Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast

Chapter 282: 227: Giant’s Promotion_2

Chapter 282: 227: Giant’s Promotion_2

Translator: 549690339

Vincent Wolf saw the giant demon beast freeing itself from the bonds. He was just about to shout and run when he realized that the beast had become motionless. This puzzled him:

“What’s going on with this demon beast? Why isn’t it moving?”

Su Ruler somehow appeared next to Vincent:

“It seems to be a struggle between the Abyssal Will and the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm.”

Vincent inquired:

“Struggle? What are they struggling for?”

“The ownership of that body.”

“Huh? The ownership of the giant demon beast’s body? Why would the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm bother with the body of a demon beast? Isn’t the realm what it should desire?”

Vincent was confused.

Isn’t the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm supposed to compete with the Shadow

Demon Domain for control of the realm? After all, during the previous Death Demonic Domain he witnessed, Phoenix directly ascended to the sky to face the Blood Moon created by the Abyssal Will. After winning the showdown, it managed to take control of the Secret Realm and became the dominant in the Life Secret Realm.

But could it be different this time?

“That giant is not a demon beast.”

Su Ruler’s simple statement left Vincent even more confused.

No matter how he looked at it, that giant was a demon beast.

Seeing Vincent’s confusion and observing the immobile giant, Su Ruler decided to explain further:

“According to my guess, the giant was not initially a demon beast. It was transformed into one by the Abyssal Will. In fact, that giant isn’t even a pet beast. ”

“Not a pet beast, nor a demon beast…does that mean the giant was originally a human!”

Could this be the Beastmaster World version of Attack on Titan?

Su Ruler’s eyes twitched:

“What I am trying to say is that the giant might have been the physical form of the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm.”

Vincent was startled.

He suddenly remembered the words Phoenix told him.

Phoenix stated that upon reaching a certain level, the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm can gestate a physical form, turning the realm into Three-Star status, with Monarch-level pet beasts starting to appear within it.

As to what the Spirit of the Four Star Secret Realm looked like, Phoenix hadn’t reached it, so it didn’t know.

Now, considering all the information, it was clear that the Shadow Demon Domain was actually a Four-star entity, implying that the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm had reached Four-star status as well.

What changes occur to the physical form of the Four-star Spirit of the Mysterious Realm?

Upon reaching Four-star, is the body of the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm actually the key to controlling the realm?

Why did a hole appear in the left chest of the giant demon beast?

Why did the Shadow Demon Domain downgrade from Four-star to Three-star?

Multiple questions spun in Vincent’s mind, and he gradually started to comprehend many things.

Seeing the understanding dawn in Vincent’s expression, Su Ruler continued:

“The two sources of power within the giant’s body are currently confronting each other, causing its actions to be suspended. Whichever power wins will seize complete control of the giant’s body.”

Vincent widened his eyes and stared at the giant.

The giant’s current state was very peculiar, like a Janus-faced figure. Half of the body looked normal like a human, while the other half remained as grotesque as when it was a demon beast.

The two energies within the giant’s body kept clashing, unable to overcome one another, resulting in a stalemate.

“Stalemate…this somehow feels déjå vu.”

Just as Vincent Wolf felt a sense of unease in his heart, the giant’s aura suddenly surged, an infinite sense of oppression struck the surroundings as if the whole Mysterious Realm was within the giant’s body, making the giant seemed to exist as heaven and earth.

“How could this be! It, it has been promoted!”

Aiden Winter’s shocked voice echoed, and Vincent Wolf also looked towards the giant.

The chest of the giant had completely recovered, the hole was gone, and the entire body was not damaged at all.

“So it, it has recovered?”

The Su Ruler was in front of Vincent Wolf and Aiden Winter, blocking the impact of the giant’s aura for them.

“I predicted this early on. The giant hasn’t promoted to be an overlord before because of the damages on its body which weren’t replenished, so it needed to accumulate enough energy these few days to replenish the hole in its chest in order to promote.”

“During this time, the giant is at its weakest. If you want to kill the giant, you must take action within this time.”

“I’ve told you before, the nature of each Spirit of the Mysterious Realm is different, we can’t gamble. If we win, all is well. However, if we lose, we not only lose our lives but also a Four-Star Secret Realm.”

Only then did Vincent Wolf understand.

The Su Ruler didn’t want to gamble, he was conservative and pessimistic, did not want to change, and wanted to maintain the previous pattern.

So, Vincent Wolf asked the illusory figure in his mind:

“What I want to ask is, will the Light Secret Realm Spirit actively slaughter humans?”

A second later, a piece of information was transmitted into Vincent Wolf’s mind.

Upon confirming his idea, Vincent thought to himself:

“Life, light. From the attributes controlled by the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm alone, it can be understood that the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm is not the kind of existence that fences off after crossing the river and actively hurts humans. The worry of the Su Ruler is redundant. But what did the Su Ruler experience to become so cautious?”

As Vincent Wolf was thinking, the giant suddenly moved again.

This time, the giant did not launch an attack on Vincent’s side, its behavior stunned Vincent Wolf.

It’s actually fighting with itself!

To be precise, one half of the giant’s body, controlled by the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm, was fighting with the other half that is controlled by the Abyssal Will.

One half threw a punch, and the other half counterattacked with a foot, making the whole scene look comical.

But Vincent Wolf couldn’t laugh because the giant had now been promoted to an overlord, and its attacks were of the overlord level.

Moreover, the giant’s self-fighting was very intense. Its entire body was rolled up into a ball, rolling and hammering on the ground, causing the surrounding area of more than a dozen kilometers to churn like a burrowing earth dragon.

Countless rocks and trees were ejected, and the earth-shattering scene scared Vincent Wolf out of his wits.

Aiden Winter quickly took Vincent Wolf to evade the incoming attacks and

Aiden Winter quickly took Vincent Wolf to evade the incoming attacks and retreated away.

While mumbling words like ‘I knew I shouldn’t have let it in’, the Su Ruler led the Thunder Flame to stop the now-promoted giant demon beast from causing more destruction.

But what no one expected was that a change occurred in the darkness of the Shadow Demon Domain. A large number of lower-ranking demon beasts suddenly died, and the dark energy from their bodies was automatically drawn out and slowly converged, rushing towards the giant’s body.

When the black in the giant’s body, which represented the Abyssal Will, received the continuous influx of dark energy, its power surged, startlingly gaining an upper hand in the struggle with the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm.

The black side in the giant’s body started to infiltrate the white side’s territory. The Spirit of the Mysterious realm seemed unable to hold on much longer.

At that moment, a Six-Winged Angel surfaced on the chest of the giant. The angel looked exactly like the ones summoned by the people of the Light God Country, except it appeared more ethereal and seemed less powerful.

The moment the Six-Winged Angel appeared, it began to eliminate the constant influx of dark energy.

But the angel was alone, and even though it was constantly clearing the dark energy, it couldn’t stop all the dark energy, and could only watch as the side controlled by the Abyssal Will gradually grew stronger.

The Su Ruler also felt that things were turning for the worse. He controlled the Purple Gold Thunderfire and joined the battle, trying to prevent the giant from causing more destruction while trying to eliminate the dark energy.

However, the Su Ruler did not possess a light-type creature, thus, though his actions were beneficial, they were merely scratching the surface.

Watching the crisis unfold in front of him, Vincent Wolf, with no power to stop it, felt an urgent desperation but was helpless.

But at that moment, a strong light emerged in front of Vincent Wolf. He looked closely to find that the light was emitted by more than ten light elemental creatures. The creature at the front was the unicorn with twin wings and Archbishop Losen by its side!

“Almighty Lord! Please save your lost lambs!”

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