Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 149 - 149: The Voyager’s End

Chapter 149: The Voyager’s End

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although the battle between the two Voyagers was not over yet, anyone with discerning eyes could see what the situation was like.

The battle in the pulsar galaxy had ended. The fleet of the ancient Voyager, which was more suitable to fight here, had successfully defeated the enemy here.

The remaining fleet of the Voyager had to undergo an emergency warp in order to survive. It was unknown which desolate space they had warped to.

The showdown fleet, which shouldered the heavy responsibility of changing home, also disappeared along with the Beacon of Infinity galaxy. There was no sign of its existence.

Right now, apart from the fully-armed star bases in the galaxy, the Voyager basically had no defensive power.

Such a star base that was armed to the teeth might be a threat that was extremely difficult to deal with for ordinary civilizations, but for the ancient Voyager, it was nothing more than a slightly hard turtle shell.

In interstellar warfare, fleets were the most important. The Voyager who had lost all its fleets had been sentenced to death.

The fleet that was responsible for attacking the parent galaxy of the Voyager had arrived here through the hyper space channel. The fully-armed star base was like a live target. After being hit by a few hundred cannons, it obediently raised its flag and surrendered.

Meanwhile, the City Planet of the Source of Knowledge had fallen into an atmosphere of despair.

This was the home planet of the Voyager. They had wandered from the former circular world to this place and transformed it into an ideal city. At the same time, they named the satellite of this planet Wanderer to commemorate their journey.

Of course, the main reason why they settled here was because of the special planet in the nearby galaxy that they called the database.

There was a large number of ancient archives there, which were stored and encrypted with incomprehensible methods. Even with their technology, it was difficult to extract data from them.

However, such a place made them firmly believe that this was one of the ruins of the Enlightened Ones.

In order to obtain the secrets of the Enlightened Ones, they did not hesitate to spend a lot of effort to transform a planet into an ideal city to live on, and then set the database planet as the core secret of their civilization.

Only the top scientists recognized by them could go there.

These secret workers would work here for their entire lives, but they had not been able to extract much useful information from the ancient archives until


They had used the broken data to piece together a megastructure that could break through the dimensional boundaries. They had been happy for a long time, believing that this was one of the secrets of the Enlightened Ones.

However, since the activation of this megastructure would destroy the entire galaxy, and there was a protector in the galaxy that was much stronger than them, this dream of the megastructure had to end here.

However, the Voyager, who had lived for a long time, even longer than their old rival, the Watcher, had never given up on this idea.

As long as they could hold on until no one in this galaxy was stronger than them, they would be able to restart this plan. By then, they would be able to go even further.

It was a pity that the resurrected batch of synthetic evolvers had brought their long journey to an end. Now, countless huge battleships had covered the sky of the Source of Knowledge.

In the past, they were the only ones who could cover the sky of others. Now, it was their turn.

All the Voyagers lived here. When the mechanical riot broke out, the artificial people who had been away from the battlefield for a long time had all evacuated to this City Planet.

This place had an extremely large living space. It was not difficult to accommodate the entire civilization.

Due to the influence of the robot riot, they had no choice but to do everything themselves. They were deeply afraid that even their last residence would fall.

When the showdown fleet that they had high hopes for disappeared, they knew that they were finished. Now, their lives depended on what their former compatriots thought.

“What will be our future?” Some of the higher-ups of the Voyager who were gathered looked desperate.

“The showdown seems to have failed. From the looks of it, we can only walk the path of destruction.”

The increasingly thick atmosphere made it impossible for their prosthetic organs to maintain their calmness. At this moment, they had never hoped that they were machines and did not have to worry about these things.

They had never thought that they would have such a day. They had survived the crisis of subverting the galaxy and survived the battle with their old enemy, but in the end, they would die at the hands of their former compatriots.

“Do you think surrendering will do?” Some of these self-conceited Voyagers had such thoughts.

It was not surprising that such thoughts would appear in a life-and-death crisis, but it was still unimaginable for them, who were from the lost empire.

“It’s probably impossible. After all, we really… He had betrayed them. Can traitors be allowed to exist?”

“Resistance won’t have much effect. Our army is not strong, not to mention that we rely on those robots most of the time… It’s a pity that we didn’t go further in the end.”

A high-ranking member of the Voyager explained their current situation and continued, “But we might still have one last use. If our former compatriots still maintain their rational thinking, there will definitely not be a massacre.”

“Being nailed to the pillar of shame in history as the fool of the people is the ending we deserve, but we are still the pioneers that have continued from ancient times to the present. If our death can appease their anger, it’s also time for this body that has long decayed to make its final contribution.”

The higher-up of the Voyager picked up his weapon and aimed it at his brain.

With the current technology, even if his heart was destroyed, he would not die. Only by completely destroying this place that was responsible for storing knowledge and wisdom could he decide his death.

