Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 152 - 152: The Galaxy Council

Chapter 152: The Galaxy Council

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Curtain Theory was a Level 9 technology that brought about a huge interstellar engineering construction method.

It could be as small as hiding a planet or as large as hiding an entire galaxy. These were all theoretically achievable effects of this technology.

However, depending on the size of the hidden object, the resources required for this project would be extremely terrifying.

If he wanted to hide the Milky Way, he might not be able to do so even if he dismantled the entire Milky Way.

The essence of its technology was to distort space and time on a large scale, causing internal things to be in a special space-time state that could not be observed.

However, this was only one of the links. There was another very important part of the curtain, which was to create an identical substitute and place it in the original space and time.

It was as if this was the only way to perfect the curtain.

“The things in this database are really amazing…” Li Wenyuan didn’t expect that a piece of data that he had casually deciphered would hide a Level 9 technology.

It was obvious that this place was extremely precious.

“But who made this thing?” He had roughly checked the data that could be extracted from this port and found that there was not much related to humans. Instead, most of it was fragmented data that had nothing to do with humans.

It seemed that the humans had only left a part of the records here, and many of them were left behind by others.

In other words, these archives were partially built by humans.

This could be seen from the strange storage devices that even he couldn’t understand. Even though it was easy for him to decipher the part that belonged to humans, he couldn’t decipher the rest.

Moreover, the equipment here was really too fragile. He did not know how long it had been preserved without any protection.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Voyager had settled here and built powerful planetary defense facilities, most of the archives might have been destroyed in the long river of history.

Li Wenyuan could only carefully use the drone to extract the broken data bit by bit and try to combine it into data that belonged to humans.”

This was a long process. In order not to damage this ancient equipment, only such caution could ensure the integrity of the database.

So it was no wonder that the former Voyager did not make much of a difference after tinkering here for so long.

Therefore, in his multi-threaded operation, in addition to galaxy exploration, megastructure construction, and fleet explosion, there was also an additional task of extracting data from the database.

Of course, he wasn’t the only one here. The newborn Voyager was also trying to extract data using their method.

The warehouse was like a treasure trove, waiting for someone to discover its secrets.

At this time, the Milky Way returned to its calm state after the replacement of the old and new Voyagers.

Or rather, because the war between the two lost empires wasn’t too intense, unlike the previous war between the Watcher and the Voyager, many civilizations shifted most of their attention away after the initial attention.

The lost empire was still too far away from them. Although they were grateful to the new Voyager for sharing the synthetic evolution with the entire galaxy, only a small number of civilizations were actually trying to take this path due to their own considerations.

Life in the Milky Way had returned to normal. New issues were put on the agenda of the Galaxy Community.

However, most of the issues were left unsettled after a friendly and intense discussion. There were only a few issues that could really be formulated as part of the interstellar law, and most of them did not have much impact.

Among them, the Space Whale Protection Act proposed by the Pyro Alliance had been passed through their efforts. Now, the act of killing space whales in the Milky Way would violate interstellar laws and would be subject to joint punishment.

Currently, the Pyro Alliance was working hard on the Space Amoeba Protection Act and the Native Civilization Protection Act. They believed that sooner or later, they would be able to achieve their goal through various diplomatic means.

Of course, other than the daily issues, there was also an important motion on reforming the Galaxy Community that was being voted on.

The initiator of the motion was the First Turbulence Empire. They wanted to establish a council for the Galaxy Community, which would be used to exercise some of their privileges.

“Everyone is very busy, and there are many differences. Why don’t we jointly elect some civilizations to plan the direction for the community?”

Right now, the topic of reforming the Galaxy Community was a confrontation between civilizations in the open and in the dark.

Although the number of seats on the permanent council of the Galaxy Community, after discussion, had been confirmed to be four, everybody wanted a piece of the pie in the obviously privileged position.

Whether they wanted to curry favor with the powerful or fight for it themselves, the peaceful confrontation between civilizations began at this moment.

Their economic, technological, military, and other aspects of strength had become powerful factors, and their diplomatic reputation was also of great help in fighting for seats.

Soon, the first civilization to secure a seat on the board of directors appeared. They were the Star Alliance.

