Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 265 - 265:1 am a Legend

Chapter 265:1 am a Legend

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Damn, the time is almost here.”

In the office, Hawkeye Khan, who was reviewing documents, heard the voice in the shadows and immediately stopped what he was doing.

After days of high-intensity work, he was mentally exhausted. After the crisis of the unexpected enemy ended, he, the person who gave the final blow, naturally received a lot of attention. He had been dealing with these matters during this period of time.

However, when he thought of the upcoming Khan Selection Day, he forced himself to perk up again. He took a stimulant to relieve his fatigue and walked out of the office.

The place where he worked was a highly automated modern building. The working environment of some interstellar civilization leaders was not even as good as his.

The so-called Khan and nomadic civilization did not mean that they were primitive and backward. It was just a unique name given to them because of different thoughts and customs.

Outside the office building, there were no electronic prairies or cyber tents, but integrated cities with different functions.

Countless high-speed aircrafts were flying in and out of them, and the stairways that led straight to space were connected to the orbital circular world that was looming in the sky from certain cities.

This was the Star Tent, a grassy planet that had been highly developed under the management of the Hawkeye Khan.

During the Great Khan’s Trial, all participants would be assigned a habitable planet according to tradition. They would use everything they had gained from the previous trials to develop the planet, strengthen themselves, and then become all-powerful in the interstellar space.

Hawkeye felt that he had already done very well. From the moment he decided to participate in the trials as a Khan, he had done the best in every stage. No Khan could compare to him.

He made use of all the opportunities to the best of his ability. In order to achieve his goal, he did not hesitate to take risks himself. Even the void realm expert became his assistant.

He had never slacked off, either. On the day he became Khan, he had given up all entertainment and devoted all his free time to hard work. He would attend almost every meeting of the Cosmic Community, hoping to grasp the major events in the galaxy as soon as possible.

He had thought that the Great Khan title was already in his pocket, but suddenly, a nameless Lone Wolf Khan appeared from the corner, making all his efforts seem to have turned into bubbles.

He found that he was no match for Lone Wolf in everything. Be it in terms of resources, assistance, or even the Star Tent that he had been managing for half his life, it was completely inferior to a certain Planet Gaia that Lone Wolf managed according to his intelligence.

At the last moment of the Milky Way Crisis, he, who was supposed to be in the limelight, was replaced by Lone Wolf who came to the rescue as the lost empire.

Now, the Great Khan’s Trial was coming to an end. The victor would obtain everything that belonged to the loser, while the loser would lose even his life.

He knew that he was no longer a match for Lone Wolf, but he was unwilling to give up everything. He had not lost yet. He still had one last chance.

In the end, he boarded a spaceship that was headed to a secret galaxy.

There was an Elder Council made up of the most respected elders of the Raider Tribe. The trial would begin there.

What Hawkeye wanted to do was very simple. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get close to Lone Wolf and assassinate his biggest competitor.

Time passed quietly.

In the blink of an eye, the spaceship arrived at the secret galaxy.

In order to arrive here before them, he even installed an experimental warp engine that would turn into scrap metal after one use.

Other than that, his fleet was also equipped with these engines to lie in ambush outside. They would arrive the moment Lone Wolf’s vehicle appeared and destroy it with lightning speed.

Luck seemed to be on his side at that moment. When he arrived, Lone Wolf had yet to arrive. This gave him ample time to prepare for assassination after assassination.

So after everything was ready, he patiently waited for the right time to arrive, his eagle-like sharp gaze controlling the overall situation of this galaxy.

However, as time passed and the deadline approached, Lone Wolf still did not move. He did not even send a report to the Elder Council.

By the end of the trial, only one of Lone Wolf’s subordinates had brought the pigeon.

Hawkeye couldn’t believe it. According to tradition, those who didn’t participate in the final selection would forfeit. In other words, the position of the Great Khan was his.

However, things weren’t that simple. Soon, news came from the Elder Council, announcing that the selection would be postponed until Lone Wolf came to participate.

It was obvious that the Elders Council valued Lone Wolf’s influence and believed that he would definitely bring all the tribes to the peak. For this, they did not hesitate to break the customs.

Hawkeye felt extremely uncomfortable being confronted. Even his ambush was flawed. By the time Lone Wolf and the escort fleet suddenly arrived, it was already too late for him to launch an assassination.

Thus, the assassination phase in space ended inexplicably, and the focus of the assassination shifted to the interior of the planet.

