Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast

Chapter 302: 237 Bai Gui Hui_2

Chapter 302: 237 Bai Gui Hui_2

Translator: 549690339

“It’s not just something, it’s Ling Niangniang! You can’t tell me you’ve never heard of Ling Niangniang, Chief of Hundred Ghosts! Ling Niangniang!” The driver was exclaiming as if he had encountered a primitive human.

Vincent Wolf figured he hadn’t really heard about the myths of the Archipelago Alliance, maybe this Ling Niangniang was a well-known figure here, so he pretended to be enlightened and replied:

“Oh, Ling Niangniang! Hey, it’s just Ling Niangniang! Uh oh, it’s all my fault, I wasn’t paying attention and misunderstood!”

“You scared me, I thought you really didn’t know about Ling Niangniang, she is the Chief of Hundred Ghosts in our Bai Gui Hui, if you don’t recognize her, it’s quite disrespectful.”

The driver first sighed with relief, then said with a smile:

“You know, when the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade start, you just need to pray for Ling Niangniang’s blessing, then you’ll be fine. Oh, don’t forget to get a statue of Ling Niangniang for your house in advance, otherwise it won’t work! ”

“Sure, sure! ”

Vincent Wolf secretly wiped his sweat and promptly agreed.

But he was wondering what the so-called Ling Niangniang and Bai Gui Hui really were.

Could they actually provide safety?

Vincent Wolf pulled out his phone to search for these two things, but after searching for a long time he didn’t find anything useful, as if it was blocked.

“Let me tell you, my family already has one of those statues, and since we got it early, we only paid 2 million Union Currency. Uh-huh, you should know that a Ling Niangniang statue is now hoarded to 5 million Union Currency, and it’s still in short supply. Some people even fought over this!”

Upon hearing the driver’s boasting, Vincent was stunned.

Union Currency is the currency of the Archipelago Alliance, and the exchange rate between it and Cathay Currency is about 20 Union Currency to 1 Cathay Currency.

Which means this driver spent a hundred thousand Cathay currency for a statue, and even more people spent more money just to get a statue home.

Are people in the Archipelago Alliance so foolishly wealthy?

While they were chatting, they have arrived at the Island Master Mansion.

Vincent Wolf didn’t care about what others were doing, he was sure he wouldn’t be asking for one.

“How much?”

“It’s 11222 Union Currency in total. Are you going to pay in cash or credit card?”

“Cash… How much is it?”

Vincent Wolf was about to get the money out, but he was stunned after hearing the price.

It was nearly six hundred Cathay currency!

“Is this taxi running on money instead of fuel? Why is it so expensive! ”

I knew you could afford such an expensive statue, because you’re screwing the consumers!

“Where is this expensive? The price has always been this high these years. Do not make random comments, and if you think it’s costly, then you should reflect. Have your wages increased over the years? Have you worked hard?

Being a taxi driver is tough.”

Vincent Wolf rolled his eyes. Even if I could earn a few hundred million, I still think it’s expensive.

He’d heard that taxi fares in the Archipelago Alliance were high, but he didn’t think it would be this high!

But expensive is expensive. I was just venting a little, and I wasn’t saying I wouldn’t pay. And you even began to ridicule me!

When Vincent Wolf paid and the driver got back in the car to drive away, he

instantly summoned Flora Gates and released Misfortune Entanglement.

This time, Vincent had Flora adjust the severity of Misfortune Entanglement, so the driver would not be severely affected or meet a tragic end, but he would nonetheless have a series of misfortunes.

“I want to see whether my Misfortune Entanglement is more potent or your

Ling Niangniang.”

Vincent let out a breath, feeling refreshed. Looking at the massive Island

Master Mansion in front, he started to wonder how to meet the Island Owner.

“President Wright should have been notified before I left and should have called the Island Owner in advance, right?”

Upon entering the Island Master Mansion, a receptionist immediately approached and asked:

“Hello, what can I help you with? Have you made an appointment in advance?” “My name is Ji Xiaoze. I should already have an appointment with your Island

Owner. ”

The other person was obviously informed about this in advance, and immediately said:

“Alright, please follow me.”