This was an old galactic civilization. Although they were still very young compared to the lost empire, they were still a group of seniors compared to most other civilizations.

The Star Alliance was born on an ordinary planet. There was no commendable technology, nor was there any epic story. Everything was very ordinary before they went into space.

The only thing that was special was that they had ascended to the sky earlier than other civilizations.

However, after touching the starry sky, they quickly discovered that they might not be that ordinary.

When the sublight speed spaceship left the gravity well of the star for the first time, they discovered a huge building that stood outside the galaxy.

It was a stargate. It was like an ancient inheritance that had brought the technology of the stargate to them.

After passing through the stargate, they discovered a treasure of an ancient civilization. With this powerful help, they quickly made a name for themselves in the galaxy and quickly built a prosperous stargate network with their advanced understanding of stargates.

This was also the origin of their civilization’s name.

In order to ensure that the stargates were firmly under their control, their technological and military capabilities were not to be underestimated. They were also among the best in the universe.

Even now, they had never stopped building stargates in various places.

To them, it was just convenient to collect more stargate toll fees, but they did make the Milky Way closer objectively.

There were countless civilizations that could not leave their stargates. Every time the stargates were maintained, a portion of those who relied on them would enter a temporary period of stagnation.

Because of this, when the Star Alliance expressed their desire to fight for a seat, they quickly received the support of the crowd and firmly occupied their position with an overwhelming advantage.

With one less permanent council seat, the remaining three seats attracted even more intense competition.

The first civilization to qualify was a monarchical civilization, but unfortunately, it was not the First Turbulence Empire, but another old interstellar powerhouse, Conqueror Empire.

This wasn’t a lost empire. Even though the lost empire was typically known as “the XX”, there would always be some ambitious civilizations that used ingenious methods in this regard.

For example, the full name of this interstellar civilization was Conqueror Empire, not the Conqueror.

The Empire was not only a name for their political system, but also a part of their civilization.

Every time they talked about something in the Galaxy Community, they would emphasize the full name of their civilization in case anyone thought that they were calling themselves the lost empire.

However, when facing some civilizations that they had taken as fiefs, they would occasionally skip the term empire, showing off the might of a lost empire.

Now, Conqueror Empire had not expanded for a long time. They had transferred the burden to the tribute civilizations that they had conquered and had long fallen into a life of pleasure.

If they were to disregard the economic, technological, and military standards that were as insignificant as ants compared to the lost empire, they could actually be considered a lost empire to a certain extent.

However, in contrast to the lost empire’s image of not paying attention to external matters, Conqueror Empire was very keen to participate in interstellar affairs and always maintained a high and mighty attitude.

Naturally, Conqueror Empire, which boasted of itself as a superior country, had to participate in the election of seats on the Galaxy Council and won a seat through the efforts of the tribute-paying civilizations.

The remaining seats soon welcomed the second winner. It was an emerging artificial intelligence civilization – Servant Paradise.

The seemingly xenophobic artificial intelligence mechanical servants did not want to participate in the matter at first, but the few artificial intelligence civilizations strongly recommended them, as if they felt that their symbiosis with organic lifeforms could play a better role in the Galaxy Community.

Due to the consideration of the distribution of forces, these xenophobic mechanical servants, which represented the artificial intelligence civilization, also received the support of most of the neutrals and won the third seat.

Therefore, the competition for the last seat was unprecedentedly intense. Most civilizations were racking their brains and using all their strength to help pick a side in order to win the last seat.

As for the bees? Their civilizations were too few in number, and they were counted in artificial intelligence. Everyone had Gestalt consciousness, so it was reasonable to be treated like this, right?

Of course, not all the civilizations in the Galaxy Community were interested in competing for seats.

The Pyro Alliance was one of them. Although they also hoped to become a permanent member, they knew that they were too young and could not compete with the older civilizations.

So after selling their team for a good price, they continued to invest in the cause of natives and wild space animals.

One of their interstellar adventurers, who was also a native educator, had discovered a native civilization and had made a special discovery.

There seemed to be a magical wishing machine in that native civilization. This made them curious about this place, so they sent people here.

Little did they know that a threat that swept across the entire Milky Way was about to begin here..

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