Because There Were 100 Goddesses in Charge of Reincarnation, I Received 100 Cheat Skills

Chapter 91

Editor: Sky

I finally found you!

The shiny black dragon that suddenly appeared in front of us transformed into a human girl. She was a pretty girl with skin a beautiful shade of brown. She was probably seven to eight years old like Philia.

Kuro was still stuffing her face with sushi when the stranger ran over to her crying, Its terrible, Kuro nee-sama!

Kuro rolled her eyes while a grain of rice was still stuck to her cheek.

What the hell do you think youre doing here?

Im here to bring you back home, of course! she exclaimed, stumbling over her words a little in excitement.

Nee-sama Does that mean youre Kuros little sister?

They look pretty similar, dont they?

At the very least, they were definitely both Shiny Black Dragons.

They were likely related as her jet-black hair and brown skin resembled Kuro quite strongly. Especially her eyes[1].

Lets go back home already! said the little girl, tugging at the sleeve of Kuros clothes.

I shouted over the counter.

Well, well. I dont know exactly what happened, but lets calm down for now, Chiro-chan.

Dont go and arbitrarily name someone elses little sister!

Its Chibi Kuro, so its Chiro (Budget Kuro).

Nee-sama! Why are you with a bunch of lowly humans?

Chiro glared at us, then glanced back at Kuro and exclaimed, Dont tell me youve become friends with a human!

Wh-wh-wh-what are you s-saying!? denied the panicking Kuro.

Thats right. Shes more like a pet than a friend.

Youre someone who will stand in the Dragon Court in the future!You dont have the time to play around with the likes of humans!

Chiro-chan seems to look down on people quite a bit.

Hey, Chiro-chan.

Are you really calling my name?! You dont even deserve to say my name!

Try this on for size first.

Whats that! Humph! What self-respecting dragon would eat the likes of human foo-chewchew!?

I used Teleport to put a handful ofootoroin Chiros mouth.

Its sooooooooooooooooo good!?

Chiros eyes widened.

Her cheeks drooped sluggishly, and her eyelids threatened to drop in pleasure.

Haah. It almost seems a bit wasteful to swallow that

You can have seconds if you like.

Are you for real?!

I gave her thenegitoro gunkan-maki[2]to try next.

Yummy! This is delicious too! Give me more is what you thought Id say isnt it?!

Chiro came back to her senses as if electrocuted.


Chew chew chew chew chew

Its not the time to be eating things like that right now!

Dont tell me what to do!

Chiro approached Kuro and raised her voice, Its a disaster! We should hurry up and go home! Mother is furious!

Our mother?!

Kuro paled when she heard that her mother was angry.

Apparently, their mother is a scary woman.

Well, well. Why dont you relax and have a little something to eat, Chiro-chan.

I told you not to call me tha-chewchewchew, ohmygodIcantgetoverhowgoodthisiiiiiiiiisssssss!!

Chiro instantly went into a state of ecstasy when I put the sushi in her mouth again.

Shes so cute! I want to feed her until shes bloated.

Then I made a lot of sushi for Chiro-chan.

Of course, it is wasabi-less to suit a childs tongue.

The food disappeared one after another into Chiros gluttonous little mouth at an incomprehensible speed. As expected: even if shes little, shes still a dragon.

Chew chew chew I want another helping of that popping thing I had earlier!


And an egg, too!chewchewchew


Sweet shrimp for me!

Here you go.

Ah, nee-sama, thats unfair! I wanted to eat the sweet shrimp too!

Kuro brought the sweet shrimp to her mouth, but Chiro snatched it away.

Oh dear.

AHHHHH!? Whats going on here? My nose! My nose is all prickly!

Seems like the wasabi did its job.

Its because she stole the sushi made for Kuro.

Is it poison? It must have been poisonous! Nee-sama, it was poisoned!

Its not poison, its just wasabi. Its because you tried to eat adult food while youre still a kid.

Dont treat me like a child anymore!

Its hard to say whether theyre close or not when they argue like that.

Soon enough, Chiro exhaled contentedly as she rubbed her bulging belly.

Phew I managed to eat it all.

I served her some tea to which she replied, Thank you, and sipped it with a slurp.

At that point, Chiro tilted her head a little.

? I have a feeling Im forgetting something. OH!

Her little eyes opened wide again.

Apparently shes come to her senses again.

I wasnt supposed to come here just to eat! Were in big trouble, Onee-sama!

Chewchewchew Whats the big-chewchewchew-deal, just spit it out. said Kuro, who still hadnt finished eating.

Chiro screamed irritatedly, Mother, and everyone in the village! Has decided to! Declare war on the Dragon King!

A large amount of rice and toppings flew out of Kuros mouth.

Ugh, how disgusting.

Treat your food with respect!

What the hell? Is that for real?

Its true! Thats why I came to get you! Mother and the others are already preparing for battle!

Why didnt you just say that then!

It seems like an emergency.

The Dragon King is the leader of all the dragons. In that case, my guess is that the leader of the rebels would probably be one of the Shiny Black Dragons, one of the strongest dragon species. If a war were to begin, the collateral damage would be cataclysmic.

I see. That does sound like a rather dire situation.

Is Kuros mother the leader of the Shiny Black Dragons or something?

Yes, th-thats right. Weve always been rather hostile to the Dragon King, but I never thought we would actually decide to formally rebel says Kuro with a pale face.

Chewchewchew Karna, more please.

How can you still be eating it at a time like this? Its not like this has nothing to do with you! shouted Kuro at the still-eating Shiro.

The Dragon Kings your father, isnt he?


The Dragon King is Shiros father?

Thats correct, she said. The current Dragon King is a Shiny White Dragon, and she is his second child.

Are you serious?

Whaaaaaat!? Shes the Dragon Kings daughter?! I had thought that there seemed to be someone who was eating more than you, but for it to be the Dragon Kings daughter!?

Chiro was astonished.

So astonished she started to growl like a dog.

Be careful, nee-sama! She might be an assassin sent to kill us by the Dragon King!

Dont even bother worrying. The last time I saw my dad was-chewchewchew-about three years now. Shiro mumbled as she ate.

Well anyway, I cant stay here any longer. I need to go back to my hometown.

Thats right, Nee-sama! Lets go!

Kuro got up and was about to leave with Chiro when she stopped.

But first, let me have one moreootoro.

What are you doing, Nee-sama? Can I have anootorotoo please?

After tossing the big toro into her mouth, the Shiny Black Dragon sisters turned into dragons and left.

[1]:eyes The word used to describe her eyes was . It seems to be something like a severe, almost tough look? I wasnt really sure and couldnt really find an equivalent word, so Ill link agoogle searchinstead.

[2]:negitoro gunkan-maki Negitoro is minced tuna with spring onions while gunkan-maki is a battleship roll. Basically, its a slice of a sushi roll topped with fish eggs.

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