Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 261 - 261: The Last Battle

Chapter 261: The Last Battle

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Once upon a time, under my command, I used this weapon to destroy countless planets. However, at this moment, we are fighting for countless lives and countless people who have died! We can proudly raise our heads and end this sacrifice with the behemoths we ride!”

“Let this damned unexpected enemy have a taste of our wrath!”‘

“We also fought our way out of the primitive jungle, and this legacy will never end here. I swear on my life that the Milky Way civilization will never perish!”

With passionate words, the commander of the Colossus led a group of warriors who had been through many battles and pounced on the Purification Core planet in the CX-9881 galaxy.

They came from different civilizations that had the ability to manufacture Colossus. Due to the different development directions of the civilizations, the planetary obliteration weapons carried by these Colossuses were also different, and even the specifications were very different.

But there was one thing in common, and that was that they all had the ability to destroy planets.

At this time, all the Colossus in the Milky Way had arrived. They were the last weapons used by the Milky Way civilization to end this crisis. As long as one of them could complete its mission, the unexpected enemy would not be able to escape the end.

After scanning the new big trash, the unexpected enemy confirmed that it was a weapon that could really pose a threat to the Purification Core.

The priority setting in the agreement instantly took effect. The Garrison fleet that was still cleaning up the space junk and the Administrator Fleet all changed their targets and pounced on the Colossus.

Amidst the flashes of light and explosions, a Titan Battleship of the unexpected enemy successfully locked onto a Colossus under the interference of countless space junk. It shot a thick beam of light filled with terrifying energy at the advancing Colossus fleet.

However, this kind of locking was already prepared. In other words, enough space junk would become the best shield to weaken the beam in this situation.

Even if they did not need to control them, these Milky Way battleships that only had outstanding defense capabilities faithfully carried out their mission.

First, it was the shield, then the armor, then the alloy hull. Under the layers of weakening, when the beam reached the Colossus, only enough energy was left to be absorbed by the shield.

The Titan Battleship’s main cannon could only clear an opening in the space junk shield before it was covered by more space junk. It was impossible to tell that dozens of battleships had just evaporated.

Therefore, under the protection of a large fleet, the Colossus fleet was getting closer and closer to the Purification Core. As long as one of them could reach the destination and complete the mission, any more losses would be acceptable.

The unexpected enemy, whose probability of being permanently damaged was increasing, had also fallen into a state of overload.

Originally, it would have paid attention to the damage, but just like the Milky Way civilization, it made battleship attack the Colossus fleet in a suicidal manner.

Generally speaking, a desperate attack would not only bring more pressure, but it also meant that the enemy was already struggling on the verge of death.

The bastions in the galaxy had been abandoned by the fleet. The Milky Way Fleet was now showering them with firepower. The battleship that had been used to protect the bastions had been diverted to attack the Colossus Fleet.

Under its attack, which also traded damage for damage, the battleship protecting the Colossus inevitably suffered a large number of casualties.

The unexpected enemy had used almost all the weapons that they could use. Although the Milky Way battleship paid attention to defense, it would also be destroyed like shredded paper by the unexpected enemy who used all his strength. Only the Administrator Fleet could withstand it.

A cluster of missiles passed through the layers of interception. After destroying a large pile of space junk, they hit a Colossus together with the beam that followed.

The explosion instantly occurred on the Colossus, and the violent impact could even be felt by the soldiers inside the Colossus.

However, the commander of the Colossus only swayed with the hull of the ship, and then said calmly, “Don’t think about destroying this old fellow so easily. Continue forward!”

A similar situation appeared in all the Colossuses. Every star weapon was approaching the Purification Core despite all kinds of damage.

However, the weakness of the Milky Way civilization was still exposed at this time. Even if the initial space junk was almost overwhelming, the vast losses and irreparable follow-up were also visibly reduced.

All civilizations had emptied their resources to produce sufficiently sturdy but simple space battleships. Even some old antiques stored in the museum had been simply strengthened and warped before being moved to the battlefield.

Even so, the number of fleets protecting Colossus was still decreasing, and gaps could be seen in some places.

The usable battleships of the Milky Way civilization were getting fewer and fewer, and the number of unexpected enemies seemed endless, still maintaining a fixed number.

The battleship that had stopped operating due to insufficient computing power quickly reconnected with the unexpected enemy after the old batch of warships was destroyed and returned to the battlefield.

In such a situation, a decision had to be made, so the generals on the battlefield made a choice in unison.

“Close the formation! All the battleships are sailing close to Colossus, exposing the Administrator Fleet!”

The space junk that had no one to command began to follow the instructions. They circled around the Colossus one after another, forming thick physical armor with their bodies to protect the moving Colossus.

As for the Administrator Fleet that had left the guard line, they instantly became new targets.

After all, the unexpected enemy was still wary of the former enemy and divided its energy to deal with these Administrator Fleets, which was also the goal of the Milky Way civilization.

Even if he could only delay for a little time and relieve the pressure, it could increase the probability of success.

Soon, the unexpected enemy, whose priority was raised again due to the approaching threat, ignored the remaining Administrator Fleet and even used the battleship as an alloy wedge, forcefully breaking through the gap in the physical armor.

Under a certain gap that was getting bigger and bigger, a Colossus could not withstand the violent suicide attack. The explosion mixed with the disintegrating wreckage, revealing a huge gap that could attack all the Colossus.

At this moment, the Milky Way battleship wanted to block this opening, but the price of doing so was a drop in the overall density. At that time, the thickness of the physical armor might not be able to block any attack.

They had to make a new choice..

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