman x Arc Reactor

Ch: 53 [Interlude 2: Two sides]

Ch: 53 [Interlude 2: Two sides]

The engine purred as John slid into the driver's seat of the Aston Martin, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. His mind was a whirlwind of worry, fear, imagining the worst.

The warehouse number etched in his memory, he started the car and pulled out onto the deserted streets. Every second felt like an eternity, the car's engine humming a constant reminder of the ticking clock.

His eyes flicked to the rearview mirror, scanning the roads behind him. He had a nagging feeling, a primal instinct telling him he wasn't alone in this journey. But no matter how hard he looked, the streets seemed empty, bathed in the muted light of the waning evening.

The phone buzzed again, interrupting the silence within the car. Another message displayed: "Keep driving straight. Don't stop for anything or anyone."

The roads seemed desolate, the buildings bearing the scars of Gotham's rough existence. Shadows danced along the alleys, lending an eerie quality to the deserted surroundings. John swallowed hard, his heart hammering against his chest.

'The street is too empty...' He wondered. He has been in this part of the city, but at this time this area should have been bursting with people, but it was empty.

With his full attention on the road ahead, time seemed to blur as he drove. His mind whirled, picturing every possible situation. He was driven forward by his resolve to face the unknown in the warehouse, even in the face of fear.

The digital clock on the dashboard relentlessly ticked away, each second carving deeper lines of worry on John's face. The warehouse loomed in the distance, an ominous silhouette against the dying light of day.

Approaching the warehouse, John's eyes scanned the area, looking for any sign of Lily or her captors. He noticed a figure standing near the entrance, partially obscured by the dimness.

"That's far enough, Officer Stoner," a voice echoed through the silence, sending a shiver down his spine.

He stopped the car, his hands trembling ever so slightly. He rolled down the window, his gaze fixed on the shadowy figure.

"Where's my daughter?!" His voice was a blend of desperation and anger.

"Relax, she's safe for now," the voice replied, its tone cold and calculating. "But if you want her to stay that way, you'll do exactly as I say."

"What do you want from me?" His voice was strained, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

"A favor for a favor. There is someone who wants to offer you a chance of a lifetime, an opportunity you can't refuse," the voice continued, cryptic and chilling.

John's jaw tensed, his mind racing. He knew he had to tread carefully, but his daughter's safety was paramount.

"I'll do whatever it takes to get my daughter back. Just tell me what you want," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady despite the panic bubbling within him.

"Leave your weapons in the car and follow me. And don't worry about your daughter. We have sent her home safely without any harm," the voice replied as he opened the door and stepped inside.

John quickly dialed his home telephone number, hoping against hope that Lily would be there, safe and sound. The phone rang several times before finally being picked up.

"Hello?" Lily's voice came through the receiver, relief washing over John like a wave.

"Lily!" he exclaimed, his voice cracking with emotion, "Are you okay, honey? Did those men hurt you?"

"I'm fine, dad," she replied, her voice shaky but strong, "They didn't hurt me. They just dropped me off at home and told me to wait for you here."

John sighed heavily, the weight of the world seeming to lift from his shoulders. He quickly assured Lily that everything would be okay before hanging up and following the mysterious figure into the warehouse.

As he entered the warehouse, John noticed several figures looming in the shadows, their faces obscured by black masks. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, his instincts telling him that he was in danger. After walking through the basement door, he noticed a table and two chairs in the middle of the room. There was a box, a vodka bottle, and two glass cups on the table.

"Sit down," a voice commanded, emanating from the darkness. John complied, his nerves on edge.

"We have a proposition for you, Officer Stoner," the voice continued, its tone cool and collected. He walked out of the shadows, wearing a black mask, revealing only his piercing eyes. "An opportunity that could change your life forever."

He eyed the masked man cautiously, his curiosity piqued. "What kind of proposition?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

"I did some digging and found out that your daughter's condition isn't that healthy... What was that, a new kidney transplant or something?" The masked man's voice was laced with mockery.

John's eyes widened in surprise, shocked that the mysterious figure knew about Lily's condition. He remained silent, his mind racing as he tried to process the implications of this revelation.

"How long she got left? Five years? Seven?" the masked man continued, his tone taunting. "And on top of that, your estranged wife has recently filed for divorce... Tough times, Officer Stoner."

He clenched his jaw, his fists balled in anger as he struggled to contain his emotions.

"After the divorce settlement and all that shit," the masked man leaned forward. His pale green iris reflected the faint light in the room. "You won't have enough money to provide Lily with the expensive medication she needs. Am I right?"

John averted his gaze, his heart sinking at the truth in the masked man's words.

"Forget five years, she won't last more than a year. Besides," the masked man took out his phone and put it on the table before him. Images of his wife embracing a young man flashed across the screen, "Your wife has already found herself a new toyboy to play with."

John stared at the images, his eyes filled with pain and regret. He had suspected that his wife was seeing someone else, but to see the proof laid bare before him was like a knife twisting in his heart.

