Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 245 - 245: The Pessimistic Probability

Chapter 245: The Pessimistic Probability

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Judging from the situation in the star map, the unexpected enemy had occupied four starfields, which were roughly located in the corners of the spiral arm of the Milky Way and covered thousands of galaxies.

Judging from its status as a natural disaster, the expansion of the unexpected enemy was not fast. It was about the middle level of the Milky Way Crisis that had happened in the past, and it was only a little faster than the caterpillar fungus disease that could not warp.

This seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with its level.

After using suicidal detection methods and paying for a lot of resources, the civilizations of the Milky Way finally understood what was going on.

The unexpected enemy carried out a very thorough purification. It would examine the planets in the galaxy in detail to see if there was any life, as well as the possibility of life being born. Then, it would destroy the planets with its own means.

The most common one was to blow up the surface of the planet into a wasteland, burning up the atmosphere. The entire planet would no longer be habitable in a few decades.

However, the unexpected enemy did not directly use the most efficient method of destroying the entire galaxy by violent means as the Milky Way civilization had imagined.

Instead, it was to confirm the condition of the planets in the galaxy bit by bit and then carry out targeted purification.

This made the civilizations of the Milky Way gradually understand the state of the active purification agreement. In a sense, it was also the Administrator of the galaxy, but it protected the galaxy itself, and the Milky Way civilization that crazily used the resources of the galaxy and threw trash everywhere was the pest in its eyes.

In addition to this kind of purification behavior against the planet, the unexpected enemy also began to purge the Milky Way civilization.

Although it only spread to a small area of a few thousand solar systems, its fleet had already reached the borders of various civilizations in the Milky Way, destroying hundreds of space outposts and continuing to advance into the borders of the civilizations.

Like most crises, the unexpected enemy could also perform a warp that was almost instantaneous. The long distance between galaxies was only a few sunrises sunrise sunsets for it.

However, its speed of advancement was still not that fast. Every time the unexpected enemy fleet attacked a galaxy, they would stay in the galaxy for a long time to purify it. This gave the Milky Way civilization sufficient time to prepare.

On the mother planet of the Pyro Alliance, a large number of people were going in and out of places that looked like government centers. They were all here with missions and were doing high-intensity work day and night at this unusual moment.

“In conclusion, Leader, our disaster contingency plan is going smoothly. The Pyro Fleet has hidden in an unknown galaxy and cut off all communications. We will not receive any more signals from them for at least two hundred years.

A staff member reported the progress of the plan, but he saw that the leader seemed to be thinking about something. His attention was not on this matter.

Even after the report was over, the leader was still in deep thought. The staff did not say anything to remind him because he knew what the leader was thinking. It was best not to interrupt him at this time.

Not long after the Administrator issued the restart announcement, the Awakened Empire fell silent again.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Milky Way civilizations could detect signs of a large number of Administrator fleets moving, they would have thought that something had happened to the Administrator.

However, given the impression that the Administrator was very reticent, most civilizations did not pay much attention to the Administrator’s lack of words.

After all, the previous Administrator was also like this. From the moment he decided to attack until the crisis was resolved, he basically did not say a word and quietly eliminated the crisis.

However, the Pyro Alliance felt that it was a little strange. Their leader had always felt that this was not the only activity of the Administrator.

Therefore, they did something that no one had done for a long time—they took the initiative to contact the Administrator.

When the Administrator first emerged in the Milky Way, almost all civilizations tried to communicate with this lost artificial intelligence.

The Administrator’s response was also very mechanical. Everyone received a semi-automatic answer window that recorded a few answers to common questions, such as:

[ Who are you? (This question has been asked 44.159106 times) ]

[ Administration matrix ]

[ What is your purpose? (This question has been asked 32114514 times) ]

[ Request rejected ]

[ Who is your creator? (This question has been asked 22933089 times) ]

[ Request rejected ]


This semi-automatic answer window recorded all the questions that had been asked more than 10,000 times, but 99% of the answers were requests rejected.

This made the civilization that wanted to know more about the Administrator feel like it was being rejected.

Although some people hoped that there would be some changes in this Q&A window one day, after a long wait, people realized that this Q&A window did not change except for the number of questions that were still increasing. This expectation was gradually forgotten.

For a long time in the past, no one had tried to contact the Administrator. After all, they could memorize the contents of the Q&A window with their eyes closed. If something happened to the Administrator, it would usually be notified to the entire galaxy. It didn’t matter if they contacted the Administrator or not.

The Pyro Alliance had never thought of contacting the Administrator in the beginning. They had almost subconsciously forgotten about this diplomatic technique.

It was not until a bored person within their civilization accidentally discovered the change in the Administrator, that they resumed this diplomatic technique.

It was an extremely bored person who had conducted more than a million inquiries by himself. Since he worked on the space station, he would basically question the Administrator’s Q&A window every day in his spare time.

According to him, he felt a great sense of accomplishment when he saw the numbers continue to rise under his efforts.

It was precisely this that had been discovered, and the Pyro Alliance had discovered the change of the Administrator.

The most obvious change was the obvious change in the content of the Q&A window.

The familiar questions and answers were all replaced by special content:

[ To prevent unnecessary processes from occupying memory, this page will be publicized. ]

[ Notification: The administration matrix has been reactivated. The target has been reset to destroy the Purification Terminal. ]

[ According to calculations, the current crisis resolution success rate is: 20..3%


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