The Elder Council once again tried to break the custom of 10 days of mental cultivation by holding a selection ceremony for Hawkeye and Lone Wolf in advance. They had clearly noticed Hawkeye’s actions and wanted to determine Lone Wolf’s location to prevent any more trouble.

However, Lone Wolf unexpectedly rejected him. He even showed extreme resistance, looking as if he was completely uninterested in the position of Great Khan.

Thus, Hawkeye’s assassination plan was once again put to use.

After analyzing Lone Wolf’s daily schedule, his killers hid in the dark and used specially made weapons to kill Lone Wolf from a distance.

Until the day of the assassination, he waited nervously by the communication device, praying for good news from the killer.

The waiting process was not easy. The moment the communicator rang, he answered it as if he had been prepared for it.

However, the first sentence on the other end of the communication made his entire body go limp.

“The assassination failed, but…”

Hearing that the killer seemed to have more to say, he tried to listen.

“I attacked a total of three times. The first time, his alloy chair leg suddenly broke and he fell off the chair without warning, causing my attack to miss.”

“The second time, there was an inexplicable deviation in my weapon’s calibrator. My attack didn’t even get within ten meters of the target. I checked my weapon afterward, but there was no problem. At that time, 1 suspected that 1 might have been exposed.”

“As for the third time…” The killer paused, wanting to say something, but then stopped. It seemed that he couldn’t believe it, but he had to continue.

“For the third attack, a piece of metal suddenly appeared in the path, causing the attack to lose its effectiveness halfway. At that time, there was a smoking aircraft passing by in the sky. I think it was a falling part that coincidentally blocked the attack…”

What the assassin said was like a fantasy story. If it were anyone else, they would definitely not be able to do it. Only Hawkeye felt that it was surprisingly normal for these things to happen to Lone Wolf.

The killer should have cut off the communication after reporting the assassination.

However, the assassin seemed to think that he had done a terrible job. He told Hawkeye what he had discovered during the assassination:

“In addition, I discovered that Lone Wolf Khan seemed to hate his identity. He tried to escape several times, but was brought back by the guards…”

It was not until this time that the killer completely cut off the communication.

Surprisingly, this good news didn’t make Hawkeye happy. Instead, he became angry.

He could not understand why the Elder Council would make an exception for someone who was unwilling to shoulder the position of Great Khan and even begged him to come over with a straight face.

He even felt that these people who could give up everything, including dignity and tradition, for the sake of profit were not worth working for.

At this moment, he recalled the last battle against the unexpected enemy.

Those people who could fill the gap without a care and let him take the final blow just because he said that it was more efficient.”

He felt that it was a good idea to blend in with this group of people. After the retirement of the Pyro Alliance, the civilization he represented was almost sitting in the position of the Council Civilization.

So after some thought, he decided to do it himself. He did not care about the honor of Khan anymore. The only thing he wanted to do was to keep up with the Milky Way.

After all, he still had the support of a master in the void realm. The development of a civilization had a foundation, so it was not so easy for a civilization to be destroyed.

As soon as the decision was made, he immediately led his men out of the secret galaxy. This meant that he had automatically given up on the competition and would become a traitor that the Great Khan would definitely eliminate in the future.

However, the good times for the Raider Tribe did not come. Lone Wolf suddenly mysteriously disappeared.

And so, the last Khans of the Great Khan’s Trial all ran away, leaving behind only the Raider Tribe who had been waiting for the new king to take them to plunder the galaxy, but now fell into chaos.

The stars twinkled and the Milky Way was as usual.

Lone Wolf hummed a tune as he drove his precious spaceship through interstellar space and wrote in his diary.

“I’m Lone Wolf. Today is…Either way, I’m on the other side of the galaxy. The aliens will never find me.”

“In order to make the other competitor give up, I really went through a lot of trouble. I created a series of accidents with the spiritual energy that I had just mastered, and finally, I succeeded in making him realize the gap between us.”

“What bullsh*t Great Khan? He doesn’t even want to be a dog and wants to bring disaster to the Milky Way?”

“But those believers will still find me… When my psionic power is a little stronger, they probably won’t be able to find me.”

“Compared to dealing with those annoying political affairs, space adventures are more interesting!”

His diary ended there. Then, he thought of something and took out another diary, preparing to reorganize his life’s experiences and record them in it.

It was his dream to publish his own book..

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