"So, Officer Stoner, what will you do to save your daughter's life? To give her a better future?" the masked man asked, his voice filled with sinister intent. "To see that that whore suffer?"

His eyes narrowed, his resolve hardening as he considered the masked man's words. Deep down, he knew that Lily's health was deteriorating rapidly, and the expensive medication she needed was beyond his means. He also knew that his wife had abandoned them both, choosing to pursue her own happiness instead. And as a father, how could he allow Lily to suffer when there was a chance to save her?

John took a deep breath, his decision was made. He met the masked man's gaze, his eyes burning with determination.

"Whatever it takes."


Karla tracked him down through the GPS on his radio. She has called for additional support and backup from GCPD. But it will take some time for them to arrive at the location. She parked the bike in a nearby alleyway and stealthily approached the warehouse. The place was dark and eerily quiet, her footsteps echoing in the empty space. She sneaked through a rotten wooden hole in the wall.

She hid behind one of the containers, keeping her eyes peeled for any signs of movement.

'Fuck! There are too many places to hide...' Karla cursed internally. She took out her gun and held it ready, her senses on high alert. Suddenly, she heard a faint rustling sound coming from the other side of the warehouse. Her body tensed, her finger hovering over the trigger. Slowly, she crept toward the source of the sound, her heart pounding in her chest.

She quickly hid behind one of the crates as a thug walked passed her hiding spot carrying a crate. Karla followed the thug silently. He put the crate on top of the others and walked back to where he came from. She sneaked closer to the open basement door and peeked inside.

'Stairs...' She thought as she slowly descended the stairs, her gun held at the ready. Suddenly, a creaking noise of the wooden stairs came from under her feet.

'Shit!' Karla cursed inwardly, freezing in place. Her eyes darted around, searching for any signs of movement.

After a few moments of tense silence, she continued descending the stairs, careful not to make any further noise. After she reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked around. There was no one guarding the door. Carefully, she pushed the door open. A gun muzzle pointed directly at her face greeted Karla.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed as she raised her hands above her head.

"Drop your weapon," a gruff voice commanded, his gun unwavering. Karla complied, her weapon clattering to the ground. She was then roughly shoved inside the room by the gun-wielding thug.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here," a mocking voice echoed from the corner of the room, accompanied by slow, deliberate footsteps.

Her eyes fell on John who was sitting on the chair, tied up. His face was bruised and bloodied, his clothes torn and dirty. Karla gritted her teeth, her blood boiling with rage.

"Women!" the masked man chuckled, his cold gaze boring into hers, "Always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong..."

Karla glared at the masked man defiantly, refusing to be intimidated.

"I suggest you untie him and let us go," she said, her voice firm and steady, "Unless you want Gotham City PD breathing down your necks. I have already called for backup. They will be here any minute now..."

"I told you not to do anything stupid," John whispered weakly, his voice hoarse from abuse.

"Shut up!" the masked man barked, slapping John harshly across the face, knocking him to the floor. Karla clenched her fists, struggling to control her rage. "Anyway..." He took a deep breath and continued, "By the time they arrive, you will be long dead and we will be long gone..."

She gulped, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She glanced at John who was lying on the floor, motionless. Panic started to rise within her as the reality of the situation dawns on her.

He just lay there closing his eyes, 'Sorry... My daughter's life comes first...'

"Fuck! I guess this is it for me. I am so sorry, John... I couldn't..."

[Bang!] A shot reverberated throughout the room. Karla's lifeless body fell to the floor with a hole in her head. Blood pooled beneath her unmoving form.

"Now," the masked man turned his attention back to John, "Don't forget our deal, John. One call, one button press... Remember?"

He nodded weakly, his eyes filled with pain and regret. The masked man smirked, satisfied.

"ARGGGG!!!!" John screamed as he watched Karla's bleeding body, his screams reverberating throughout the warehouse. Tears streamed down his cheeks, his heart shattered into pieces. 'Why?! Why must she interfere?!' He cried, his soul bleeding from the loss of another person important to him.

Baam! A blunt object hit John on the head, knocking him unconscious.

The masked man smiled wickedly as he removed his mask.

"Finally, we're done with the theatrics..." he said, his voice dripping with venom, "Let's go. We have our backup set up. Now, it's time to move with the next plan..."

"What should we do with her, boss?" One of the thugs asked, pointing at Karla's lifeless body.

"Bullet... Gunpowder... Humm... Dump her in the river. Can't let those bastards tracking us down." He ordered.

[10 pm]

Karla's lifeless body drifted aimlessly into Gotham River. Her body was battered and bruised, her skin cold to the touch. The moonlight shone down upon her, illuminating her pale face, reflecting off her lifeless eyes. Two boats stopped near her body. A woman in a black ninja-like dress picked her up and brought her to the deck.

She noticed a familiar tattoo on her neck, two daggers.

"Another victim of Gotham crime..." she sighed as she covered Karla's body with a piece of cloth, "Take her to the base. Tell father to use the pit... She will be of use to us in the future." She looked down at the lifeless body, "I shall take your revenge for you... After that, your life will belong to me."

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