Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 256 - 256: The End of The Administrator

Chapter 256: The End of The Administrator

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Hurry! Where were the moving robots? Hurry up and move this damn reactor fuel into the spacecraft… What are you afraid of? Administrators had already been injected with the vaccine, so there was no need to worry about any robot riots!”

“Where are the carrier aircraft in hangars eight to ten? Was it used for a drill? Tell that bastard to bring all the fighter jets back! Didn’t you hear the emergency assembly?!”

“Phew, the golden boat and silver boat are inferior to my own dog boat. The body of the ship that’s filled with psionic power made every pore on my body open… 1 feel better than ever!”

“Everything is normal about the Czero sublimator. The psionic amplifier is debugged, and there is no problem with the ship’s quiet room. However, was he sure that he wanted to use the experimental prediction interface on the battleship?”

Due to the influence of the atmosphere of the final battle, every civilization made its own decisions.

All kinds of mobilization actions were once again passed on to the people. The war system, which had been slacking off, also woke up from its laziness and returned to its wartime state as much as possible.

The summoned warriors once again boarded their fated land. The roaring engines and the firing of the main cannon showed their next goal.

Whether it was the materialistic, idealistic, peaceful, or authoritative civilizations, they all activated their own war machines that had stagnated because they were useless in the crisis and let them fly out of the spaceport.

Compared to the Administrator Fleet, their rotten fish and shrimps seemed out of place. They were simply a pile of trash.

However, trash also had its uses. Whether it was to interfere with aiming or to be used as a moving meat shield, they were all contributions that trash could make.

“Leader, many of our technologies are not mature yet. There might be changes on the battlefield…”

A scientist from the Pyro Alliance suggested to their leader, his tone full of worry.

With the research assistance of the Administrator, they made extraordinary progress in many aspects of technology.

In view of the increasingly severe war situation, they put all their energy into how to quickly transform their scientific research capabilities into combat effectiveness.

When other civilizations had just touched the threshold of warp drives, they had already created unstable experimental machines that could move objects the size of pebbles within a few meters.

At the same time, there was countless related research on armor, firepower, energy utilization, and unmanned combat. The purpose was to quickly put him to use.

It wasn’t to put on an act, nor was it to make it easier for the Milky Way to have a say in resource allocation in the future.

It was just to be of some help, nothing more.

In fact, the Pyro Alliance did not even participate in the Stargate Battle because they did not think that they were qualified to participate in the war.

Although their representatives also thought of persuading the representatives of other civilizations at the Community meeting, due to the heated discussion that could not be opposed and the little bit of confidence in the Milky Way civilization, Operation Stargate was finally passed.

It turned out that not being able to stop the operation at that time was the wrong choice. Not only did they fail to help in this crisis, but they even became a burden to the Administrator.

Perhaps out of guilt or self-blame, they quickly stood up after discovering that the Administrator had chosen to perish together with the unexpected enemy.

Even if the outcome was inevitable, they wanted to let this artificial intelligence know that not everyone was that pathetic.

Other than the Pyro Alliance, there were also other civilizations that stood up together with the Pyro Alliance.

They also had the same mentality, burning the hot blood that was not favored, just to let the spirit pass on.

They might have been eliminated in terms of technology, but the soul of their civilization had not been eliminated. What they lacked was just a bit of luck and enough time.

“You’re right. Using this unstable equipment can’t guarantee the combat power of our ship, but only then can we catch up to the Administrator.”

“The unstable experimental warp drive has long been made public to other civilizations. Our stance is very clear. It depends on what other civilizations think… At least we did our best.”

The changes in the Milky Way civilization as a whole were caused by the experimental warp drive shared by the Pyro Alliance.

After all, not everyone was so selfish. Even if there were, there would be people with lofty aspirations in the entire civilization who would lead the tide of the group.

It was not too late to wake up. Other than a few civilizations that were still bent on their own path, most civilizations had chosen the same path as the Pyro Alliance.

During the preparation phase, the fleet of the unexpected enemy had already reached the central processing unit

This place, which was rarely known to outsiders, appeared in the eyes of the observation stations of various civilizations. The super megastructure of the central star also demonstrated the strong technical ability of the builders.

According to the data obtained from the observatory, the super megastructure seemed to be too light, or even abnormally light. With its size, it was like a bunch of floating cotton.

The gravitational anomaly that should have been detected unexpectedly did not appear. However, the Milky Way civilizations, who had long been used to the Administrator’s black technology, naturally felt that this was some kind of black technology of the Administrator, which could use ultra-light materials to build megastructures.

They had no idea that this central processing unit was really just super cotton.

After the fleet of the unexpected enemy arrived here, it seemed to have fallen into a temporary stagnation due to some abnormalities.

This stagnation was also noticed, but no one paid much attention to it because there were no guardian fleets here. They believed that the unexpected enemy had been disturbed by this matter.

At this moment, the unexpected enemy had arrived at the central processing unit, and the Administrator’s fleet had arrived at the core systems of the four unexpected enemies.

Four different Al Planets appeared in front of the Milky Way civilization, which also let them know that this was the core of the crisis.

The abnormally stagnant unexpected enemy fleet returned to normal and began to attack the central processing unit.

The Administrator’s fleet also bombarded the Al Planet.

However, it could be seen that the fleets of the two sides were different. The unexpected enemy still had a part of the escort fleet in the core galaxy, so the Administrator had no choice but to withstand the artillery fire and try to destroy the Al Planet while fighting.

Therefore, the civilizations seemed to have a telepathic tacit understanding at that moment. They issued orders in unison, trying to use the old battleships equipped with experimental warp drives to cooperate with the Administrator Fleet and go to the central processing unit to stall for time for the Administrator.

They had a lot of garbage, which was probably enough to force the unexpected enemy to spare some energy to deal with it. As a result, the speed of destroying the central processing unit would definitely decrease.

However, an accident happened again because the Administrator Fleet did not carry out their orders at this moment!

When they tried to ask the Administrator, they realized that the contents of the announcement had changed again because of their inquiry.

[ The { data damage }{ data damage } announcement is as follows: ]

[ { data damage } Hello, young civilizations ]

[ According to calculations, the probability of surviving this { data damage } has been reduced to: { data damage } ]

[ According to the underlying agreement, while ensuring the safety of the Milky Way civilization, we will do everything we can to resolve the Purification Terminal. ]

[ I hope { data damage } can help you. ]

In an instant, a series of thoughts flashed through the minds of everyone who saw this message. In the end, they all gathered on the word custody.

The Administrator Fleet adhered to the last order and protected them without taking a step back.

The kinship seemed to be reflected in the aging artificial intelligence civilization and the newborn galaxy civilization. The actions of the Administrator all along also proved the meaning of this name.

As the unexpected enemy destroyed the central processing unit, the contents of the announcement began to flash continuously. A large number of data corruption words covered the original content.

But even so, they could deduce the original traces.

The civilizations that were still prepared to show off their skills at the critical moment and stall for time for the Administrator, fell silent at this moment.

A sense of powerlessness arose spontaneously at this moment. The higher-ups who had witnessed the rise and fall of many interstellar civilizations had an unprecedented feeling of being unable to do anything.

They knew that perhaps from now on, there would not be a great civilization that would cover for them and resolve all the crises that were beyond their reach.

They would have to rely on themselves in the future..

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