Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 247 - 247: Room to Resist

Chapter 247: Room to Resist

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the crisis arrived, it was already normal for civilizations to open their borders to each other.

When the Galaxy Focus: Enemy was proposed by the Pyro Alliance, open borders for member civilizations were one of the additional requirements of the proposal.

After this proposal was passed, all civilizations could communicate with each other. At the very least, the inspection procedures for spaceships crossing the border would not be as strict.

One of the most important uses was to increase the efficiency of the stargate. When the Milky Way civilizations were conducting long-distance intergalactic voyages, they usually used the pseudo-megastructure of the stargate.

It did not require high technology and resources to build. Even civilizations like the Star Alliance could build stargates as soon as they flew into the sky. Many researchers did not consider stargates as megastructures.

However, in strengthening the connection between the civilizations in the Milky Way, the stargates played an important role. Every civilization would more or less build stargates in the Gateway Galaxies within their borders after they had established themselves in interstellar space.

To get rich, one must first build a road. This principle was also applicable in the interstellar space.

To be fair, the stargate was indeed one of the important foundations for the formation of this interstellar society.

In the past, to prevent infiltrators or stowaways from entering the country, there would be fleets and space stations stationed near the stargate. Those who entered the country had to go through a series of inspections and put electronic tags on the spacecraft before they could continue to sail in the territory of the civilization.

However, after the galaxy focal point was determined, the requirement was undoubtedly weakened. The complicated procedures in the past were simplified, and the interworking of the stargate network became more frequent.

Although this was done to facilitate the rapid mobilization of resources and fleets, not all civilizations were open and aboveboard at this stage.

The decision-makers subconsciously took advantage of such a suitable opportunity to plant an infiltrator. Even if the top priority was the natural disaster crisis, planning for the future was something they did subconsciously all the time.

However, at least in the face of an unexpected enemy, most civilizations would show a common hatred.

The stargate, which was extremely important to the Milky Way civilization, was the focus of the unexpected enemy.

At this time, it had been nearly half a year since the unexpected enemy officially happened. The Milky Way had also experienced thousands of interstellar battles of various sizes.

More than 95% of the battles were between the Administrator and the unexpected enemy. The civilizations of the Milky Way finally saw what the war between the super civilizations was like for the first time.

They had never thought that there would be thousands of intergalactic battles in a short period of time, but now, just two civilizations in the galaxy had caused such a situation.

This made the civilizations of the Milky Way once again realize how small they were. At the same time, they also saw the true horror of this natural disaster.

A strangely shaped geometric fighter jet was fleeing rapidly into space. After passing through an asteroid belt, it directly fell into the atmosphere of a gas giant planet.

Not long after, another fleet arrived and began to scan the entire gas giant planet in space.

This was a fleet from the Seculus Vengeance Crusade. They had a total of 24 destroyers, and they were only chasing after an unexpected enemy carrier aircraft that had left the main battlefield.

It wasn’t that they didn’t want to reduce the number of battleships they used, but only with this number of battleships could they create a firepower network that the unexpected enemy couldn’t avoid.

As one of the few civilizations in the Milky Way that had completely defeated a civilization, they sadly discovered that they were completely unable to perform well in this Milky Way Crisis.

The iron-blooded fleet that they were so proud of had no room to resist when faced with an unexpected enemy. They would need to deploy a fleet dozens of times larger to take down even a carrier aircraft.

“After confirming the location, we’ll directly launch a space attack. It’s the worst choice to hide in a gas giant planet…”

The captain of the destroyer squad tiredly gave the orders and then forced himself to look at the report on the main battlefield.

He had not slept for half a month. In his civilization, to maintain a high-intensity and prolonged war in space, almost every space combatant was equipped with corresponding stimulants and anti-fatigue drugs.

Although he could maintain his combat ability to a certain extent, he was exhausted after such a long time.

At this moment, he envied those low-level slaves who had undergone special genetic modification.

As far as he knew, those slaves could work continuously for a week and only needed four hours of sleep.

Although this method was exchanged for by overdrawing his lifespan, he was so exhausted that he felt that he wanted to have a good sleep even if his lifespan was reduced.

However, just as he was about to inject another stimulant to boost his spirits, he suddenly received an emergency notice from the headquarters, and it was only directed at him.

“The Sixth Partisan Unit! An unexpected enemy fleet has left the main battlefield and is heading toward your location! Please escape as soon as possible!”

His exhausted spirit was instantly invigorated because the danger had been reduced. The team leader decisively gave up the idea of continuing to search for the unexpected enemy carrier aircraft and led the team to quickly approach the hyperspace channel in the galaxy.

However, the enemy came so quickly that not long after the emergency notice was received, a special spatial fluctuation was detected by them in this galaxy.

He knew very well that this was an unexpected enemy using the unknown teleportation technology. In a few minutes, the fleet he led would be torn apart.

However, his desire to survive would not be easily extinguished. Even though the engine was overloaded and the spacecraft was fully powered, he did not give up on the hyperspace channel.

However, the distance between planets seemed so long at this moment. The once fleeting journey was now the end of fate.

A strange-looking battleship suddenly appeared in the galaxy, one after another.

They looked about the same size as the destroyer led by the squad leader and were roughly triangular. The moment they appeared, they pounced on the destroyer fleet like hounds sniffing their prey.

Coincidentally, they appeared not far away from the destroyer fleet. In the twinkling of the stars, they were about to catch up with their prey.

Seeing that it was too late to escape, the captain decided to lead his team to fight to the death with the unexpected enemy.

However, in the next moment, another fleet suddenly appeared. The black exterior of the ship and the purple shield that emitted light revealed the origin of this fleet.

The beams of the main cannons, which contained terrifying energy, came one after another. The firepower formed instantly tore apart the unexpected enemy battleships that came here.

The overwhelming victory didn’t surprise the captain of the destroyer. During the time he fought the unexpected enemy with the Administrator, he could recognize that most of the battleships in the fleet were at least on the same level as battleships.

As for the unexpected enemy battleships that were chasing them, they were in the category of destroyer battleships. They had no chance of defeating the battleships at a long distance.

After the crisis was resolved, the captain was about to thank the Administrator fleet that had rushed over to help when he saw a familiar signal coming from the fleet.

That was the fleet logo used by their civilization, which meant that this fleet belonged to his civilization.

This unbelievable situation stunned the captain, not understanding how his civilization had suddenly gained such a powerful fleet.

The next moment, he received a message from the headquarters.

“Seems like we made it. This is the fleet we borrowed from the Administrator…”

“It wasn’t easy for us to make enough space in the command system to meet the needs of operating this fleet. In the future, we probably won’t have to be so sullen on the battlefield….”

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