Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 180 - 180: The Milky Way After the Battle

Chapter 180: The Milky Way After the Battle

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Purpose and deception, greed and desire, these are the most common things in the Milky Way.

“There are only a few great causes in the end. Enlightened Ones, if you see this scene, will you regret what you’ve done?”

Witnessing the end of the last lost empire that had existed in rhe Milky Way before he came, Li Wenyuan remembered the words he had heard from the Voyager.

All rhe lost empires seemed to be working hard for the great cause, but as they said, purpose and deception, greed, and desire were the most common things.

How could a great cause that was filled with these elements succeed?

Although the Civilization Annihilator sounded sanctimonious, their great cause was full of indifference, deception, and arrogance.

For the sake of their desire to complete their great cause, they did nor hesitate to pull the entire Milky Way to carry out an experiment that would lead them to eternal damnation.

If they succeeded, they would indeed be called great, but what if they failed?

Without understanding rhe situation, they explained a closed loop of logic and believed it without a doubt. They did not know that they were wrong from the beginning, which was the reason for their defeat.

No matter how glorious they were in the past, rhe current Civilization Annihilator was just a failure in history.

Everything about them would vanish into thin air under the power of time, leaving no trace behind. Civilization Annihilator would also become synonymous with the past.

“Then, this Milky Way Crisis will end here…”

The Civilization Annihilator chose to commit mass suicide at the last moment, which allowed the few Gaia planers that they had modified to remain intact.

According to the news from Presolin, the caterpillar fungus disease had been suppressed within a galaxy by them, and there was no possibility of it spreading.

The Presolin Queen excitedly told him that they had discovered that the caterpillar fungus could make the dead body grow again. They were going to designate the galaxy as farmland and use it as a grain-producing galaxy.

Li Wenyuan did not object to this. He only reminded her to take precautions to prevent the fungus from spreading again.

The wanderers in the refuge area also returned to their own civilizations in an orderly manner. Although the Milky Way seemed to be in ruins after the crisis, everyone was full of hope and motivation, trying to restore their former glory.

They brought back what they had seen and heard about the lost empire, as well as the speculations of the Milky Way civilization about the relationship between the remaining lost empires.

This was the first time these people had truly entered the territory of the Mediator and discovered that it seemed to be in an isolated star cluster far away.

At the same time, they had once again confirmed the relationship between the Administrator and rhe Mediator. Ar least from the appearance of the identical robots and the almost identical architectural style, they even suspected that these two lost empires were two forms of the same civilization.

The Hatchery of Presolin was as enthusiastic as ever. It generously gave the magical gift of aged space whale meat marinated with air “dried caterpillar fungus and called it Millry Way Delicacy.

However, those people who wanted to vomit when they saw the fungus rejected the gift, which made Presolin feel regretful.

The people who returned from the newborn Voyager brought back some kind of high-level robot adjutant, which seemed to be of great help to scientists. It was currently being developed.

Although the reconstruction was an urgent matter, future development was also being planned. This high-level robot adjutant could improve the efficiency of scientists’ research, and rhe future was promising.

“It’s about time to go back. The Milky Way civilization performed very well this time. They’re promising…”

Li Wenyuan sighed and ordered the fleet to return to the country. He then controlled a research spaceship to the Sanctuary circular world.

Although the name and function sounded very similar to his own Sanctuary circular world, this place actually imprisoned the civilizations controlled by the Civilization Annihilator.

The Civilization Annihilator lived up to their new name. The moment they committed suicide, they destroyed the civilizations.

However, these civilizations had already been destroyed long ago. The spores used by the Civilization Annihilator to control the people of these civilizations destroyed the host’s consciousness the moment they parasitized, leaving only a living empty shell.

In order to embrace reality and achieve the goal of leaving the virtual world, they also let these living empty shells welcome death with them.

Li Wenyuan wanted to see if there were any other living people in this fallout shelter, but he did nor expect to meet a group of unexpected people there.

“Those are…” His consciousness moved slightly, and then he checked the Galaxy Battle Report.

The people who came here were a group of people who had mysteriously disappeared a long time ago. At that time, Li Wenyuan was stopped by them for money, so he called them beggars.

