Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 107 - 107: How Many Masters Does the Ring Have? (2)

Chapter 107: How Many Masters Does the Ring Have? (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A certain Prophet who sensed the arrival of the settlement also revealed a sorrowful expression.

“I did not expect it to come so quickly… We have no choice. Even if the preparations are still a little rushed, we have to stand up. This is the sin we should atone for the Milky Way!”

With this thought in mind, Zachlan gathered those his followers and prepared to send out an announcement to the entire Milky Way. He had already thought of the content:

“Greetings to all the pioneers in the galaxy! I’m Zachlan, a Prophet who has been removed from the list! My civilization has committed an irreversible sin, and I regret not being able to stop them! Now, my followers and I will fight to the end to atone for our civilization!”

His weak psionic power could only sense the arrival of the settlement, but he did not expect that it was actually another group of people who were being dealt with. Therefore, when he summoned his believers, they still looked puzzled.

However, with their firm belief in the Prophet, they had no objections and were ready to officially announce their existence to the Milky Way.

However, just as Zachlan was about to make the announcement, a larger and stronger announcement directly covered all civilizations.

[Detected that “the End of Reincarnation” has occurred. The custody agreement has been activated.]

[Executing war policy. Target: Ring; Attitudes: Purify]

[Remark: Please do not approach the battle zone.]

This notice interrupted Zachlan’s plan and even made him stunned for a moment. He calmed down temporarily and ran to the instrument to check the current situation in the Milky Way.

“Uh… So there were other saviors? I thought I might be the only one in the Milky Way who realized the danger of the ‘ring’…”

He saw the sender. It was a civilization called the Administrator.

The lost empires would not call themselves as lost empires. “Lost Empire” was actually a respectful title give to these ancient civilizations by other interstellar civilizations.

Zachlan looked through it carefully and realized that this “Administrator” had already informed the entire galaxy of the dangers of “the End of Reincarnation”.

At that time, he was still worried about the future of his own civilization and did not have time to research other information in the Milky Way.

Other than that, he also realized that it was another civilization that was being ‘settled’, which made him feel a little lucky.

After all, he knew very well what choice his civilization had made, which would bring great harm to the entire galaxy.

And his impassioned words in his planned announcement were to gain a wave of goodwill, at least to let the Milky Way know that there were actually two groups of the Watcher, and his group was a determined “Guardians of the Milky Way”.

Even if his civilization would be destroyed in the settlement, at least some of his people would be preserved, and he would not be regarded by other civilizations as the one who ‘brought the end’.

He had almost stood up at the wrong time just now. If that was the case, the impact he could have would have been much less.

“Alright, if there is someone else who can share the pressure of the ‘ring’, it will be much easier on my side. At that time, the damage caused will probably be… Why do they have so many battleships?”

Zachlan looked at the dense fleet on the screen and revealed an incredulous expression.

At this moment, the other civilizations in the Millry Way also understood what a true “overwhelming advantage” was.

After devouring the entire Duncan Race, the End of Reincarnation formed about twelve large rings and an even larger super-giant ring.

These “rings” were expanding in disorder, but they always approached places with large populations.

The civilizations near the Duncan race were all prepared to face the onslaught. They gathered the strength of the entire civilization and vowed to fight to the end.

However, those rings were all stopped by the black fleet that descended from the sky.

Combined with the notice that the Administrator had sent to the entire galaxy, they immediately understood that it was the lost robotic empire that had once described the dangers of “the End of Reincarnation”.

Each “ring” faced a large fleet of at least 200 battleships, and more than half of them were battlecruisers.

The shield, which was also flashing with purple light, easily blocked the raging psionic storm, and was even vaguely absorbing the overflowing psionic energy to replenish its energy.

The civilizations had seen such a special shield on the Watcher’s battleship before. They thought that it was a component exclusive to the idealist civilization, but they did not expect to see it on the lost robotic empire’s battleships. Furthermore, the shield was even more dazzling than the Watcher’s!

The “rings” who were originally happy to be able to collect debts everywhere didn’t expect someone to dare to stop them. They immediately fell into an unstable state. The light of the rings flashed, as if it was expressing “anger”.

But then, they felt a very familiar aura, so familiar that they felt like they had encountered it before.

A certain premonition of “shattering” was recalled almost instantly. The flickering light suddenly condensed and then exploded with an even stronger color.

The blinding light was so blinding that the many civilizations watching the battle could only see a white glow. They thought that it was some kind of powerful attack from the ring.

As they scouted, they were also worried about the Administrator. After all, the “ring” did look very powerful. They were afraid that when the light disappeared, they would receive news of the destruction of the Administrator’s fleet.

However, the light disappeared in an instant. The dark fleet was not affected at all. Not even a piece of paint fell off.

However, the previously arrogant “rings” had disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared in this galaxy. It looked as if they had escaped.

The civilizations were still trying to find out where the rings had gone, but Li Wenyuan, who was far away on Earth, instantly discovered the whereabouts of the rings through the sentry formation.

The psionic entities produced by the void realm in the real universe had power similar to the warp drive and could travel across countless galaxies to distant places instantly.

They even knew the flaw of the warp drive, which was that it could not be used again for a short period of time after being used once.

They felt that the method of descending from the sky to intercept them would not work on them for the time being.

Therefore, these rings confidently went to other colonial planets, preparing to collect interest before leaving the universe.

They had memories of being beaten to pieces, but that did not stop them from looking down on the turtles that could not catch up to them.

“But…” Li Wenyuan looked at the “rings” that were scattered all over the place, trying to collect debts under his nose.

“My fleet isn’t just this, is it?”

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