After a faint sound, the high-ranking officer who had once been an all-powerful figure among the Voyagers, fell into a pool of blood, never to be reborn.

When the other higher-ups saw this, they silently took out their weapons and made themselves one of the clouds in history.

However, there were still a small number of higher-ups who cherished their lives very much. They shouted, “A group of lunatics!” and stumbled out of the conference room filled with corpses.

“I’ve only lived for more than 20,000 years. I’m still young. I can’t die yet!” A Voyager was running through the passages, constantly planning how to make a comeback.

He was indeed a very young person among the Voyagers. He naturally had his own methods to reach this position, and ambition was one of his driving forces.

However, his journey had come to an end. The Mechanical War Body of the ancient Voyager’s army unit began to clear out the resisters on this prosperous City Planet.

This naturally included those who harbored evil intentions and were unwilling to rise again.

Even if they hid well, they still couldn’t escape from the lie detector of mechanical intelligence.

The ancient Voyager did not show mercy to them and ended their lives.

However, for the higher-ups of the Voyager who had already gathered together to commit suicide, these mechanical lives that had completed the synthetic evolution unexpectedly held a space funeral for them.

Some young ancient Voyagers were curious about why they were doing this, and their compatriots answered, “Revenge has never been the motivation for us to move forward. We carry the mission of our fallen comrades, and that doesn’t include revenge.

“In our ancient social customs, suicide is an act despised by people. We know why these people committed suicide. At least at this moment, I think they can go with us.”

After that, the handover ceremony of the Voyager came to an end.

The artificial people were accepting the synthetic evolution of the Voyager on a large scale, and they were not swayed by their will.

As the Voyager said, revenge had never been their motivation. In order to move forward, they needed more compatriots. Transforming these artificial people into mechanical life was only the first step.

The fleet of Voyagers that was trapped in the Beacon of Infinity also reappeared after a period of time, but surprisingly, they seemed to be influenced by the current Voyagers and were fighting for progress.

And the vassal civilizations of the Voyager were all liberated and regained their freedom.

Some of them were happy because they did not want to live in the shadow of the lost empire. However, there were also some civilizations that had to rely on the protection of the lost empire.

For example, the Khur Alliance, a criminal enterprise, had already harmed many countries in order to complete the mission of the Voyager. The moment its vassal obligations were lifted, many lawsuits were filed against the Galaxy Community.

However, it was surprising that many of these complaints were withdrawn after a period of time, as if they had given up on using this method to target the Khur Alliance.

The reason for this was soon revealed. Many of the bottom-level people in these civilizations had a large-scale riot when they knew that the gray industries that they saw as life-saving straws were about to be banned.

Their civilized government did not give them any space to survive. Instead, these cancer-like enterprises gave them a glimmer of hope. How could they accept the result of hope being shattered?

Under the pressure of some undercurrents, these civilizations had no choice but to withdraw their complaints and began to take the initiative to improve the lives of the people at the bottom, hoping that these people could return to the embrace of the government.

As for those civilizations that did not withdraw their charges, that was because they were indeed the targets of harm.

In order to deal with the increasing crime rate, they invested more in law enforcement than ever before. Even places such as laboratories that were once responsible for scientific research were demolished and built into buildings like police stations to solve the problems of those gray areas.

Their citizens were all good people who did not know the dangers of the universe. After being bewitched by the criminals of the criminal enterprise, they easily walked on the black path.

Therefore, after the Khur Alliance lost its umbrella, the civilizations strongly requested the Galaxy Community to restrict criminal enterprises, if possible by force.

Of course, there were also civilizations that welcomed the arrival of these criminals even though they had been invaded by criminal enterprises.

This was because this civilization had a way to extract the value of criminals. In their civilization, criminals even had to pay taxes.

Their tax agency was probably the most powerful tax collection agency in the entire Milky Way, and their tax law was probably the most complete tax collection code in the Milky Way. Even space lifeforms passing by could be collected by them in a unique way.

Almost no civilization was willing to interact with them, but this civilization had established the most prosperous stargate network in the entire Milky Way, so it was impossible not to interact with them.

Therefore, it was really bad luck for the Khur Alliance to find them. This criminal enterprise even had to pay the corporate branch there, or they would face the embarrassing situation of having their stargate blocked.

However, such civilizations were in the minority, and most of them were victims of the Khur Alliance.

Therefore, after a brief discussion, the Galaxy Community soon requested the Khur Alliance to withdraw its criminal branches, or they would be subject to joint punishment. The more serious outcome would be a war on the grounds of closing the criminal branches.

After a large number of branches were closed down, the criminal enterprise fell into a slump and began to carry out large-scale reforms, hoping to find a new way out.

And the newborn Voyager civilization also announced its existence to the entire galaxy..

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