He thought that these guys had perished in a certain crisis, but he did not expect that they were still alive after the Battle of Heaven, the Ring Crisis, the World Breaker, the caterpillar fungus disease, and the Civilization Annihilator.

Moreover, judging from the scale and order of their organization, they had already grown to the point of civilization, which was completely different from the previous situation where they only knew how to beg for food.

Yes, they were the Complar Raiders of the time, a group of bad guys who were similar to space pirates but lived a life of begging.

But now, they seemed to have changed greatly. They had also discovered Li Wenyuan’s arrival, bur compared to a certain arrogant Awakened Empire that had already perished, they were clearly much humbler.

They were the first to send out a signal, indicating that they were not in danger and had left the circular world.

After that, they continued to communicate with Li Wenyuan.

“Greetings, respected Administrator. We are the Black Star Troopers under Khan.

“We know that you know everything, bur we still need to explain our actions. We are not desecrating the corpses, but are here to save the survivors controlled by the Civilization Annihilator.

“The leadership of these civilizations is not stupid. They know that it is very dangerous to hand over the life of a civilization to another civilization. Therefore, some of them have adopted a special tinder plan

“They signed a contract with the existence in the void realm, the Weave of Life. This contract can guarantee that some of their citizens have extremely tenacious vitality, but the price is that the vitality of other citizens will weaken.

“With this contract, these people survived the spore parasitism and successfully deceived rhe Civilization Annihilator. They didn’t die together.

“But because no one will pay the price, those who survive will soon die. That’s why we’re here.”

As they spoke, the Black Star Troopers sent over a large number of real-time video files.

Li Wenyuan also saw countless people on the verge of death being brought our of the mountain of corpses and inserted into infusion tubes to maintain their vitality. Then, they were hurriedly transported to the spaceship.

In order to dispel their suspicions, the soldiers did not stop explaining.

“Our Khan is an extremely powerful Psionite. He discovered some loopholes in the void realm contract and found a way to save these lives.

“We signed a contract with another existence in the void realm. We used a method similar to robbing Peter to pay Paul to offset the influence of the Weave of Life.

“Although it’s very difficult, this is the only way we can find. As long as we can last until the end of the contract, these lives will be able to regain their vitality…

“This is a trial that belongs to our great Khan. If you agree, can you not interfere with the trial?

“We swear on our honor and lives that even if we die, these lives will definitely be fine!”

Li Wenyuan also saw their method: Giving their own flesh to those with weak vitality. Although it seemed ridiculous, it magically restored the vitality of those dying people.

Li Wenyuan did nor stop them.

Although he could try to go to the void realm to communicate with the Weave of Life and break the contract, these people would be dead by then, not to mention that he might not be able to find them.

After scanning the Sanctuary circular world and finding nothing unusual, he left.

He was somewhat interested in these people who claimed to be under the command of the Khan, bur ir seemed that the Khan had yet to appear in interstellar space and was still in rhe trials.

These reformed people seemed to be a force that couldn’t be ignored. Perhaps the Milky Way civilizations needed to pay more attention to them.

However, to him, they were still kindergarten children and a part of rhe galactic civilization.

After he left, the Black Star Troopers under the command of the Khan began to rescue rhe survivors. Batches of spaceships came and went until all the survivors were accepted.

There were a lot of corpses here, but the soldiers did nor let their corpses be scattered in the wilderness. Instead, they held a simple funeral for them to pay tribute to all the lives that had died in this galactic crisis.

It was nor until a while later that the Pyro Alliance’s spaceship arrived in a hurry. They were surprised to find that someone had already appeased the souls of the dead here in advance.

They tried to search for this civilization in rhe Milky Way, but they did not find any traces. No civilization claimed responsibility for this incident which was of great help to their diplomatic reputation.

In the end, rhe Pyro Alliance reported their discovery to a giant building, the Interstellar Assembly, where the headquarters of the Galaxy Community had been rebuilt.

And the Milky Way had thus opened a new chapter.

Countless people had already left the stage, but new dancers would continue to come on stage to maintain the never-ending Milky Way stage..

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