Be a Good Boy and Marry Me

Chapter 413 - 317: A Set-up_l

Chapter 413: Chapter 317: A Set-up_l

Then Gu Li continued, “Talking in whispers during class was wrong on my part, but it wasn’t intentional, please forgive me, teacher. Xiaoyue and I promise not to repeat it. Fellow classmates, I apologize to you all, and please, let’s refrain from whispering in class and pay attention to the lecture.”

Seeing Gu Li’s sincere attitude, after a moment’s hesitation, Yang Qian decided to follow her instincts, saying to Shen Yunsi, “Professor Shen, I believe these two classmates did not mean any disrespect, nor did they intentionally ignore you. Considering this is their first offense, could you perhaps let them off this time? After all, they are not the only ones who whisper in class, I believe most of us here have done it including myself.”

Yang Qian, always a straightforward person, acknowledged this common occurrence, even including herself in it.

Hearing her words, the classmates began nodding in agreement.

Whispering in class is a common practice. If Gu Li and Xiaoyue were to be punished this time, anyone could be next- who would want that?

Thus, everyone started voicing their opinions, the classroom quickly became chaotic, like a bazaar.

Shen Yunsi didn’t expect Gu Li to have such a persuasive technique, she gained the support of the entire class in just a few words.

If she genuinely took this chance to punish them, would she become the detested enemy of all?

Damn seductress!

Shen Yunsi gritted her teeth in anger if looks could kill, Gu Li would have been cruelly executed by now.

Noticing her malicious gaze, Gu Li casually lifted her eyes to meet hers. The corners of her mouth curled up in a nonchalant smile.

Shen Yunsi only grew more infuriated.

Seeing the chaos below the platform, she decided to rap on the desk with a blackboard eraser, and shouted, “Quiet! Please, everyone quiet down!”

The room instantly fell silent.

Everyone’s eyes turned to her.

Shen Yunsi took a deep breath, trying to maintain her most perfect smile, “Everyone, I was just joking with you all. I didn’t expect our class to be so united and friendly, and our class monitor to be so principled, as your teacher, I’m very comforted.”

“So, Professor, does this mean you won’t punish Gu Li?”

A boy couldn’t help but ask.

Most of the classmates liked Gu Li, naturally, they didn’t want her to be punished.

A flash of coldness crossed Shen Yunsi’s eyes, but without a change in her smile, she replied, “Of course, Gu Li is our class’s favorite member, how could I bear to reprimand her?”

Upon hearing her comment, Gu Li and Xiaoyue glanced at each other, unable to resist the slightest twist of their lips.

Shen Yunsi continued speaking, “Alright then, the two students who violated discipline, please sit down. Considering this is your first offense, I will overlook it this time. Moving on, everyone please turn your books to page 31…”

As her clear voice rang out, Gu Li pulled Xiaoyue to sit down with her, and like the other students, flipped open her textbook.

She thought Shen Yunsi’s run of targeting them was over for the time being, but to her surprise, Shen Yunsi was not done yet. She had only covered less than two minutes of content when she said, “Gu Li, why don’t you read this text aloud so I can check your pronunciation?”


Gu Li confidently stood up, holding her textbook.

Shen Yunsi smirked inwardly, waiting for Gu Li to make a fool of herself.

Ever since she found out Gu Li was indeed Miss Gu, Shen Yunsi had been investigating her background, only to surprisingly discover that Gu Li had not received any formal education.

As for English, it wasn’t very popular in A Nation, and most citizens were more accustomed to speaking Chinese with English more or less at an elementary school level. Therefore, she had reasonable grounds to believe that Gu Li’s English was also quite poor.

The text she had just chosen contained many uncommon words and was hard to understand. She did not believe that Gu Li could handle it smoothly.

Xiaoyue also worried for Gu Li. Even for her, who had almost passed the sixth level, this part of the text was challenging, let alone for Gu Li? After all, Little Pear has not yet passed the Four Level English exam.

Apart from them, the other students looked quite expectant.

In their minds, Gu Li equated to a straight-A student; a straight-A student equated to an all-rounder; this minor issue was nothing to her.

With the mix of different thoughts among the students, they began to listen to Gu Li’s rendition—

“A pair of lovers premarital understand each other well or character special similar, s…”

The girl’s voice was crisp and resonant, her pronunciation was very standard, exuding a British accent that was pleasant to the ear.

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