Half a day of walking around the Island Master Mansion, and they finally arrived at the destination.

“Master, the person you spoke of is here.”

“Alright, let him in.”

After gaining permission, Vincent Wolf opened the door and saw a cheerful old man, his white hair contrasting with his youthful face, frowning at a computer on his desk. A snake-bodied, human-faced girl was holding a few documents next to him.

Having done some research beforehand, Vincent knew that this old man was Iwashita Hisao. He had a prominent background, backed by an incredibly wealthy magnate, which allowed him to hold the position of Island Master.

As Iwashita Hisao saw Vincent enter, he exuded enthusiasm, smiling as he said.

“You must be Vincent! Old Yu mentioned you to me; he told me to look after you. I didn’t expect you to come knocking so quickly!”

“I apologize for the disturbance, but I have a matter that only you can assist with, so here I am.”

“Tell me what it is. I’ll do my best to help if I can,” Iwashita Hisao responded, fairly straightforward.

“I would like to learn about the non-native High -level Beast Masters that have appeared within Qingchuan Island and even the entire Archipelago Alliance in recent years.”

Iwashita Hisao pondered for a moment, then said to Vincent:

“That is no simple task. Getting accurate results will cost a fair amount. It’s difficult enough just surveying within Qingchuan Island, let alone the entire

Archipelago Alliance.”

Vincent quickly responded:

“If it’s troublesome for you, then please focus only on Qingchuan Island for now. I’m also willing to cover the cost!”

Iwashita Hisao rubbed his temples.

“It’s not really a matter of money; if it were, I wouldn’t be worried. The main issue is that we’re short-handed at the moment. With the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade looming, a significant number of people are needed to prepare and maintain stability, not to mention those rebellious members of the Bai Gui Hui. We don’t really have enough people for other tasks.”

Vincent listlessly agreed.

He had forgotten about this special day. It seemed that he had failed in getting someone to help him — he would have to depend on himself.

“Wait, what did you just say about the Bai Gui Hui? What is that?”

“The Bai Gui Hui is a newly emerging sect within the Archipelago Alliance and

is considered a heretic cult. They have recently established a branch on our Qingchuan Island and are openly recruiting followers, promising safety and peace to those who devote themselves to Ling Niangniang, the Chief of Hundred Ghosts. Many civilians have been misled into mortgaging their assets and separating from their families in blind faith. This is what has been pestering me, and I can’t spare any energy to help you.”

“So it’s a heretical cult.”

Vinced mumbled under his breath.

No wonder the driver seemed off, he must have been victimized by the cult.

Byung, how long would it take for him to complete the investigation all by himself?

By the time he finished, Miao Shihe would have long escaped.

It would be great if this damned Bai Gui Hui could be eradicated. Then the Island Master would have time to help him.

Wait a minute?


“Island Master, let me help!” Vincent said to Iwashita Hisao.


“I mean, let me eradicate the Bai Gui Hui. Then you can help me search for the non-native Senior Grandmasters!”

Iwashita Hisao sized up Vincent.

“No offense, but the Bai Gui Hui are elusive and difficult to track. Even our expert trackers cannot pin them down. While there may be no Grandmaster Beast Masters at the Bai Gui Hui’s local branch on Qingchuan Island, there are a few Master-level Beast Masters. They are quite powerful, so if you’re thinking about eradicating them…l worry…”

“Rest assured, Island Master, I don’t take my life lightly, and I will handle this situation with caution.”

Seeing Vincent’s determination, Iwashita Hisao didn’t feel he should say more. He could only assume that Vincent had the ability to back up his confidence and said:

“Alright, if you say so. I’ll await your good news and will dedicate my efforts to the search when the time comes. Here are the contact details for the Patrol team dedicated to the Bai Gui Hui. If you find any leads or have any questions, reach out to them.”

Vincent took the contact information, realizing that Iwashita Hisao didn’t fully trust in his ability to single-handedly annihilate the Bai Gui Hui.

He merely chuckled and did not debate the point.

Strength isn’t voiced—it’s shown.

People would believe him once he’d presented the results!

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