Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast

Chapter 232 - 232: 202: Instant Step_2

Chapter 232 - 232: 202: Instant Step_2

Translator: 549690339

Moreover, in Vincent’s hands were two gems, the Source of Tranquility and the Heart of Flames, ready to be used directly.

And in the future, he could replace them with even better gems, making it a growing piece of equipment.

After all was set, President Wright took out the lower-grade beast-control skill, Instant Step, from a box beside him.

Once taken out, President Wright stared at it, his expression complex.

Just as Vincent was about to take it, he noticed President Wright clutching the beast technique in his hand, his gaze unfocused, as if peering through the river of time towards an unknown distance.

“President Wright?” After a minute or two without response, Vincent had to ask.

President Wright started, then laughed awkvvardly.

“Sorry, I was distracted by something just now, here you go.”

As Vincent accepted the Beast Technique, he didn’t start leafing through it straight away. Instead he asked President Wright, “What was that just now,

President Wright?”

President Wright smiled bitterly, “When people get old, they tend to reminisce. Guess I’m no exception.”

“This Beast Technique was given to me by a friend before he died. He was about to do something very risky, and he made this Instant Step in advance to prevent the technique from being lost.”

“He told me before he left to find someone with a similar character and temper, to pass on this Beast Technique. I thought about it, and decided you are most suitable.”

After hearing this, Vincent was very happy.

“President Wright, you’ve found the right guy. It’s not often you find young people like me who are loved by everyone, respectful to their elders, kind to their juniors, willing to help others, brave in the face of injustice, and ready to take on responsibility! It’s your lucky day to meet me!”

President Wright looked nonplussed.

“What I was saying is that this guy’s thick skin is comparable to yours! Perhaps even less than yours!”

.Ha ha, President          you do have a sense of humor.” Vincent chuckled awkwardly.

President Wright gave Vincent a glare, yet he couldn’t help but recall his old friend’s feats. Seeing traces of his old friend in Vincent, a seemingly unconventional young man, he found it hard to believe.

How could Vincent, who always seemed so money-minded, choose a low-grade beast technique over high-ranking commander level beast pets? Their values are worlds apart.

But since Vincent had already selected Instant Step, maybe it was meant to be.

With a sigh, President Wright patted Vincent hard on the shoulder, his expression serious.

“This Instant Step is not as simple as a lower-grade beast-controlling technique. It was the foundation upon which my old friend built his life. You… train well.”

Vincent was puzzled.

A lower-grade is a lower-grade, how could it be any different?

If it were stronger, wouldn’t it be marked as a medium-grade or high-grade?

If it weren’t for his fear that the high-ranking commander beast wouldn’t be of any use and only consume resources, and for his need to go to Kyoto City without any time to care for it, he certainly wouldn’t have chosen this.

He could already use the abilities of his existing pet beasts, and this Instant Step seemed to be merely a displacement skill. Wasn’t his Perfect-Level Fast Movement far better than learning something new?

“Got it, President!”

Vincent casually stowed away the Beast Technique into his arms.

Seeing Vincent’s casual attitude, President Wright didn’t say anything else.

“I won’t see you off, you can go back. Your Professional Beast Master Certificate and the Champion’s Trophy will be prepared and mailed to you by the staff.”

“Thank you, President Wright.”

After thanking him, Vincent didn’t move.

“Why are you still standing there?” President Wright asked.

“Uh, you didn’t mention the crystal stones and the 10% resources from the other players…” Vincent gently reminded.

“Oh, I almost forgot. Once we’ve processed this on our side, I’ll send you a message. You can decide whether to convert it directly into cash or mail the resources back to you.”

“Hehe, then I’m really going this time.”

…After Vincent Wolf left, President Wright retrieved a photo from a compartment in the treasure house.

The photo featured two young people, radiant smiles on their faces, holding up a trophy.

“Ah, the vigor of youth!” He exclaimed.

Putting back the photo, President Wright then took out a book called Mid-Level Beast Mastery Technique – Spatial Blade.

“Instant Step, Spatial Blade, Disappearance. These three beast mastery skills earned him the title of a King Slayer, what a shame he met his end in that place…sigh!”

“It’s unfortunate I don’t know where Disappearance has gone, otherwise I would have used it myself back then. Why would I leave it for this little punk, Vincent Wolf! ”

“Perhaps he didn’t give me Disappearance back in the day so that I wouldn’t end up getting myself killed after learning it, ha ha.”

“Even now, I am just a Grand Master Beast Trainer, seemingly only one step away from becoming a King Beast Trainer, but that one step is as wide as a chasm.”

“Yet, what’s the point of breaking through? He broke through and yet still died.

And till this day, I don’t even know where he was buried.”

“Damn it! I should have gone with him back then!”

“Evan! Look what I’ve brought for you!”

Vincent Wolf yelled up the stairs as soon as he stepped into his house.

Thud, thud, thud.

The sound of somebody running downstairs was heard, hurried and impatient.

“Boss! Did you bring my salary?”

Evan’s face was somewhat pale, clearly the energy stored within his horns had run out. However, upon hearing about the ‘something exciting’, he was visibly thrilled.

“Buzz off, always thinking about getting paid! You have a roof over your head and food in your belly because of me, yet all you think about is your salary! Ever think about what you’ve done to contribute to the company and whether you’ve earned what it has given you?”

At the mention of salary, Vincent’s face immediately changed.

” (J A That is not what you told me at the beginning!” Evan argued, standing his ground, ‘You promised paid holidays, company-paid vacations, year-end lucky draw, and daily slime petting sessions!”

“Did I?” Vincent tried to recall for a moment, “If I can’t remember then it doesn’t exist!”

Dismayed, Evan gasped for breath and appeared to faint.

Vincent reacted quickly, using Fast Movement to reach Evan’s side and steady him. He took out a Death Attribute Energy Crystal Stone that he had procured from the Life Secret Realm and fed Evan the death energy within.

“Hold on, how can you just faint like that? Are you trying to con me?”

Watching this unfold, Dragon Town rushed over with a worried expression for Evan and anger towards Vincent.

“What kind of boss are you! Evan works his butt off cooking, cleaning, and even waking you up, what’s wrong with giving him his wage a bit earlier? Look at what she’s been reduced to because of you!”

Vincent looked regretful.

He didn’t expect to cause Evan to faint from being angry.

Since Evan was already weak due to the damage to his origin, if this went on, it would definitely be detrimental to the recovery of his origin.

Having no other choice, Vincent said to Evan, “Fine, you win, I’ll let out Barry for a bit then. Geez, how did I end up finding such an employee, who wants their salary even before the end of the month. If I were a real boss, I’d be broke!”

Overhearing Vincent’s surrender, Evan, who was pretending to be unconscious, sneakily made the victory sign with his hand behind his back and then resumed his limp, powerless act.

Dragon Town, who was standing at the side pretending to be full of concern for Evan, slipped Evan a thumbs-up while maintaining an expression of disdain towards Vincent.

After feeding Evan some energy, Vincent found it odd.

“Huh? How is this energy crystal stone so durable? It doesn’t seem like I’ve been feeding much, how come it’s almost full all of a sudden?”

Dragon Town at the side was sweating cold beads.

“Well, it might be similar to the stomach shrinking after not eating for two days. It takes a day or two of normal eating to get back to its original size. Evan might not be able to replenish too much energy at once after an energy loss.

It’ll be fine after a day or two.”

“Oh! So that’s how it is.” Vincent finally understood.

At this moment, Evan, pretending to be weak, woke up and said to Vincent,

“Boss, have I troubled you?”

“No, no, not at all.. Your weakness is caused by your work, so I should be thanking you! “

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